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Konferensbidrag (sida 33 av 78)
- Smidfelt, L. (2014). Lexical inferencing procedures in L3 Italian. Structure, Use, and Meaning in Intercultural Settings, 259-270. Editura Universitatii Transilvania din Brasov.
- Son, V. T. (2014). Acquiring English as a second language : a comparison of learning and teaching English in Swedish and Vietnamese primary schoo ls.
- Son, V. T. (2014). Developmental stages of Swedish and vietnamese children in second language acquisition according to processability theory.
- Son, V. T. (2014). Preliminary study : English Language Acquisition and Classroom Activities of L2 in Vietnamese Children, Grade 5.
- Son, V. T. (2014). Procedural and Declarative knowledge of Swedish and Vietnamese children in acquiring S - V agreement (3Sg - s) and the possible factors on the learners’ linguistic knowledge types.
- Son, V. T. (2014). Using Corpus Linguistics in Teaching and Learning English in the Classroom (For Vietnamese learners of English).
- Sonesson, G. (2014). Translation as a double act of communication : A perspective from the semiotics of culture. I Wang, Y. & Ji, H. (Red.) Proceedings of the 11th World Congress of Semiotics of the IASS in Nanjing, October 5-9, 2012, vol. 3 : Our World: a Kaleidoscopic Semiotic Network (pp. 83-101). Hohai University Press.
- Steiner, A. (2014). Literary value in the contemporary market place.
- Stjernholm, E. (2014). Advertising through Experimental Film : Gösta Werner’s Tåget (1948).
- Stjernholm, E. (2014). Filmens (materiella) roll i filmvetenskapen.
- Stjernholm, E. (2014). Komparativa perspektiv på skandinavisk kulturfilm.
- Stjernholm, E. (2014). Political Ads in the Swedish 2006 and 2010 Parliamentary Elections : Focus on the Sweden Democrats and the Role of Audiovisual Media.
- Stjernholm, E. (2014). Sponsored Film as an Artistic Expression in Postwar Sweden.
- Strukelj, A. (2014). Sanning ur din hjärnas synvinkel.
- Strukelj, A., Andersson, R. & Paradis, C. (2014). Your Very Helpful Brain in Action : Immediate Disruptions of the Reading Process and Lingering Effects of Error Correction.
- Svensson Lundmark, M. (2014). Constant Tonal Alignment in Swedish Word Accent II. The Proceedings of Speech Prosody.
- Söderström, P., Horne, M., Mannfolk, P., Shtyrov, Y., Johansson, M. & Roll, M. (2014). Prosody provides cues to morphosyntactic structure : an EEG-fMRI study of neural networks subserving Swedish word tone processing. [Publication information missing], 166-166.
- Thomas, A. (2014). Effet d’amorçage structurel en français langue seconde : une étude de corpus longitudinale. 4e Congres Mondial de Linguistique Francaise, 8, 1591-1605. EDP Sciences.
- Tronnier, M. & Zetterholm, E. (2014). Identifiering av svenska ordaccenter producerade av inlärare med två olika L1 med skilda tonala mönster.
- Tronnier, M. & Zetterholm, E. (2014). Intelligibility of Swedish word accents produced by L2-speakers with tonal and non-tonal L1s : a case study.
- Tronnier, M. & Zetterholm, E. (2014). Observed pronunciation features in Swedish L2 produced by two L1-speakers of Vietnamese. I Heldner, M. (Red.) Perilus (Proceedings from FONETIK 2014) (pp. 117-122), 24. Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University.
- Tronnier, M. & Zetterholm, E. (2014). Pronunciation difficulties in L2 and the multilingual classroom.
- Tronnier, M. & Zetterholm, E. (2014). Swedish word accent production by L2-speakers with different tonal L1S. I Gussenhoven, C., Chen, Y. & Dediu, D. (Red.) The 4th International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages : TAL-2014 (pp. 59-62). International Speech Communication Association.
- Uneson, M. (2014). Om svenskans ortografiska transparens : grafofonematiska relationer genom automatisk regelinduktion. I Lindström, J., Henricson, S., Huhtala, A., Kukkonen, P., Lehti-Eklund, H. & Lindholm, C. (Red.) Svenskans beskrivning 33 : förhandlingar vid trettiotredje sammankomsten för svenskans beskrivning. Helsingfors den 15-17 maj 2013 / Nordica Helsingiensia (pp. 492-502), 37. Helsingfors universitet, Finska, finskugriska och nordiska institutionen.
- van de Weijer, J., Johansson, V., Åkerlund, V. & Sahlén, B. (2014). Simon says… Can observational learning improve argumentative writing in students with hearing impairment?.