

Din sökning på "*" gav 533107 sökträffar

Ethical issues in obstetrics

Ethical issues in modern obstetrics commonly relate to a conflict between the rights and possibilities of the fetus versus those of the mother. After delivery, when the fetus by definition is a child, all legal rights are granted to this new individual. Whether any rights should be given or offered to the fetus is dependent on the prevailing situation. General rules are difficult to give due to th

Tau lepton production in ep collisions at HERA

The production of tau leptons in ep collisions is investigated using data recorded by the H1 detector at HERA in the period 1994-2000. Tau leptons are identified by detecting their decay products, using leptonic and hadronic decay modes. The cross section for the production of tau lepton pairs is measured for the first time at HERA. Furthermore, a search for events with an energetic isolated tau l

Anatomical and physiological foundations of cerebellar information processing

A coordinated movement is easy to recognize, but we know little about how it is achieved. In search of the neural basis of coordination, we present a model of spinocerebellar interactions in which the structure-functional organizing principle is a division of the cerebellum into discrete microcomplexes. Each microcomplex is the recipient of a specific motor error signal-that is, a signal that conv

Self-doubt: Why we are not identical to things of any kind

There are two fundamental aspects of the notion of a self: (i) it is the owner of one's experiences, that to which one's experiences are properly attributed, and (ii) it perceives itself. (ii) is a condition on the self's being capable of attributing experiences to itself or being introspectively aware of its experiences, which constitutes a third, higher-order aspect of the self. I claim that it

Effects of bulk inversion asymmetry and low interface symmetry on the optical properties of broken-gap heterostructures

We have studied the influence of bulk inversion asymmetry (BIA) and the relativistic part of the low-symmetry interface Hamiltonian (IH) on intersubband optical transitions, induced by linearly polarized light, between strongly hybridized electron-hole states in asymmetrical InAs/GaSb broken-gap quantum wells grown along the [001] direction. The self-consistent calculations were performed using th

Mapuchefolket - i gränsernas land : En studie av autonomi, identitet, etniska gränser och social mobilisering

Popular AbstractDen nya världsordningen som Castells kallar för nätverksamhälle skapar en konflikt mellan globalisering och identitet. I detta avseende blir frågan om identitet och etniska gränser, i Barths mening, ett centralt tema för att förstå samhällsförändringar. Globaliseringsprocessen håller på att skapa en försvagning av det civila samhället och med detta försvagas också förhållandena melThe new world order, that Castells denominates network society, generates a conflict between the globalisation and identity. In this sense the questions of identity and ethnic boundaries,in Barth’s meaning, emerge as a central subject to understanding societal changes. Globalisation is causing a weakening of the civil society, the relationship between the nation state and the people is also debili

Effect of iodixanol particle size on the mechanical properties of a PMMA based bone cement.

Iodixanol (IDX) is a water soluble opacifier widely used in radiographical examinations of blood vessels and neural tissue, and it has been suggested as a potential contrast media in acrylic bone cement. The effect of the iodixanol particle size on the polymerisation process of the bone cement, the molecular weight, and the quasi-static mechanical properties have been investigated in this article.

Reasoning with Limited Resources: Active Logics Expressed as Labeled Deductive Systems

Reasoning with limited computational resources (such as time or memory) is an important problem, in particular in knowledge-intensive embedded systems. Classical logic is usually considered inappropriate for this purpose as no guarantees regarding deadlines can be made. One of the moreinteresting approaches to address this problem is built around the concept of active logics. Although a step in th

Classification of large pollen datasets using neural networks with application to mapping and modelling pollen data

This thesis concerns the usage of large pollen databases and their application to mapping and modelling past vegetation. Maps of past taxon distributions are generated and classification techniques are used to compile maps of past woodland types. These visualisations of pollen data have applications in forest ecology and in modelling the impacts of climate change. Maps of the distribution limits o

An approach to analog mitigation of RFI

Among all noise sources present in wireline transmission systems we focus on one special type: narrowband radio frequency interference generated by radio amateurs (HAM) and broadcast radio stations. This disturbance, characterized by high power and narrow bandwidth, has the potential of overloading the receiver's analog-to-digital converter (ADC). Once the ADC is in saturation, any countermeasure

Detection of Heart Rate Turbulence Using an Extended IPFM Model

In this study, the IPFM model is extended to account for the presence of ectopic beats and heart rate turbulence (HRT). Based on the model extension, a new approach to characterize HRT is presented based on a set of Karhunen- Loeve (KL) basis functions. The three most significant basis functions possess attractive physiological interpretations which reflect the difference in heart rate prior to th

Legal Ideals and Normative Realities : A case study of children's rights and child labor activity in Paraguay

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna doktorsavhandling i Rättssociologi handlar om barns rättigheter och barnarbete i Paraguay. Problematiken kring barnarbete i Paraguay är central för avhandlingen och författaren har undersökt samt beskrivit de rättsliga ideal som är tänkta att upprätthålla och stärka det rättsliga skyddet för barns rättigheter. De rättsliga idealen kontrasteras sedemera mot den norThe present study is composed of eight chapters relating to children's rights and child labor activity in the Republic of Paraguay. The problem of child labor in Paraguay is central for this study and the legal ideals that are intended to uphold and strengthen the rights of the child are described and contrasted with the present normative reality in which the children work and live. The discrepanc

Fru Nanna Grönvalls bokbinderi

At the age of 33 and mother of seven children (the husband a shawowy figure), Mrs Grönvall started a small but soon renowed hand book bindery in the town of Malmö in Southern Sweden in 1893. Mostly self-taught herself, through the years she housed and trained several apprentices and journeyman of wich some opened binderies of their own. At the Arts and Crafts Exhibition in Malmö 1907 she was award

Production Control of a Pulp and Paper Mill

A summary of a study devoted to computerized scheduling of a complex integrated pulp and paper mill is presented. A mathematical model of the mill was built and the scheduling problem was formulated as an optimal control problem for a multivariable deterministic system. The mill is described by a linear, first-order, vectorvalued differential equation. The control system consists of 10 state varia