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Konferensbidrag (sida 32 av 78)
- Mörte Alling, A. (2014). The Nineteenth century novel and the existential position of its readers.
- Nilsson, P. (2014). Att läsa ordboken baklänges. : Om betydelseutveckling hos partikelinledda fasta sammansättningar och presentationen i SAOB. I Vatvedt Fjeld, R. & Hovdenak, M. (Red.) Skrifter / utgitt av Nordisk forening for leksikografi, Nordiske studier i leksikografi 12 : rapport fra Konference om leksikografi i Norden, Oslo 13.-16. august 2013 (pp. 353-369). Novus Forlag.
- Nordrum, L. (2014). A comparison of data commentary in chemical engineering research papers and master theses – exploring the intersemiosis of written and visual material for applied purposes.
- Nordrum, L. & Eriksson, A. (2014). Data Commentary in Science Writing : A Discourse Model for Multimodal Result Presentation in Science Publication.
- Nordrum, L. & Eriksson, A. (2014). Data Commentary in Science Writing : A Discourse Structure of Multimodal Result Presentation in Science Publication.
- Paradis, C. (2014). Kan vi prata om doft? I så fall, hur gör vi?.
- Persson, R. (2014). Indexing one’s own latest turn as problematic : the case of 'ah'-prefaced repeats in French talk-in-interaction.
- Pöldvere, N. (2014). Establishing online identities : A multifactorial approach to epistemic stance and evidentiality.
- Pöldvere, N. & Glynn, D. (2014). Constructing social relations in an online community : Social rank and intersubjective effects on stance.
- Pöldvere, N., Paradis, C. & Glynn, D. (2014). Stance constructions in computer-mediated and spoken discourse in English.
- Rahimi, A., Sahlgren, M., Kerren, A. & Paradis, C. (2014). The StaViCTA Group Report for RepLab 2014 Reputation Dimensions Task. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1180, 1519-1527. CEUR-WS.
- Rahm, H. (2014). Medborgaren i centrum? : äldreomsorgens texter och Malmö stads webbplats. I Lindström, J. (Red.) Svenskans beskrivning 33 : förhandlingar vid trettiotredje sammankomsten för svenskans beskrivning. Helsingfors den 15-17 maj 2013 / Nordica Helsingiensia 37 (pp. 383-394). Helsingfors universitet, Finska, finskugriska och nordiska institutionen.
- Rahm, H. & Zola Christensen, R. (2014). Restoring goodwill and preventing bad will : crisis communication on Facebook. [Host publication title missing]. Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia.
- Sayehli, S., Andersson, A. & Gullberg, M. (2014). Today read she the paper : An ERP study of the processing of word order in Swedish as a second language.
- Sayehli, S., Andersson, A. & Gullberg, M. (2014). Today read she the paper: An ERP study of the processing of word order in Swedish L2.
- Schamp-Bjerede, T., Paradis, C., Kucher, K., Kerren, A. & Sahlgren, M. (2014). The signifier, signified & stance : happy/sad emoticons as emotionizers.
- Schamp-Bjerede, T., Paradis, C., Kucher, K., Kerren, A. & Sahlgren, M. (2014). Turning face : Emoticons as reinforcers/attenuators.
- Schamp-Bjerede, T., Paradis, C., Kucher, K., Kerren, A., Sahlgren, M. & Rahimi, A. (2014). Hedges and Tweets : Certainty and Uncertainty in Epistemic Markers in Microblog Feeds.
- Schötz, S. & van de Weijer, J. (2014). A Study of Human Perception of Intonation in Domestic Cat Meows. I Campbell, N., Gibbon, D. & Hirst, D. (Red.) Social and Linguistic Speech Prosody : Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Speech Prosody.
- Schötz, S. & van de Weijer, J. (2014). A Study of Human Perception of Intonation in Domestic Cat Meows. I Heldner, M. (Red.) Proceedings from Fonetik 2014 (pp. 89-94). Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University.
- Schötz, S., Frid, J., Gustafsson, L. & Löfqvist, A. (2014). Tongue articulation dynamics of /iː, yː, ʉ̟ː/ in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmöhus Swedish. I Heldner, M. (Red.) Proceedings from Fonetik 2014 (pp. 17-22).
- Schötz, S., Nolan, F. & Asu, E. L. (2014). An acoustic study of the Estonian Swedish lateral [ɬ]. I Heldner, M. (Red.) Proceedings from Fonetik 2014 (pp. 23-28). Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University.
- Smidfelt, L. (2014). Lexical inferencing procedures in L3 Italian. Structure, Use, and Meaning in Intercultural Settings, 259-270. Editura Universitatii Transilvania din Brasov.
- Son, V. T. (2014). Acquiring English as a second language : a comparison of learning and teaching English in Swedish and Vietnamese primary schoo ls.
- Son, V. T. (2014). Developmental stages of Swedish and vietnamese children in second language acquisition according to processability theory.