

Din sökning på "*" gav 533045 sökträffar

Variations of the FeGa3 structure type in the systems CoIn3-xZnx and CoGa3-xZnx

We present an investigation of the quasibinary systems CoIn3-xZnx and CoGa3-xZnx which were structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction experiments and, in the case of CoGa3-xZnx, additionally by neutron powder diffraction experiments. The limiting compositions were found to be x=0.81(2) and x=0.73(2) for COIn3-xZnx and CoGa3-xZnx, respectively. The isotypic binary compounds CoIn3 and CoGa3 cr

Photon flow in 158 A GeV Pb+Pb collisions

Directed and elliptic flow of pi(0) - decay photons in 158 A GeV Pb+Pb collisions has been studied near midrapidity in an analysis of data obtained with the photon spectrometer LEDA of the WA98 experiment at the CERN SPS. Preliminary results on the rapidity and transverse momentum dependence of the flow have been obtained for various centrality classes for p(T) > 0.2 GeV/c and 2.3 < y < 2.9. The r

Colour: A computer program for QCD colour factor calculations

A computer program for evaluating colour factors of QCD Feynman diagrams is presented, and illustrative examples on how to use the program to calculate nontrivial colour factors are given. The program and the discussion in this paper is based on a diagrammatic approach to colour factors.

BEAST decoding for block codes

BEAST is a Bidirectional Efficient Algorithm for Searching code Trees. In this paper, it is used for decoding block codes over the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. If no constraints are imposed on the decoding complexity (in terms of the number of visited nodes during the search), BEAST performs maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding. At the cost of a negligible performance degradation, BEA

Central projections of sensory innervation of cranial vessels

Primary headaches (e.g. migraine and cluster headache), the symptoms of which is associated with cranial vascular activity, is likely to be dependent on a primary central nervous system dysfunction. To further our understanding of the mechanisms behind primary headaches, we investigated the central projections of sensory nerves from three cranial vessels by tract-tracing techniques. In papers I-I

Effect of lumbar orthosis on intervertebral mobility. A roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis

To determine the stabilizing effect of external lumbar supports on the intervertebral mobility in the lower lumbar spine, seven patients with a posterolateral lumbosacral fusion without internal fixation were examined by roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis in supine and erect positions 1 month after surgery, that is, after soft tissue healing but before fusion consolidation. Each patient was e

On the Design of Residential Condensing Gas Boilers

Two main topics are dealt with in this thesis. Firstly, the performance of condensing boilers with finned tube heat exchangers and premix burners is evaluated. Secondly, ways of avoiding condensate formation in the flue system are evaluated. In the first investigation, a transient heat transfer approach is used to predict performance of different boiler configurations connected to different heati

On numbers badly approximable by q-adic rationals

Avhandlingen tar som utgångspunkt diofantisk approximation med fokus på dåligt approximerbara tal. För specialfallet de q-adiska rationella talen betraktar vi två typer av approximationsmodeller, en ensidig och en tvåsidig modell, och de dåligt approximerbara tal de ger upphov till. Vi visar med elementära metoder att Hausdorff-dimensionen av dessa två mängder beror kontinuerligt på en definierandThe thesis takes as starting point diophantine approximation with focus on the area of badly approximable numbers. For the special kind of rationals, the q-adic rationals, we consider two types of approimations models, a one-sided and a two-sided model, and the sets of badly approximable numbers they give rise to. We prove with elementary methods that the Hausdorff dimension of these two sets depe

Betongkonstruktioner för havsbaserade vindkraftverk : förstudie

Inom en snar framtid kommer många havsbaserade vindkraftverk troligen att byggas runt om Sveriges kuster. Det bör finnas ett behov av gemensamma regler eller tekniska lösningar inför en sådan byggnation så att vindkraftverken som helhet får en avsedd livslängd och små underhållskostnader.

Markvärme en handbok om termiska analyser: en handbok om termiska analyser : Del 1-3

Handbok i 3 delar (1. Allmän del. 2. Värmelager. 3. Naturvärmekällor) som behandlar termiska analyser av markvärmesystem - energikälla eller energilager. Värmesystemet kan vara jord, berg eller grundvatten. Värmeförluster och andra termiska prestanda, temperaturpåverkan på omgivningen, lämpliga röravstånd, brunnskonfigurationer, återladdning m m behandlas.

Diagnosis of invasive candidiasis in neutropenic children with cancer by determination of D-arabinitol/L-arabinitol ratios in urine

Determination of D-arabinitol/L-arabinitol ratios (referred to as D/L-arabinitol ratios) in urine as a tool for the diagnosis of invasive candidiasis was investigated in a prospective study comprising 100 children with cancer. The analyses were made by gas chromatography. Positive D/L-arabinitol ratios were found for 10 of 10 children with confirmed invasive candidiasis, 12 of 23 patients undergoi

Tylosaurus ivoensis: a giant mosasaur from the early Campanian of Sweden

The nominal species Mosasaurus ivoensis from the latest early Campanian of the Kristianstad Basin in southern Sweden, is redescribed and assigned to the tylosaurine genus Tylosaurus on the basis of its dental and vertebral morphology. A partial skeleton (KUVP 1024) from the late Coniacian to earliest Campanian Smoky Hill Chalk Member of the Niobrara Formation in western Kansas, USA, was previously

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This thesis argues that it is relevant to make aspectual distincions in terms of progressivity and imperfectivity not only in languages like Russian or English but also in languages like German and Swedish, which traditionally are not considered aspect languages. This means that a distinction has to be made between aspectuality as a conceptual category and the grammatical category aspect (?Aspekt?