

Din sökning på "*" gav 534275 sökträffar

Development of hinges for sauna glass doors

Detta examensarbete har gjorts I samarbete med Tylö AB, ett bastuföretag med säte i Halmstad. De hade behov av att utreda möjligheten att använda universella, gärna likadana, gångjärn på alla sina bastudörrar i glas. Idag används flera olika typer av gångjärn beroende på var dörren ska monteras och alla olika gångjärn kräver olika typer av bearbetning på glasdörren för att kunna monteras. Tylö vilDevelopment of hinges for sauna glass doors 42 doors – one hinge. Our solution makes it possible to replace the three hinges currently used at Tylö AB with a single one and use it on all of the 42 door types at Tylö. This master thesis was performed in collaboration with the Swedish sauna company Tylö AB. They were in need of a new type of universal hinge for their sauna glass doors. Today, they u

Schablontider för arbeten i järnvägsanläggningen

This study aims to investigate the possibility of creating template times for rail works. Furthermore the study identifies a few effects which template times could have on planning of rail works, traffic and economy. Template times are being considered by the Swedish Transport Administration, Trafikverket, for the early stages of planning when there is a need to estimate the time required within t

Kollektivtrafik mellan Helsingborg- Höganäs

Satsningar på spårvägs investeringar i Skåne är efterfrågade av olika kommuner bland annat en regional spårväg mellan Höganäs- Helsingborg. Sträckan studeras ytterligare av de trafikperspektiven som tycks vara bristfälliga, punktlighet, kapacitet, restid och tillgänglighet. Hur nöjda resenärer är med dagens trafik studeras samt vilka eventuella problem som kan behöva åtgärdas. Det studeras också o

The Effects of Brand-Context Congruence

The purpose of this study is to examine if brand-context congruence has an effect on customer-based brand equity and whether brand image impacts this relationship. The relationship between an ad and the surrounding context, so called context congruence, has gained a lot of attention. This as it has been shown to generate beneficial outcomes for brands, such as better brand recall, recognition, and

EU’s regulatory competition in the field of limited liability companies and the effects thereof

Regulatory competition is a competitive process through which the jurisdictionss within a decentralized area develops and adapts to the market demands of that area. EU’s Single market is such decentralized area in the field of company legislation. Any EU citizen may establish a company in any Member State and as a consequence a race between the different national jurisdictions in the EU can emerge

Just nu: Extrapris på Hållbarhet, Jämställdhet och Social Rättvisa! En studie som genom en kritisk diskursanalys undersöker hur H&M inkorporerar politiska ställningstaganden i sin marknadsföring.

The following study conducts a critical discourse analysis on H&M’s marketing. The purpose is to analyze how H&M uses political positioning as a marketing tool. The study uses theory concerning communication in companies. How a company brand can benefit from communicating intangible values and transparency. It also uses theory rooted in commodity fetischism and feminist theory regarding pe

Do Mergers and Acquisitions Add Shareholder Value - An Empirical Event Study of the American and European Airline Industries

This study investigates and compares the value added by merger and acquisition activity within the airline industries of the United States of America and Europe following the deregulation of each respective market. An abnormal return event study methodology was performed with three different event window lengths using a final sample of 64 public airline mergers. The focus of the study was on abnor

Kan Nordkorea och R2P skaka hand? En fallstudie av R2P och om detta går att applicera på Nordkorea.

2001 utgav ICISS rapporten om Responsibility to Protect för att kartlägga staters skyldighet att säkerställa fred och säkerhet samt mänskliga rättigheterna för invånarna inom staten. Rapporten förklarade även det internationella samfundets skyldighet att ingripa genom intervention när staten inte kan upprätthålla de mänskliga rättigheterna. Därefter nämndes inte R2P förrän 2005 igen under World Su

Arbetsterapeutiska åtgärder som kan främja elevers delaktighet och lärande i skolan.

Abstrakt Bakgrund: Idag mår och presterar barn allt sämre i skolan. Det saknas ofta ett varierande arbetssätt och det finns brister i individanpassningar samt i att tillgodose elevers individuella behov utifrån ett delaktighets- och aktivitetsperspektiv. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka arbetsterapeutiska åtgärder som kan främja delaktighet, sociala färdigheter och lärande för skolplikAbstract Background: Today children feel and perform poorly in school. Due to shortcomings in individual adaptations, in varying ways of working and to meet students' individual needs from a participation and activity perspective. Aim: This study investigates occupational therapy interventions that can promote participation, social skills and learning, for students in primary schools in Sweden

Hinder för emotionell bearbetning vid PTSD - terapeuters erfarenheter av utmaningar i arbetet med Prolonged exposure

Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka vilka hinder terapeuter inom en psykiatrisk öppenvårdskontext möter i arbetet med Prolonged exposure (PE) – en evidensbaserad form av traumafokuserad KBT – samt vilka organisatoriska förutsättningar de ser som viktiga för att bedriva metoden framgångsrikt. Sex terapeuter som nyligen genomgått utbildning i metoden intervjuades. Intervjuerna spelades in, transkribeThe aim of the present study was to increase understanding of clinicians' perceptions and experiences of barriers as well as favorable organizational conditions related to administering Prolonged Exposure (PE) – an evidence-based form of trauma-focused CBT – in an out-patient care setting. Six therapists were interviewed after having completed a PE workshop. The interviews were recorded, trans

Ensam, själv, solo mother by choice. En explorativ kvalitativ studie om solomammors upplevelser av assisterad befruktning.

