

Din sökning på "*" gav 535068 sökträffar

Formulation and characterization of liposomal spray dried powders intended for inhalation

This master thesis has evaluated the possible use of a spray dryer to produce powders suitable for use as inhalants and whether the addition of liposomes to the solution to be spray dried would improve the properties of the powder. The powders created consisted of Lysozyme as model drug, Lactose as filler and stabilizer, and different types of phospholipids to create liposomes using an ethanol inj

Arkivens roll i konstruktionen av nationalstaten Sverige : en undersökning av landsarkivens instiftande

This study describes and discusses the founding of the Regional Archives (landsarkiv) in Sweden. My main focus is to examine to what extent the nationalist movement and the construction of the nation state underlay the founding of the Regional Archives and how it affected the development of the archives. Sweden has seven regional archives. The first, Vadstena Regional Archive, was founded in 1899

Integration, assimilation eller mångfald? : en innehållsanalys av riksdagens etableringspolitiks debatt

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur riksdagen under en debatt använder begreppen integration, assimilation och mångkultur och hur dessa begrepp relateras till de nyanlända. I analysen undersöks även om de nyanlända stereotypiseras som belastning och hot. Genom min undersökning vill jag belysa den etablerings-politik som Sveriges riksdag just nu förespråkar och eftersträvar. Min teori här

An early design tool/method for assessing the performance of complex fenestration systems

It is common knowledge that shading systems and solar control glasses are used to avoid glare and overheating at expenses of daylight. In Dynamic Thermal Modelling tools, there is no assessment method where the shading use is expressed when predicting the building performance. Furthermore, literature often refers to studies where complex fenestration systems are optimized for specific cases. Howev

Det är nya tider nu! En kvalitativ studie om synen på värde och förhållningssättet till självbetjäningsteknologi bland turismutvecklare

Denna uppsats har som syfte att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur turismutvecklare på olika destinationer möjliggör värdeskapande för sina kunder. Vi vill även bidra med en förståelse för de möjligheter och utmaningar som självbetjäningsteknologi medför i värdeskapandeprocessen. Detta görs genom en kvalitativ metod och åtta djupintervjuer. Studien utgår ifrån två frågeställningar där den första

Setting the Pace of Capitalism - A Post-Keynesian Perspective on Interest and Profits as a Monetary Phenomenon

Financial markets turn all their attention towards the Federal Reserve Bank and the European Central Bank whenever there are the slightest rumors of a change in the policy rate of interest. But why is this rate so important and what is the theoretical basis of its existence in the first place? In modern economic literature theories of interest are rarely explicitly touched upon and interest is oft

Stark kultur - ingen mirakelkur, En kvalitativ fallstudie om en stark företagskulturs betydelse under en förändring

Syftet med studien är att skapa en nyanserad bild och utöka förståelsen för vilken betydelse en stark företagskultur har i en organisationsförändring utifrån anställdas perspektiv. Uppsatsen grundar sig i teorier kring företagskultur och förändringsprocesser inom organisationer samt hur dessa samverkar i tidigare forskning. Det empiriska materialet är baserat på tio intervjuer med medarbetare ochThe purpose of this study is to create a nuanced picture of what significance a strong corporate culture has in an organisational change through the perspective of an employee. The study is divided in two theoretical perspective where both previous research about organisational culture and organisational change are discussed and how the two are connected. The empirical data is based upon ten int

Chemical composition of giant planet hosts

De stjärnor man kan se på himmeln en riktigt stjärnklar natt - omkring 3000 - är bara en bråkdel av alla de som faktiskt finns i universum. Ljuset har en hög men inte oändlig hastighet. Därför kan vi bara se sådant som ligger tillräckligt nära jorden, så att ljuset hunnit färdas hit under universums livstid. De himlakroppar som ligger längst bort ifrån jorden men som fortfarande går att se (med teDoes the formation of planets give imprints on the chemical composition of the host star? In order to test this theory a differential abundance analysis (i.e. comparing two stars' abundances to each other) was carried out on a few stars with and without known planets, to see if any differences were found. The analysis was based on high resolution, high signal to noise ratio (SNR) spectra of fo

Den modeintresserade mannen : en kvalitativ studie om hur det manliga modeintresset uttrycks i King of Sweden

This thesis aims to illustrate the male interest for fashion consumption. The subject is motivated by the lack of research concerning this in the academic sphere. The focus for this thesis is therefore to analyse how this comes to light in the male fashion magazine King of Sweden. Through a qualitative text analysis the questions submitted by readers in King of Sweden are analysed in relation to t

A study on how women BAs perceive themselves and the BA investment industry based on their education, experiences and their social capital in Sweden.

