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ORSA - Områdesbaserad risk- och sårbarhetsanalys
Syftet med denna rapport och vägledning är att beskriva ett arbetssätt, Områdesbaserad risk- och sårbarhetsanalys (ORSA), för kommuner och andra aktörer som vill använda geografisk information och analys som stöd och utveckling av sitt RSA-arbete.
Sveriges författning, 22 uppl.
Ozone depletion and effects of ultraviolet radiation
Because of the stratospheric ozone depletion that took place during the last decades of the past century, the effects of ultraviolet radiation on plants, animals, humans and micro-organisms became intensively studied. In this chapter we describe the role of the ozone layer as a radiation shield and various molecular and organismal effects of ultraviolet radiation, with an emphasis on the UV-B band
Gender, Sex and the Postnational Defense. Militarism and Peacekeeping.
Scholars have argued that the end of the Cold War and the War on Terror have radically changed the context of war and defense, diminished the role of nation-states in favor of multi-lateral defense activities, and placed a new focus on human security. International peacekeeping has superseded the traditional act of war-making as the most important defense strategy among wealthy, liberal-democratic
The Mi´kmaq of Nova Scotia: Environmentalism, ethnicity, and sacred places
Potential Energy Savings in Buildings Designed for Recycling
Industridesign - ett ämne som lockade fram Ingvar Kamprad
- Var ska man realisera en dröm om inte vid en teknisk högskola?
The Paris Declaration in practice: challenges of health-sector aid coordination at the district level in Zambia
Spatial Statistics and Ancestral Recombination Graphs with Applications in Gene Mapping and Geostatistics
Popular Abstract in Swedish Statistik handlar om att beskriva slumpmässiga händelser. Genom att bygga matematiska modeller för hur slumpen beter sig kan man beräkna hur troliga olika händelser är. Skilda ämnen har nytta av olika slags slumpmodeller, men slumpens lagar är universella! Därför kan en slumpmodell som utvecklats inom ett ämne senare visa sig användbar inom ett helt annat. Min avhandlinThis thesis explores models and algorithms in geostatistics and gene mapping. The first part deals with the use of computationally effective lattice models for inference of data with a continuous spatial index. The fundamental idea is to approximate a Gaussian field with a Gaussian Markov random field (GMRF) on a lattice, and then to conduct a bilinear interpolation of this at non-lattice location
Substrate Control in Fed-Batch Cultivations Using a Model-Based Modification of a PI-Controller
Medlöperi-Bystanding-Resistens-Motstånd. Perspektiv på kyrkan och nationalsocialismen
Some relevant issues on Church and National Socialism are being related to German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Medicinsk dokumentation genom tiderna
No title
Rasmus Nyerup became the first professor in Literary History at the Copenhagen University. In 1814 he published a major work on the history of popular reading in Denmark-Norway through three hundred years. The chapter deals with the origins and context of Nyerups innovative work on book history and the history of reading in late eighteenth and early nineteenth century Denmark.