

Din sökning på "*" gav 528293 sökträffar

Forest clear-cuts as habitat for farmland birds and butterflies

The intensification of agriculture has resulted in more homogeneous landscapes and declines of many species associated with farmland or other semi-natural open habitats. In parallel, forestry has also intensified causing declines in many species associated with old-growth forests. While intensive forestry negatively affects forest species, it inadvertently creates new habitats such as clear-cuts,

Hierarchical growing grid networks for skeleton based action recognition

In this paper, a novel cognitive architecture for action recognition is developed by applying layers of growing grid neural networks. Using these layers makes the system capable of automatically arranging its representational structure. In addition to the expansion of the neural map during the growth phase, the system is provided with a prior knowledge of the input space, which increases the proce

Three-dimensional architecture of human diabetic peripheral nerves revealed by X-ray phase contrast holographic nanotomography

A deeper knowledge of the architecture of the peripheral nerve with three-dimensional (3D) imaging of the nerve tissue at the sub-cellular scale may contribute to unravel the pathophysiology of neuropathy. Here we demonstrate the feasibility of X-ray phase contrast holographic nanotomography to enable 3D imaging of nerves at high resolution, while covering a relatively large tissue volume. We show

Behavioural responses to co-occurring threats of predation and ultraviolet radiation in Daphnia

Organisms in the wild are faced with multiple threats and a common response is a change in behaviour. To disentangle responses to several threats, we exposed two differently sized species of the freshwater invertebrate Daphnia to solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and predation from either moving pelagic or benthic ambush predators. Using an advanced nanotechnology-based method, we tracked the thre

Physics opportunities with the Advanced Gamma Tracking Array: AGATA

New physics opportunities are opening up by the Advanced Gamma Tracking Array, AGATA, as it evolves to the full 4π instrument. AGATA is a high-resolution γ-ray spectrometer, solely built from highly segmented high-purity Ge detectors, capable of measuring γ rays from a few tens of keV to beyond 10 MeV, with unprecedented efficiency, excellent position resolution for individual γ-ray interactions,

Combining results from hip impingement and range of motion tests can increase diagnostic accuracy in patients with FAI syndrome

Purpose: Clinical examination is an important part in the diagnosis of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) syndrome. However, knowledge on reliability and validity of clinical diagnostic tests is scarce. The aims were to evaluate the inter-rater agreement and diagnostic accuracy of clinical tests to detect patients with FAI syndrome. Methods: Eighty-one patients (49% women) were recruited. Two expe

The rearing environment and the risk for alcohol use disorder : A Swedish national high-risk home-reared v. adopted co-sibling control study

Background: Although alcohol use disorder (AUD) runs strongly within families, studies examining the impact of rearing environment, unconfounded by genetic effects, are rare and, to date, contradictory. We here seek to conduct such a study using an adoptive co-sib control design. Methods: Defining high-risk as having 3/41 biological parent with an externalizing syndrome (AUD, drug abuse or crime),

Controlling the morphology of microgels by ionic stimuli

Stimuli-responsive microgels have attracted much interest for their use as vehicles for drug delivery or as the building blocks of adaptive materials. Ionic microgel particles, including popular poly(NIPAM-co-acrylic acid), show strong mechanical responsiveness to many external stimuli, including changes in ionic strength or acidity. In this work, we demonstrate that combining multiple ionic stimu

Phase field modelling allotropic transformation of solid solution

Based on the multiphase field conception and integrated with the idea of vector valued phase fields, a phase field model for typical allotropic transformation of solid solution is proposed. The model takes the non-uniform distribution of grain boundaries of the parent phase and the crystal orientation into account, as illustrated in simulations of austenite to ferrite transformation in low carbon Based on multiphase field conception and integrated with the idea of vectorvalued phase field, a phase field model for typical allotropic transformation of solid solution is proposed. The model takes the non-uniform distribution of grain boundaries of parent phase and crystal orientation into account in proper way, as being illustrated by the simulation of austenite to ferrite transformation in lo

Synthetic receptor analogues: preparation and calculated conformations of the 2-deoxy, 6-O-methyl, 6-deoxy, and 6-deoxy-6-fluoro derivatives of methyl 4-O-α-D-galactopyranosyl-β-D-galactopyranoside (methyl β-D-galabioside)

The 2-deoxy (7), 6-O-methyl (15), 6-deoxy (22), and 6-deoxy-6-fluoro (31) derivatives of methyl β-d-galabioside (1) have been synthesised. Thus, 7 was prepared by xanthate reduction using tributyltin hydride, whereas 22 was obtained by catalytic hydrogenation of a 6-deoxy-6-iodogalabioside. Regioselective mono-fluorination of methyl 2,3-di-O-benzoyl-β-d-galactopyranoside with Et2NSF3 and subsequen

What's interesting in entrepreneurial education research? Identifying conversants sharing common interests in the field

In this study, the authors develop knowledge and insights on how the perception of interestingness influences the structure and focus of conversations in entrepreneurial education (EE) research. In particular, the authors elaborate on what is perceived as interesting among different subgroups of EE researchers, and not least, how EE researchers can identify and engage in scholarly conversation wit

Patronage effects of off-peak service improvements in regional public transport

The purpose of this study is to look into patronage effects of extended supply outside peak hours on regional public transport services. Previous studies have shown that the service frequency is an attribute of great importance for regional passengers, but little is known about the details regarding peak and off-peak frequencies or service hours. The present study addresses this knowledge gap, dep

Comparative immunomodulatory effects in mice and in human dendritic cells of five bacterial strains selected for biocontrol of leafy green vegetables

The market for ready-to eat vegetables is increasing, but unfortunately so do the numbers of food-borne illness outbreaks related to these products. A previous study has identified bacterial strains suitable for biocontrol of leafy green vegetables to reduce the exposure to pathogens in these products. As a tentative safety evaluation, five selected strains (Rhodococcus cerastii MR5x, Bacillus coa

Count Me In! Extendability for Threshold Ring Signatures

Ring signatures enable a signer to sign a message on behalf of a group anonymously, without revealing her identity. Similarly, threshold ring signatures allow several signers to sign the same message on behalf of a group; while the combined signature reveals that some threshold t of the group members signed the message, it does not leak anything else about the signers’ identities. Anonymity is a c

Prolonged heat and drought versus cool climate on the Swedish spring wheat breeding lines : Impact on the gluten protein quality and grain microstructure

Fluctuating climate, heat, and drought are expected to considerably impact bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) quality in the coming years and, as wheat is an essential food element worldwide, this will have significant implications for future food security and the global economy. This leads to an urgent need for developing wheat varieties with stable yield and gluten quality. In this study, we invest

Experiences of SENSory Relearning of the UPPer Limb (SENSUPP) after Stroke and Perceived Effects : A Qualitative Study

Recently, it was shown that sensory relearning of the upper limb (SENSUPP) is a promising intervention to improve sensorimotor function after stroke. There is limited knowledge, however, of how participants perceive the training. Here, we explored how persons with sensory impairments in the upper limb experienced the SENSUPP protocol (combined sensory-and motor training and home exercises for 5 we

Non-thermal gliding arc discharge assisted turbulent combustion (up to 80 kW) at extended conditions : phenomenological analysis

Plasma assisted combustion has been proposed as an efficient technique to enhance combustion, especially under the extreme conditions. For shedding light on the interactions between plasma and turbulent flame at extended conditions, a burner design with integrated electrodes was used to couple a non-thermal gliding arc (GA) discharge to a turbulent flame. The morphology and dynamic behaviors of th