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Flickors sociala anpassning: utveckling, mönster av problem och dess konsekvenser
Dynamic Modelling and Simulation of Liquid Food Process Lines
Popular Abstract in Swedish I följande arbete har ett dynamiskt modellbibliotek av komponenter utvecklats för processlinjer. Analysen inriktades mot karakteristiska aspekter för processlinjer för flytande livsmedel, och nya modeller utvecklades för byte av fluidum, dispersion, blandfaser och första ordningens kemiska reaktioner i rör och värmeväxlare. Modellernas beräkningseffektivitet och noggranIn the present work a dynamic model library of components for process lines was developed. The analysis addressed characteristic aspects of liquid food process lines, and new models were developed for fluid transitions, dispersion, mixing zones and first-order chemical reactions in pipes and heat exchangers. The computational efficiency and accuracy of the models were analysed. It was demonstrated
The Rise and Fall of Belarusian Nationalism, 1906-1931
Testing Structural Hypotheses on Cointegration Vectors: A Monte Carlo Study
Knowledge bases, modes of innovation and regional innovation policy: a theoretical re-examination with illustrations from the Nordic countries
Hur man betraktar och identifierar byggnadsexteriörer: metodstudie
Behaviour of Multilayer External Walls with an Exterior Layer of Glazed Ceramic Tiles. Vol. 1
Making Daggers and Scouting for Talents: Situated learning in Late Neolithic Scandinavia
Non-thermal emission of Mg I at 12 micron m from Procyon
The Role of Reconciliation in Peace-Building. Like in Somalia, for example
The Somalia Reconciliation Conference led by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), in Eastern Africa, is focusing on creating a basis for dialogue as a means of reaching peace and stability in the region (Somali Reconciliation Conference, 2003; IGAD, 2002). This paper deals with the critical implications with focusing on dialogue as a means of promoting long-term peace.
The Anti-Vietnam War Movement in Sweden
Dynamic global vegetation modelling: quantifying terrestrial ecosystem responses to large-scale environmental change
Swedish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme, annual report for 2013
This is the fourth annual report of the Swedish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme, a national monitoring programme coordinated by Lund University for the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency since 2010. The programme is a partnership between the Entomological Society of Sweden, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Lund University, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and the Swedis
Strategic Energy Solutions: A Case Study of the Öresund Region
“Strategic Energy Solutions” is the final report on energy solutions for a zero emission Öresund region. It consists of numerous solutions that have been, or can be, applied in the region in order to minimise the environmental impact of the energy sector. Additionally it includes a case study of energy transition projects on Lolland Island in Denmark. The report seeks to provide recommendations fo
Children in medieval China
Studies on the structure of atomic nuclei : in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy
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Quantity in Romanian.
Feature transition charts for visualization of cross-project scope evolution in large-scale requirements engineering for product lines
In large-scale multi-project software engineering it is a challenge to provide a comprehensive overview of the complexity and dynamics of the requirements engineering process. This paper presents a visualization technique called Feature Transition Charts (FTC) that gives an overview of scoping decisions involving changes across multiple projects based on previous work on within-project visualizati