Din sökning på "*" gav 531540 sökträffar
Därför var arsenik så lätt att mörda med
Predictive factors for sentinel node metastases in primary invasive breast cancer : A population-based cohort study of 2552 consecutive patients
Background: Axillary lymph node status is one of the most important prognostic factors for breast cancer. The aim of this study was to determine predictive factors for metastasis to sentinel node (SN) in primary invasive breast cancer. Method: This is a study of 3979 patients with primary breast cancer during 2008-2013 in Malmö and Lund scheduled for surgery and included in the information retriev
Primary Stenting of the Superficial Femoral Artery in Patients with Intermittent Claudication Has Durable Effects on Health-Related Quality of Life at 24 Months : Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial
Background: Intermittent claudication (IC) is commonly caused by lesions in the superficial femoral artery (SFA), yet invasive treatment is still controversial and longer term patient-reported outcomes are lacking. This prospective randomized trial assessed the 24-month impact of primary stenting with nitinol self-expanding stents compared to best medical treatment (BMT) alone in patients with sta
Miraklet Indien och dess baksida
Tio skandinaviska forskare med livslång erfarenhet av studier och forskning om Indien har skrivit originalartiklar kring sina specialområden såsom ekonomi, politik, kvinnofrågor, sociala förhållanden, kultur och religion. Boken söker sig under ytan av gängse Indienbilder och försöker förstå det moderna Indien i ett historiskt perspektiv som en del av en dynamik där också framtiden avtecknar sig.
Fattiga och rika – jordbruk och landsbygd i snabb förändring
Landsbygdens förändring under de senaste femtio åren. Grön revolution och mekanisering av jordbruket. Arbetsmigration till städerna. Kasternas frigörelse. Regional politik.
Det man ser och inte ’ser’ - Indiens miljöutmaningar
Miljön hotas av förgiftning av luft, vatten och jordar. Industriutveckling och gruvdrift förstör miljön, liksom användningen av kol och bensin i de ständigt ökande transporter. Indiens möjligheter att komma till rätta med detta.
Exploring the network of actors contributing to mitigating flood risk in Lomma, Sweden
Urban flood risk is a big and growing concern in Sweden. Although much focus is placed on rainfall, hydrology, and engineering conceptualizations of both consequences and solutions, social research contributes to explaining and understanding risk and how actors perceive, construct, and manage it together. This paper applies social network analysis to investigate the network of actors in Höje river
The importance of integrating multiple administrative levels in capacity assessment for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation
Robotic Tools for Deep Water Archaeology : Surveying an Ancient Shipwreck with an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
The goals of this article are twofold. First, we detail the operations and discuss the results of the 2005 Chios ancient shipwreck survey. This survey was conducted by an international team of engineers, archaeologists, and natural scientists off the Greek island of Chios in the northeastern Aegean Sea using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) built specifically for high‐resolution site inspect
Amphora Alleys I and II
Precision Survey and Archaeological Methodology in Deep Water
Utvärdering av Magelugnen BO, Rapport 9, Slutrapport från ett utvärderingsprojekt på stödboendet Magelugnen BO
No More Political Insiders? Ministerial Selection in Sweden During the Post-WWII Period
Treatment with oestrogen or manual separation for labial adhesions - initial outcome and long-term follow-up
Background: Topical oestrogen and manual separation are the main treatments for labial adhesions. The aim was to evaluate treatment of labial adhesions and compare the outcome of topical oestrogen treatment with that of manual separation. Method: All girls aged 0-12 years admitted to a tertiary centre for paediatric surgery for labial adhesions were included. The study design was dual: The first p
Return to Antikythera : Multi-Session SLAM based AUV mapping of a first century BC wreck site
This paper describes an expedition to map a first century B.C. ship wreck off the coast of the Greek island of Antikythera using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) equipped with a high-resolution stereo imaging system. The wreck, first discovered in 1900, has yielded a wealth of important historical artefacts from two previous interventions, including the renowned Antikythera mechanism. The de
SLUTREPLIK DN DEBATT ”Partierna bör redovisa sin etik för digitala kampanjer”
Politikens legitima parter bör ta avstånd från oetiska metoder, statuera goda exempel och redovisa en etik för digitalt kampanjande. Det kommer att främja valrörelsen, den öppna debatten och demokratin, skriver Jonas Andersson Schwarz, Stefan Larsson och Anders Mildner.
Temporally and spectrally resolved images of single burning pulverized wheat straw particles
This work focuses into the combustion behaviour of single wheat straw particles with the aim of providing a quantitative description of the particle burning process from ignition to the early stages of the char oxidation. The single particles, in the size range 224–250 µm, were injected upward into a confined region with hot combustion products, produced by a flat flame McKenna burner, with a mean
Frequency Dependence and Ecological Drift Shape Coexistence of Species with Similar Niches
The coexistence of ecologically similar species might be counteracted by ecological drift and demographic stochasticity, both of which erode local diversity. With niche differentiation, species can be maintained through performance trade-offs between environments, but trade-offs are difficult to invoke for species with similar ecological niches. Such similar species might then go locally extinct d
Measurement of Z0-boson production at large rapidities in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02TeV
The production of Z0 bosons at large rapidities in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02TeV is reported. Z0 candidates are reconstructed in the dimuon decay channel (Z0→μ+μ−), based on muons selected with pseudo-rapidity −4.0