Purpose – This study explores the assumptions of Sohl and Hill (2007) and Harrison and Mason (2007), and analyses if these can be empirically supported. This is done from the theoretical perspective of gender studies and explored how women BAs perceive themselves and understand the industry, based on their own educations, experiences and social capital. Methodology – This study follows a qualitati

Effektivisering av samhällets kontroll av byggprocessen

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the difficulties that arise in the construction process by analyzing documentations from real-life construction processes that occurred in four municipally in Skåne. By mapping out all the problems that arise, opportunities for improvement will be obvious and thus efficiency solutions can be proposed. After a conversation with a control inspector


project is about trying to create a concepts which represents responsible consumption and responsible production. Since my title of thesis is named “ Product Care Project” I have tried to think how products designed with care would look like. PROBLEM Through this project I am responding to intentionally produced goods for shorter life cycle and a strict control to prevent users to repair or main

Labour Shortages in China’s Dual-Sector Economy: Has the world’s workshop exhausted its comparative advantage – people?

In 2004, acute labour shortages were first observed in labour-intensive export-processing sectors in China’s coastal provinces. Paired with rising wages in rural and urban areas, many economists have claimed China has reached its Lewis Turning Point of economic development. This dissertation reviews these claims by context-testing Lewisian theory, and finds little evidence to suggest China has met

IFRS 15 utifrån användarnas perspektiv

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: IFRS 15 utifrån användarnas perspektiv Seminariedatum: 2 juni 2017 Ämne/kurs: FEKH 69, Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Alexandra Martinelle, Emma Lindsö, Viggo Nylén Handledare: Kristina Artsberg Fem nyckelord: intäktsredovisning, IFRS 15, resultatmanipulering, korrekt återgivande, jämförbarhet Syfte: SyfAbstract Title: IFRS 15 from a user perspective Seminar date: June 2, 2017 Course: FEKH 69, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) or ECTS-cr) Authors: Alexandra Martinelle, Emma Lindsö, Viggo Nylén Advisor: Kristina Artsberg Key words: Revenue recognition, IFRS 15, earnings management, faithful representatio

Branching Histories: Political Mythopoetics in Four Brexit Narratives

This thesis aims to provide a case study for a critical theory of mythopoetics, via analysis of four ‘Brexit narratives’: The Bad Boys of Brexit by Arron Banks, Unleashing Demons by Craig Oliver, All Out War by Tim Shipman and The Brexit Club by Owen Bennett. My objective is to demonstrate the prevalence of mythopoetics in political and historical discourse, via analysis of four competing politica

The value of travel guidebooks in the digital age

Travel guidebooks are both sources of travel information and an object of consumption. In contemporary tourism, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) make information not only available, but abundant and mostly free of charge. Therefore, considering that people still buy and use them, there must be something that makes travel guidebooks a valuable object. The research sets out to find w

Multilevel Governance Applied to the Case Law of the Court of Justice

Detta examensarbete identifierar styrkor och svagheter i multilevel governance-teorin, när denna appliceras på EU-domstolens rättspraxis. Metoden som används är alltså främst en rättsfallsanalys. Material från ett flertal författare har använts för att identifiera relevanta rättsfall och ge juridiska analyser av rättspraxisen, samt även ge en beskrivning av teorin. Genom beskrivningen av teorin haThis thesis identifies the strengths and weaknesses of multilevel governance when the theory is applied to the case law of the Court of Justice. The method used is thus first and foremost a case law study. Materials from various scholars have been used to identify relevant cases and provide legal analyses of the case law, as well as provide a description of the theory. Through the description of t

Expertskattereglerna - En analys av de svenska skattelättnaderna för utländsk högkvalificerad arbetskraft i ljuset av den danska motsvarigheten

Skattelättnader för högkvalificerad utländsk arbetskraft är ett aktuellt ämne i dagens samhälle, eftersom konkurrensen om viss kompetens är hård på den internationella arbetsmarknaden. Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera de svenska expertskattereglerna i ljuset av motsvarande danska regler. De frågeställningar som har formulerats för att uppnå syftet är hur expertskattereglerna respektive deIn today’s international labour market, the competition for certain competences and skills is tough. Therefore, tax concessions for highly qualified foreign labour has become an increasingly relevant subject. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the Swedish expert tax law vis-á-vis its Danish equivalent. In order to accomplish this, the thesis seeks to investigate how the tax concessions in Swe