

Din sökning på "*" gav 535042 sökträffar

Jäv vid betygssättning

Denna uppsats undersöker jävsreglernas tillämpning vid betygssättning i grund- och gymnasieskola med enskild och kommunal huvudman. De betyg en elev erhåller kan ha stor betydelse för elevens framtidsutsikter, främst för möjligheterna till vidare studier. Därför är det av stor betydelse att betygssättningen är rättvis och att läraren som beslutar om betyget gör betygsbedömningen på ett sakligt ochThis essay analyzes the rules on partiality and their applicability on grade decisions in elementary and upper secondary schools governed by a private entity or by a municipality. The grades a pupil obtains may have a great effect on his or her future, especially regarding prospects on more advanced studies. Therefore it is of great importance that the grading is just and that the teacher performs

En regions ovilja till normförändring : en undersökning av ASEAN:s hantering av flyktingkatastrofen i Andamansjön

In recent years, refugees from Myanmar have tried to get to the neighbouring countries in the hope of a safe place. Most of the refugees belong to the ethnic minority Rohingya, a group subjected to systematic persecution in their homeland. In 2015 a large amount of people were abandoned at sea when the people smugglers left the boats as a result of the escalation of action by the coast guards in T

Hydrogen Assisted Lignin Depolymerization with Pulp Mill Catalysts

As part of the development of a process for production of a lignin-rich oil that can serve as a renewable feedstock to existing petroleum refineries, hydrogen assisted depolymerization of lignin in filtered black liquor has been investigated. This process offers the possibility to reduce fossil emissions from transportation by utilization of the largest renewable carbon resource in Sweden, namely

Fingerprint Matching using Small Sensors

Antalet produkter som använder sig av fingeravtryckssensorer för systemåtkomst har under de senaste åren ökat. Denna typ av teknik är nu i princip standard hos flera olika mobiltelefontillverkare. Fingeravtryckssensorer i mobiltelefoner är ofta så små att de inte kan läsa av ett helt fingeravtryck på en och samma gång. Två avläsningar kan därför ha liten likhet även om de kommer från samma finger.Fingerprint software is widely used in applications such as smartphones. There has to be some overlap between two fingerprint samples in order for them to be considered as belonging to the same finger. Determining if this overlap exists is normally not a problem if a fingerprint sensor is big enough to capture a sample from the whole finger at once. However, if the sensor is small it might capture

”Det sjunger inom mig” - En kvalitativ studie om hur körsång påverkar körsångarna

Den här studien handlar om körsång och dess potentiella påverkan på människor. Syftet är att ta reda på om – och hur körsångarna i Sinnesrokören upplever att körsången påverkar dem och vilka faktorer det är som gör att de i sådana fall påverkas. Körledarens drivkrafter och mål och hur dessa visar sig i praktiken undersöks också. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och metoderna som använts är intervjThis study is about choir singing and its potential influence on people. The purpose is to find out if - and how the singers in the Serenitychoir experience that the choir singing affects them, and what factors matter when it comes to forming the experience. The choir conductor’s intentions and goals and how are transformed into practice are also investigated. The study has a qualitative approach

Watershed delineation for runoff estimations to culverts in the Swedish road network : a comparison between two GIS based hydrological modelling methods and a manually delineated watershed

Till följd av de förväntade klimatförändringarna beräknas nederbördsmönstren i Sverige att förändras. Episoder av intensiv och kortvarig nederbörd förväntas öka på flertal ställen i landet, samt att utsträckningen av långvarig nederbörd, som kan pågå under flera dagar, även den, förväntas att öka. Det svenska vägnätet stöter redan idag på problem att möta de förändrade nederbördsmängderna, då vägsThe anticipated climate changes are predicted to alter the precipitation patterns in Sweden. Increased episodes of intense short-duration rainfall and higher intensities of day long-duration rainfall are expected. Road sections are often a target of flooding, causing impassable roads, due to the lack of capacity of drainage systems. One of the factors determining the water flow to a depression is

U-Pb datering av zirkon från migmatitisk gnejs i Delsjöområdet, Idefjordenterrängen

Under den Svekonorvegiska orogenesen omkristalliserade stora delar av sydvästra Sverige och bildade metamorfa migmatitiska gnejser. I Idefjordenterrängen, väster om Mylonitzonen, har migmatiterna inte daterats och då kunskapen om de metamorfa processerna i området brister kan migmatiterna ge en bättre bild av när metamorfosen skedde. En migmatitisk gnejs från Delsjöområdet i östra Göteborg har datDuring the Sveconorwegian orogenesis, parts of southwestern Sweden was recrystallized and formed metamorphic migmatites. In the Idefjorden terrane, west of the Mylonite zone, the migmatites have not been dated and since knowledge of the metamorphic processes in the area is lacking, the migmatites can provide better constraints of when metamorphosis occurred. A migmatitic gneiss from the Delsjö are

Inre motivation – Nyckeln till framgång?

Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka inre motivationsfaktorers påverkan på anställdas motivationsnivå, i en bransch som är förknippad med monetära belöningssystem. Metod: En kvalitativ fallstudie genomfördes i form av semi-strukturerade intervjuer med åtta respondenter. Detta för att få en djup inblick i hur anställda upplever att de motiveras. Insamlad data analyserades utifrån grundad teori och jämföPurpose: The purpose is to examine the impact of intrinsic motivation factors on employee motivation levels, in an industry associated with monetary reward systems. Methodology: A qualitative case study was conducted through semi-structured interviews with eight respondents. This was done to get a greater insight into how employees perceive their motivation. The collected data was analyzed based

Lock-up avtalens påverkan på förstadagsavkastningen

Titel: Lock-up Avtalens Påverkan på Förstadagsavkastningen - En studie på svenska marknaden mellan åren 2010 och 2017 Seminariedatum: 2017-05-31 Kurs: FEKH89, Examensarbete i Finansiering på kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare: Niclas Hermansson, Marcus Lundberg, Daniel Rosengren Handledare: Susanne Arvidsson Nyckelord: Syfte: Studien syftar till att undersöka lock-up avtalens betydelse för börsintroduTitle: Lock-up Avtalens Påverkan på Förstadagsavkastningen - En studie på svenska marknaden mellan åren 2010 och 2017 Date of Seminar: 2017-05-31 Course: FEKH89, Bachelor Thesis in Corporate Finance, 15 ECTS Authors: Niclas Hermansson, Marcus Lundberg, Daniel Rosengren Advisor: Susanne Arvidsson Purpose: The study aims to explore and analyze the potential importance of lock-up agreements on first

Mass Influx and Right to Primary Education – Case & Field Study of Syrian Refugee Children in Turkey

Since the outbreak of the Syrian crisis in 2011,the number of Syrian refugees reached approximately 3 million; nearly half of them are children. Although primary education has always been available, education services for Syrian refugees were subject to frequent changes particularly between 2011-2014. The biggest and most significant step was taken in the 2016/2017 school year as a result of long-

From orphans to offenders.The framing of unaccompanied minors in Swedish media 2014-2016

This study tracks the use of the term “ensamkommande” (unaccompanied minors) in five major Swedish newspapers news/reportive articles over the months July 2014 to June 2016, using quantitative content analysis in order to detect shifts in the media frame preferences. The results are set in a context where examples of the recurring article frames are studied, using media framing theory, studying di

Boosting turnout in second-order elections - A quantitative study on the benefits of holding local elections at the same day as the European Parliament election

Since the installment of direct elections to the European Parliament, turnout has been falling. The implications of low, and ever falling, turnout are many. By holding second-order elections in the form of local elections on the same day as the election for the European Parliament, which also is a second-order election, turnout increases. This thesis estimates that turnout would increase by approx

Time-Resolved Photoluminescence Studies of InGaP Nanowires for Improving the Internal Quantum Efficiency

Semiconductor Nanowires are promising building blocks for advanced optoelectronic devices since their small diameter give rise to quantization effects. The small diameter also makes them susceptible to non-radiative recombination due to surface states. A consequence of non-radiative surface recombination is a reduction of a total recombination lifetime. This is in turn limits an internal quantum e


This paper analyses the impact of inflation targeting as a monetary policy framework on inflation volatility and inflation rates in Uganda, with a comparison with South Africa and Ghana (full-fledged inflation targeting economies) and Kenya that opted for a forward looking monetary framework. The results show that inflation targeting in Uganda has been efficient in reducing inflation volatility an

Platschefens psykosociala arbetsmiljö

Title: Site managers psychosocial work environment Author: Nelly Iteka & Zahraa Abdulrasol Supervisor: Radhlinah Aulin, Lund University, Therese von Wachenfelt, Peab Sverige AB Examiner: Anne Landin, Lund University Questions to issue: What affects the psychosocial work environment and what are the consequences of a good and poor work psychology? How do site managers experience the psychosocia

En oviss situation - En kvalitativ studie om utmaningar i arbetet med ensamkommande ungdomar i barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin

The aim of this study was to describe and examine how therapists at BUP relate to their work with unaccompanied youth. Emphasis lies on the challenges in the work and how they affect the discretion of the therapist. Semi-structured interviews were held with social workers at BUP in different parts of Skåne to collect empirical data, which later was analysed through the theory of street-level burea

"How to become a sugar buster"

Vår studie ämnar att skapa en djupare förståelse för komplexiteten som små företag står inför när de ska tränga igenom dagens mediebrus och nå fram med sina budskap till konsumenten. Studien omfattar tre frågeställningar som utgår från våra två nyckelteorier; agendasättande teori och corporate storytelling. Vi har exemplifierat vår studie på ett litet företag som heter DoubleGood, som till sommare

Factors Affecting Risk-Adjusted Stock Market Returns in Emerging Markets: A Pre- and Post-Crisis Comparison

Emerging markets have shown higher average returns alongside higher volatility. This has attracted investors around the globe who see these markets as a precious alternative to developed ones, as has become clear in the aftermath of the financial crisis. Hence, we consider it logical that more emphasis be put on investigating not only stock market returns in these developing economies, but also th