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Konferensbidrag (sida 35 av 78)
- Gyllstad, H. & Wolter, B. (2013). The Semantics of Word Combinations : Learners’ Processing of Collocations and Free Combinations.
- Haettner Aurelius, E. (2013). Det onyttigas nytta. I Ståhl, S. (Red.) Symposiet forskningens nytta, Lund 15 maj 2012 (pp. 121-132). Kungliga Fysiografiska Sällskapet i Lund.
- Hallberg, A. (2013). Case Markers in Spoken MSA.
- Hallberg, A. (2013). Tradition, norm and practice in the use of case endings in spoken Standard Arabic.
- Hedling, E. (2013). Ambiguity in Characterization and Performance: Revisiting 1960s Auteur Cinema.
- Hedling, E. (2013). Introduction and Welcome Address.
- Hedling, E. (2013). Media, Globalisation, Democracy Project(s).
- Hedling, E. (2013). Politics, Police and Poll Results : Ingmar Bergman Gets Caught for Tax Fraud.
- Hedling, O. (2013). An Authoring Discourse of Sorts: Effects of public film support on a national cinema (invited paper presentation).
- Hedling, O. (2013). Paradoxical Production Cultures A tale of two films based on Stieg Larsson’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
- Hedling, O. (2013). The Genius of the System? On the effects of public support, regional film funds and film policy on Swedish cinema.
- Hedling, O. (2013). The Genius of the System? On the effects of public support, regional film funds and film policy on Swedish cinema (paper presentation).
- Henning, P. (2013). Henriette Sophie Widerberg and the Autobiographical Underground of the Swedish 1800s.
- Henriksson, H. (2013). Progressivität und Zustände. I Michael, G., Kjetil, B. H., Espen, I. & Jan Paul, P. (Red.) Perspektiven. Das IX. Nordisch-Baltische Germanistentreffen in Os/Bergen, 14.-16. Juni 2012. Stockholmer Germanistische Forschungen Band 78 (pp. 233-242). Stockholm University.
- Hult, F. (2013). (Worst Case) scenario analysis of English in higher education : a thought experiment.
- Hult, F. & Källkvist, M. (2013). Entextualizing ideologies of English and multilingualism in a university language policy.
- Hult, F. & Källkvist, M. (2013). Language policy formation at a Swedish university: Negotiating multilayered discourses.
- Inaba, M. (2013). How can we arrange language learning activities to promote learners’ agency? : Focusing on the role of language teachers in undertaking project work based on ‘making short videos’. Proceedings of the Workshop on Japanese Language Education 2013 Spring, 35-38. Tokai University European Center.
- Inaba, M. (2013). How to teach intermediate level conversation: Difficulties and suggestions for improving speaking classes. Proceedings of the Workshop on Japanese Language Education 2012 Fall, 49-52. Tokai University European Center.
- Inaba, M. (2013). What is the role of ‘language classes’ in autonomous learning?: The implications from Japanese language learners’ L2 activities outside the classroom. Proceedings of the European Conference on Language Learning 2013, 220-234.
- Irvine, A., Malmström, H., Mežek, S., Pecorari, D. & Shaw, P. (2013). To what extent do L2 students in UK Higher Education acquire academic and subject-specific vocabulary incidentally?.
- Johansson, V., Wengelin, ?. & Gustafsson, P. (2013). Pausing during writing : a developmental perspective.
- Jönsson, A. (2013). Classical and Modern features in the poetry of Sweden's first female poet, Sophia Elisabeth Brenner (1659-1730).
- Källkvist, M. (2013). Drawing on bilingual rather than monolingual resources in the advanced-level EFL university classroom: the effect on student agency.
- Källkvist, M. & Hult, F. (2013). Planning for Bilingualism at a Swedish University.