Din sökning på "*" gav 534749 sökträffar
Adam, Aimery och det stora Okända, eller Om medeltidsmänniskans syn på kosmos
A flexible CO2 targeting regime
According to EU regulations, CO2 emissions capped by the EU emission trading system must decline by 1.74 percent per year from 2013 and onwards. This paper argues that it is necessary to allow short term fluctuations in emissions in order to avoid unnecessary volatility in the real economy. An analysis of emissions data from the European Union and the United States reveals systematic fluctuations
Design drivers for a wide-field multi-object spectrograph for the William Herschel telescope
Linearized Euler equations - Arnoldi algorithm for computing resonance frequencies and acoustic modes
Competing Sources of Law and the Adjudicative Power. Advantages of Nordic Law in a European Context and the Need of Comparative and Historical Research and Teaching
Moving Forward in African Economic History: Bridging the gap between methods and sources
International Financial Integration
Nordic Narratives of the Second World War : National Historiographies Revisited
How have the dramatic events of the Second World War been viewed in the Nordic countries? In Nordic Narratives of the Second World War, leading Nordic historians analyse post-war memory and historiography. They explore the relationship between scholarly and public understandings of the war. How have national interpretations been shaped by official security-policy doctrines? And in what way has the
European Union
Polen – från motstånd i Gdansk till EU-medlemskap
Reliabilism and the Value of Knowledge
Selecting biodiversity indicators to set conservation targets: Species, structures, or processes?
Strategisk kommunikation: Forskning och praktik
Comparing Nations - Perceptions of Global Risk and Environmental Concern
The intention of this chapter is neither a pure methodological nor a theoretical discussion, but instead, an empirical analysis which aims to understand variations in perceptions of global risks and environmental concern in a number of countries. The discussion, however, relies on methodological as well as theoretical perspectives concerning the shortcomings and pitfalls one encounters in comparin
Female and male in the culture of dance. The development through 400 years.
Biologiämnets texter : text, språk och lärande i en språkligt heterogen gymnasieklass
This study concerns text, language, and learning in a linguistically heterogeneous upper secondary class in Sweden where students aged 16 to 17 are studying biology. One starting point for the dissertation is the importance of language in all school subjects. Another premise is that language as a resource for learning and communication is a high challenge for students who are studying through thei
OC199: The frequency of typical ultrasound morphological features in borderline ovarian tumors
A coarse-grained dynamically reconfigurable architecture for digital signal processing
This paper presents design and implementation of a coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture, targeting digital signal processing applications. The proposed architecture is constructed from a mesh of resource cells, containing the separated processing and memory elements that communicate via a hybrid interconnect network. Parameterizable design of resource cells enables flexible static mapping of
The age of the Kleva intrusion, southeast Sweden
The Kleva nickel-copper mineralization is situated within a gabbro-diorite intrusion on the border between the late Svecofennian rocks of the Oskarshamn-Jonkoping belt and rocks of the slightly younger Transscandinavian Igneous Belt (TIB). The sulphides present in the mafic intrusion are pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, pentlandite and pyrite, occurring as massive mineralization, disseminations and thin,