

Din sökning på "*" gav 533727 sökträffar

Mechanisms behind diffuse idiopathic peripheral neuropathy in humans–a systematic review

Introduction: Diffuse peripheral neuropathy is a well-known complication of several conditions, whereas many patients have peripheral neuropathy of unknown etiology and pathophyisology. Increased knowledge of mechanisms may provide insight into enteric neuropathy with gastrointestinal dysmotility. The aim of the present systematic review was to identify mechanisms behind diffuse idiopathic periphe

Adverse pregnancy outcomes and long term risk of ischemic heart disease in mothers : national cohort and co-sibling study

Objective: To examine the associations between five major adverse pregnancy outcomes and long term risks of ischemic heart disease in mothers. Design: National cohort study. Setting: Sweden. Participants: All 2 195 266 women with a first singleton delivery in Sweden during 1973-2015. Main outcome measures: The main outcome measure was incidence of ischemic heart disease from delivery to 2018, iden

Monitoring beam charge during FLASH irradiations

In recent years, FLASH irradiation has attracted significant interest in radiation research. Studies have shown that irradiation at ultra-high dose rates (FLASH) reduces the severity of toxicities in normal tissues compared to irradiation at conventional dose rates (CONV), as currently used in clinical practice. Most pre-clinical work is currently carried out using charged particle beams and the b

Breathe : Bridging the Personal and The Planetary through Augmented-Reality Experiences

As societies worldwide seek to grapple with the scope and consequences of the climate emergency, artists, museums, and art spaces have a growing role in developing the repertoire of climate narratives, images, and stories. This chapter presents the creative process and lessons of an augmented reality experience that highlights the fundamental interdependence between the human body and the biospher

Deep H i Mapping of Stephan's Quintet and Its Neighborhood

We carried out deep mapping observations of the atomic hydrogen (H i) 21 cm line emission in a field centered on the famous galaxy group Stephan's Quintet (SQ), using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) equipped with a 19-beam receiver. The final data cube reaches an H i column density sensitivity of 5σ = 2.1 × 1017 cm-2 per 20 km s-1 channel with an angular resolution of 4.


Short pulse, low emittance electron beams are necessary to drive bright FEL X-rays, for this reason it is important to preserve and limit emittance growth. The strong bunch compression required to achieve the short bunches, can lead to coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR)-induced emittance growth, and while there are some methods of CSR cancellation, these methods may be less effective when the CS

GRASP Manual for Users

grasp is a software package in Fortran 95, adapted to run in parallel under MPI, for research in atomic physics. The basic premise is that, given a wave function, any observed atomic property can be computed. Thus, the first step is always to determine a wave function. Different properties challenge the accuracy of the wave function in different ways. This software is distributed under the MIT Lic

Multi-pass Cell Based Nonlinear Pulse Compression of Yb : YAG Pump-Probe Lasers at FLASH

The majority of user experiments at the high repetition-rate free electron laser (FEL) facility FLASH are of pump-probe type, combining the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) or soft x-ray radiation from the FEL with ultrashort pulses generated by optical lasers. In this contribution, we demonstrate the advantages of using high-power Yb:YAG lasers with subsequent nonlinear pulse compression stages based on

Crystal to crystal transformation in soft ionic microgels : Kinetics and the role of local mechanical susceptibilities

We report confocal microscopy experiments of electric-field-driven crystal-crystal transformations in microgel colloids with varying particle softness. The transformation kinetics are well described by phenomenological nucleation and growth theory. Using a spatial projection formalism, we determine local susceptibilities to affine shear deformation and nonaffine defect formation in the parent crys

A modified dynamic Lee model for two-phase closed thermosyphon (TPCT) simulation

A modified model consisting of a dynamic Lee model, volume of fluid model, and continuum surface force model is developed. The modified model investigates heat transfer characteristics of the vapor–liquid phase change process and details of the two-phase flow during operation of a two-phase closed thermosyphon. The mass transfer time relaxation parameters for the Lee phase change model are the mos

Location of Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Metastases in Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma : Results from a Prospective Lymph Node Mapping Study