En explorativ kvalitativ studie formades i syfte att undersöka ensamstående kvinnors upplevelser av assisterad befruktning i Sverige. Studien genomfördes i samarbete med Reproduktionsmedicinskt Centrum (RMC), Skånes Universitetssjukhus (SUS). Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med åtta kvinnor, varav fyra befann sig i behandling och fyra nyligen hade fått barn. Datamaterialet analyserades geAn explorative qualitative study was designed to explore the experiences of receiving assisted reproduction technology among solo mothers in Sweden. The study was conducted in collaboration with Reproduktionsmedicinskt Centrum (RMC), Skånes Universitetssjukhus (SUS). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight women, of whom four were currently in treatment and four had recently got child

Pedagogers kunskap och förståelse kring elever i den nedre delen av normalvariationsintervallet i relation till undervisning och kunskapsutveckling

Tanken om en skola för alla har satt sig. Delaktiga under ett och samma tak, med samma möjligheter. Trots detta finns en ganska stor grupp av elever som får underkänt i ett eller flera ämnen. En del elever kan misstänkas vara svagbegåvade, d.v.s. i den nedre delen av intelligensskalan, dock inom ramen för vad som anses vara normalt. Det sociokulturella perspektivet på inlärning och utveckling tar

Reconstructing Radicalisation – A Risk Analysis Perspective of Radical Attitudes in a Swedish Muslim Sample

Radicalisation is an extremely popular topic in the terrorism discourse, yet it has seen extensive criticism for being a blurry concept. The present study evaluates the conceptual strength of radicalisation and reconstructs it with a focus on the empirical study of radicalisation from a risk perspective. Framed as a major risk factor in Islamic radicalisation, radical attitudes were examined in a

"Man tror att det är enda livet som finns" : En kvalitativ studie om före detta kriminellas syn på sin väg in i kriminalitet

Abstract This was a qualitative study about former criminals’ path to criminality and the study consisted of semi structured interviews with six former criminals. The aim of the study was to gain knowledge on why people turn to criminality. We asked our interviewees about what they thought were important factors in their path to criminality, as well as which factors they thought lacked during thei

Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av hur icke-verbal kommunikation påverkar vårdrelationen

Bakgrund: Den verbala kommunikationen förmedlar budskap, den icke-verbala kommunikationen förmedlar information om budskapen och kan antingen förstärka eller motsäga det som sägs verbalt. Genom att använda icke-verbal kommunikation anpassad efter mottagaren kan den icke-verbala kommunikationen utgöra ett hjälpmedel, istället för ett hinder, för vårdpersonal. Syfte: Att belysa hur den icke-verbala

Ökat skydd eller minskat självbestämmande? Socialarbetares syn på den svenska sexköpslagen

The purpose of this study was to examine how social workers working with people selling sexual services perceive the purpose, effects, and normative function of the Swedish Sex Purchase Law. The study is based on six semi-structured qualitative interviews with (social workers from the field). Theories that were used to analyse the data were social constructivism, radical feminism, and liberal femi

Deoxygenation of mucic and tartaric acid

Different homogenous and heterogenous catalysts, including different noble metals on silica or carbon and methyltrioxorhenium (MTO), were screened for their catalytic activity in the deoxydehydration of mucic and tartaric acid. A method for the determination of yields by NMR was developed and the reaction conditions, e.g. solvent composition and acidic catalyst, were optimized for tartaric acid. T

Finns det plats för medborgarna i platsmarknadsföringen?

Den här uppsatsen undersöker inkluderande platsmarknadsföring i svenska kommuner samt hur kommunalt anställda marknadsföringspraktiker resonerar kring att inkludera medborgare i arbetet med platsvarumärket. Platsmarknadsföring som disciplin har fått skarp kritik från forskare inom fältet för att vara allt för marknadsföringsorienterad och för att inte involvera medborgarnas verklighetsbild i platsThis thesis explores inclusive place branding in Swedish municipalities as well as how municipal place branding practitioners view the inclusion of citizens in place branding. Place branding as a field has received sharp criticism from researchers for being too market-oriented and for not including the reality of the citizens in theplace brand. These researchers call for an inclusive place brandin

Ungdomsrån ett ämne som rapporteras eller styrs av journalister?

This paper is about how journalists report on teen robbery. Theories like moral panic and problem frame will be used to see how the media works. Those theories will be combined with research on media and on how newspapers reported on an actual teen robbery wave in Sweden during 1998-2002. The study will investigate how journalists working for the paper GT reports on teen robbery during the last th

An oasis without water : a hydro-social investigation into how agricultural water use and management influences water scarcity in the Ferghana Valley, Central Asia

Water scarcity can have severe implications for society; endangering human health and food security whilst also exacerbating social conflict around the world. These issues are exemplified in the case of the Ferghana Valley in Central Asia, where much of the valley suffers from water scarcity and conflicts despite having adequate water sources. This scarcity is primarily due to how water is used, m