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Conference contributions (page 66 of 78)
- Schötz, S. (2003). Towards synthesis of speaker age: A perceptual study with natural, synthesized and resynthesized stimuli. In Heldner, M. (Ed.) Proceedings from Fonetik 2003 ; Phonum 9 (pp. 153-156), 9. Dept. of Philosophy and Linguistics, Univ. Umeå.
- Segerup, M. (2003). Word accent gestures in West Swedish. In Heldner, M. (Ed.) Proceedings from Fonetik 2003 ; Phonum 9 (pp. 25-28), 9. Dept. of Philosophy and Linguistics, Univ. Umeå.
- Sonesson, G. (2003). Why the mirror is a sign — and why the television picture is no mirror. Two episodes in the critique of the iconicity critique. Proceedings of the 5th International Interdisciplinary Symposium of the Austrian Society for Semiotic Studies "Picture Language - Visualization – Diagrammatics: Iconicity/Das 5. Wiener Symposium 'Bildsprache - Visualisierung - Diagrammatik: Ikonizität, 15, 217-232. Institute for Soci-Semiotic Studies, Vienna.
- Svantesson, J.-O. (2003). Comments on Suwilai Premsrirat: Khmu dialects: a case of register complex and tonogenesis. In Kaji, S. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Symposium Cross-Linguistic Studies of Tonal Phenomena : historical development, phonetics of tone, and descriptive studies (pp. 29-36). Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
- Svantesson, J.-O. (2003). Preaspiration in Old Mongolian?. In Heldner, M. (Ed.) Proceedings from Fonetik 2003 ; Phonum 9 (pp. 5-8), 9. Dept. of Philosophy and Linguistics, Univ. Umeå.
- Svantesson, J.-O. & Burenhult, N. (2003). Mental landscapes in prehistoric Southeast Asia: a view from linguistics. In Karlström, A. & Källén, A. (Eds.) Fishbones and glittering emblems: Southeast Asian Archaeology 2002 (pp. 281-287). Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm.
- Svantesson, J.-O. & Tayanin, D. (2003). Sound symbolism in Kammu expressives. In Solé, M. J. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences : Barcelona, 3-9 August 2003. Vol. 1/3 (pp. 2689-2692). Casual Productions.
- Touati, P. (2003). Conquistados y conquistadores: La problématica del otro en el pensamientode Todorov. In Wilhelmi, J. (Ed.) Ética y literatura en el ámbito histpánico (pp. 217-235). Heterogénesis.
- van de Weijer, J. (2003). Consonant variation within words. In Archer, D. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics 2003 conference (University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language Technical Papers ; 16) (pp. 184-190), 16. UCREL.
- Walser, G. (2003). The Greek of the Ancient Synagogue. In Olsson, B. & Zetterholm, M. (Eds.) The Ancient Synagogue from its Origins until 200 C.E. Papers Presented at an International Conference at Lund University, October 14–17, 2001 (Coniectanea Biblica. New Testament Series No. 39 ) (pp. 260-276). Almqvist & Wiksell International.
- Wendt, B. (2003). Multifunktionalitet hos prepositionen "till". In Svabo Hansen, Z. & Johansen, A. (Eds.) Nordiske studier i leksikografi : rapport fra Konference om Leksikografi i Norden Tórshavn 21.-25 august 2001 (pp. 397-403), 6. Nordisk forening for leksikografi.
- Wikman, C. (2003). L’estensione del senso nel messaggio pubblicitario. In Egerland, V. & Wiberg, E. (Eds.) Atti del VI congresso degli italianisti scandinavi, Lund, 16-18 agosto 2001 (pp. 397-406). Lunds universitet. Romanska institutionen.
- Wilhelmi, J. (2003). Filosofia y literatura. In Wilhelmi, J. (Ed.) Ética y literatura en el ámbito histpánico (pp. 237-272). Heterogénesis.
- Wilhelmi, J. (2003). Literatura y ética a la luz del Tractatus. In Wilhelmi, J. & Enkvist, I. (Eds.) Literatura y compromiso (Études romanes de Lund ; 70), 70. Romanska institutionen, Lunds universitet.
- Zetterholm, E. (2003). The same but different – three impersonators imitate the same target voices. In Solé, M. J. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences : Barcelona, 3-9 August 2003. Vol. 1/3 (pp. 2205-2208). Casual Productions.
- Zetterholm, E., Eriksson, E., Kügler, F., Sullivan, K. P. H. & van Doorn, J. (2003). Why Foil 4? A first look. In Heldner, M. (Ed.) Proceedings from Fonetik 2003 ; Phonum 9 (pp. 161-164), 9. Dept. of Philosophy and Linguistics, Univ. Umeå.
- Zetterholm, E., Sullivan, K. & Czigler, P. (2003). Imitation, expectation and acceptance: the role of age and first language in a Nordic setting. In Solé, M. J. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences : Barcelona, 3-9 August 2003. Vol. 1/3 (pp. 683-686). Casual Productions.
- Zetterholm, E., Sullivan, K., Green, J., Eriksson, E., van Doorn, J. & Cziegler, P. E. (2003). Who knows Carl Bildt? – And what if you don’t?. Eurospeech ..., 2633-2636. ESCA.
- Zlatev, J. & Persson, T. (2003). Can Mimesis Provide the Missing Link to Language?.
- Altenberg, B. (2002). Using bilingual corpus evidence in learner corpus research. In Granger, S., Hong, J. & Petch-Tyson, S. (Eds.) Computer learner corpora, second language acquisition and foreign language teaching (pp. 37-54). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Bacquin, M. (2002). Quelques thèmes de Theseus de Cologne, chanson de geste inédite du XIVe siècle. Romansk Forum, 16/2002, 257-264. Skandinaviske romanistkongress.
- Delsing, L.-O. (2002). Fornsvenska textbanken. In Lagman, S., Olsson, S. ?. & Voodla, V. (Eds.) Nordistica Tartuensia 7 (pp. 149-156). Tallinn : Pangloss.
- Delsing, L.-O. (2002). Svenskt foge-s. In Harling Kranck, G. & Lehti Eklund, H. (Eds.) Folkmålsstudier: 41/Studier i svensk språkhistoria: 6 (pp. 67-78), 6.
- Ekberg, L. & Haskå, I. (2002). Att välja det rätta. Om ordval och grammatik hos tvåspråkiga barn. In Hauksdóttir, A., Arnbjörnsdóttir, B., Gardarsdóttir, M. & Thorvaldsdóttir, S. (Eds.) Forskning i nordiske sprog som andet- og fremmedsprog (pp. 11-30). Háskoli Íslands, Reykjavík, Ísland.
- Enkvist, I. (2002). María Zambrano entre la poesía, la filosofía y la religión. In Löfqvist, E. (Ed.) Más allá de la sentimentalidad: mirada lúcida y visión imparcial. Literatura escrita por mujeres en el ámbito hispánico. Narrativa y poesía.. Aspasia, Stockholm.