Background: There is limited information on the distribution of retroperitoneal lymph node metastases (LNMs) in upper tract urothelial carcinoma (UTUC). Objective: To investigate the location of LNMs in UTUC of the renal pelvis or proximal ureter and short-term complications after radical nephroureterectomy (RNU) with lymph node dissection (LND). Design, setting, and participants: This was a prosp

Association between classes and subclasses of polyphenol intake and 5-year body weight changes in the EPIC-PANACEA study

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the associations among the intake of total polyphenols, polyphenol classes, and polyphenol subclasses and body weight change over 5 years. Methods: A total of 349,165 men and women aged 25 to 70 years were recruited in the Physical Activity, Nutrition, Alcohol, Cessation of Smoking, Eating Out of Home and Obesity (PANACEA) project of the European Pr

Genetic predictors of lifelong medication-use patterns in cardiometabolic diseases

Little is known about the genetic determinants of medication use in preventing cardiometabolic diseases. Using the Finnish nationwide drug purchase registry with follow-up since 1995, we performed genome-wide association analyses of longitudinal patterns of medication use in hyperlipidemia, hypertension and type 2 diabetes in up to 193,933 individuals (55% women) in the FinnGen study. In meta-anal

Association between small-for-gestational age and poor school performance in 2 500 000 children born 1973–2002

Aim: To examine the association between infant weight for gestational age and school performance when leaving school at 16 years of age. Methods: Out of 2 525 571 infants born near- or at term, between 1 January 1973 and 31 December 2002, identified from the Swedish Medical Birth Register, 65 912 (2.6%) were born small-for-gestational age (SGA). Outcomes studied were the risk for the need for educ

Early Pharmacodynamic Changes Measured Using RNA Sequencing of Peripheral Blood from Patients in a Phase I Study with Mitazalimab, a Potent CD40 Agonistic Monoclonal Antibody

CD40-targeting therapies can enhance the dendritic cell priming of tumor-specific T cells and repolarize intratumoral macrophages to alleviate the tumoral immunosuppressive environment and remodel the extracellular matrix. Mitazalimab is a potent agonistic CD40 monoclonal IgG1 antibody currently under clinical development. This study used RNA sequencing of blood samples from a subset of patients f

Few-cycle pulse generation by double-stage hybrid multi-pass multi-plate nonlinear pulse compression

Few-cycle pulses present an essential tool to track ultrafast dynamics in matter and drive strong field effects. To address photon-hungry applications, high average power lasers are used which, however, cannot directly provide sub-100-fs pulse durations. Post-compression of laser pulses by spectral broadening and dispersion compensation is the most efficient method to overcome this limitation. We

Boreal Forest Wildfire in a Changing Climate

Den boreala regionen innehåller 40% av jordens kol (C) som lagras i vegetation och mark med sina skogar som står för nästan 30% av den terrestra C sänkan. Boreala skogar upplever några av de snabbaste hastigheterna för klimatuppvärmning och ökningar i brandaktivitet, vilket hotar att släppa ut stora mängder av deras C reserver till atmosfären. Även om klimat och skogsbränder har stark kontroll öveThe boreal region contains 40% of the earth’s carbon (C) that is stored in vegetation and soils with its forests accounting for almost 30% of the terrestrial C sink. Boreal forests are experiencing some of the most rapid rates of climatic warming and increases in fire activity, threatening to release large amounts of their dense C reserves to the atmosphere. While climate and wildfire place strong


The MAX IV 3 GeV linac delivers electron beams to two synchrotron rings and to a dedicated undulator system for X-ray beam delivery in the Short Pulse Facility (SPF). In addition, there are plans to use the linac as an injector for a future Soft X-ray Laser (SXL). For both SPF and SXL operations, longitudinal beam characterisation with a high temporal resolution is essential. For this purpose, a t

i ett hus vid skogens slut

Manus till teaterföreställningen i ett hus vid skogens slut som gjordes på Turteatern i Stockholm."Vid civilisationens ände tittar människan yrvaket upp. En ångest som liknar en tomhet dånar i hennes inre. Strategierna för distraktion fungerar inte längre. Information flödar in i henne utan att hitta fästpunkter, politiken är lika död som de för länge sedan bortglömda gudarna, och själva pengasyst