

Din sökning på "*" gav 526240 sökträffar

Identification of The Pericyte Specific Secretome in an In Vitro Model of the Neurovascular Unit

Pericytes play an important role in the integrity of blood brain barrier. They have intricate communication with several other cell types in the brain, both through paracrine and endocrine signaling. We have previously shown that in vitro-cultured pericytes secrete various cytokines, chemokines and microparticles in disease model-systems in vitro. However, the temporal dynamics and specificity of

Quadratic Voting and Heterogeneous Beliefs

Quadratic voting has been proposed as a voting procedure that aggregates preferences in a near-utilitarian way. A voter’s optimal strategy is, however, not solely a function of her preferences, but also of her beliefs about how others will vote. This thesis presents a formal model of quadratic voting that, unlike previous models, allows for heterogeneity in the beliefs of voters. The specification

Politisk tillit och vaccinering i EU - Flermetodsansats med fokus på Lettland och Litauen

Den 11e mars 2020 deklarerades att Covid-19 var en pandemi. Behovet av att snabbt ta fram ett effektivt och säkert vaccin blev en gemensam global angelägenhet. Trots EU-ländernas gemensamma strategi har vaccineringsfrekvensen sett olika ut i olika medlemsländer. I denna uppsats används en kombination av intensiva och extensiva metoder för att belägga ett positivt samband mellan politisk tillit och

Sanning eller konsekvens? - En rättsvetenskaplig uppsats om avvägningen mellan yttrandefrihet och ärekränkning

Var gränsen ska gå för vilka uppgifter som ska vara tillåtna att sprida är en omdebatterad fråga som kräver en avvägning mellan yttrandefrihet och en persons ära. Uppgifter som utgör förtal kan ändock anses tillåtna om domstolen bedömer dem som försvarliga och de därutöver är sanna eller det finns skälig grund att hålla dem för sanna. Under #metoo-uppropet hösten 2017 publicerades oräkneliga inlägA controversial issue in today’s society is where to draw the line regarding what information that should be allowed to disseminate. It requires a balance between freedom of expression and a person’s honor. Information that constitutes defamation can still be considered permissible if the court deems it justifiable, and if the defamation is true or there is reasonable ground to deem it true. Durin

Calibration of a Fast Neutron Time-of-Flight System

Future experiments with thermal neutrons at neutron facilities may encounter fast neutrons as sources of background. Understanding fast neutron behavior on an event-by-event basis in a detector is important for these complementary thermal neutron experiments. One way to study fast neutron events is by performing a time-of-flight measurement. In this thesis, a calibration of a neutron time-of-fligh

Lägger cornerstone-investerarna pusslet?

Titel: Lägger cornerstone-investerarna pusslet? Seminariedatum: 14/01/2021 Kurs: FEKH89, Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Ulf Larsson, Rebecka Lindell, Magnus Lundh Handledare: Maria Gårdängen Nyckelord: IPO, Cornerstone-investerare, Förstadagsavkastning, BHAR, Nordiska marknaden Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka nordiska IPO:ers förstadagsavkas

“They only talk about the trees” - An analysis of relations of power and justice in the (de)construction of Nepal’s Second International Airport

While calls to reduce air travel have emerged in many high-income countries, Nepal, with only one international airport, is still striving to improve its air connectivity. In 2015, the government resumed its 1995 plan to build a second international airport near Nijgadh, a town in the southern plains. The project has since come under scrutiny from conservationists after plans emerged for extensive

Kan lönenivån förklara bristen på specialistsjuksköterskor? En studie om lönepremien för specialistsjuksköterskor

This study examines if the shortage of specialist nurses is caused by low wages. The economic return of education for specialist nurses in Region Skåne has been regressed by estimates of the wage premiums. By using wage data from Region Skåne, an extended version of the Mincer equation has been performed. The results show that the wage premium for a specialist nurse is 12.3 percent. The results pr

Vestiges of Roman Cult Religion and Household Deities in the Northern Barbaricum: A study of statuettes and other anthropomorphic figures from Barbaricum, Britannia Superior and the Roman heartlands

This text serves as a fresh approach to the study of Roman influence on the Scandinavian region. This is achieved through the medium of various bronze statuettes, both from the Roman Empire itself as well as in the form of locally-produced anthropomorphic figures. The study concentrates on four specific regions of Europe; Italy, southern Britain, Denmark, and southern Sweden. All of these areas ma

Measuring community resilience in Swedish municipalities

All Swedish municipalities have planning tools such as a municipal action plan and a risk- and vulnerability assessment, which are governing documents on how to prepare, prevent and respond to accidents and crisis. However, there are no established methods for measuring community resilience in Sweden. Therefore, it could potentially be beneficial for Swedish municipalities to use a method for meas

Mödrars upplevelser tre år efter barnets utskrivning från neonatalavdelningen

Föräldrar upplever det stressande att få ett för tidigt fött barn, mödrar påverkas mer negativt än fäder. Den tidigare forskningen fokuserar framförallt på upplevelsen av att föda för tidigt i anslutning till barnets födelse, färre studier har undersökt mödrars upplevelser en tid efter barnets utskrivning. Det framkommer dock att mödrar till exempel kan uppleva posttraumatisk stress blandat med or

Tvister om uppsägnings- och avskeds giltighet - En utredning och jämförelse mellan gällande rätt och föreslagna ändringar av LAS

Uppsatsen handlar om ogiltigförklaring och skadestånd inom ramen för ämnet tvister om uppsägnings- och avskeds giltighet. Uppsatsen använder en kombination av rättsdogmatisk och rättsanalytisk metod. Syftet med uppsatsen är att klargöra, problematisera och jämföra gällande rätt med LAS-utredningens- och överenskommelsens förslag inom ramen för uppsatsens ämne. Syftet är vidare att analysera potent

Föräldrastress och spädbarns hälsa och utveckling: En korrelationsstudie med själv-­ och föräldraskattningar

Inom vård- och forskningsvärlden är betydelsen av att tidigt fånga upp utvecklingsavvikelser hos barn liksom dåligt mående hos föräldrar vida känt. Transaktionella modeller framhåller att föräldrar och barn förhåller sig till varandra på ett reciprokt reglerande sätt. Studier inom föräldrastressforskningen har funnit reciproka samband mellan föräldrar som upplever höga nivåer av stress i sitt förä

Det dolda genusperspektivet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med sex socialarbetare om normer kring genus, sexuellt beteende och försäljning av sex

When we look into adolescents sexual behavior and selling of sex, we can see that there has been a greater interest for girls than for boys. We can also see historically that there has been a normative difference and that the subject is not examined in a greater extend. The aim of this study was to gain increased knowledge about how social workers in their work within the framework of LVU(The Care

”Hjälplös fast man önskade att man kunde rädda världen” - Tjejjourstjejers syn på rollen som stödjare via chatt och deras motivationskrafter

The aim of this study was to explore how volunteers within young women online support chat experienced their supportive role. Further we wanted to explore what motivated these volunteers to continue with their voluntary work within the online support chat. The method chosen for this study was qualitative interviews with eight volunteers from six different young women empowerment centres. When anal

En ny chans här i livet - En kvalitativ studie om familjehemmets upplevelser av LVU-placeringar och dess påverkan för den unge

The purpose of this study is to examine foster parents’ experiences of how emergency placements in foster care work and affect children. Furthermore, the study aims to shed light on how the foster care parents perceive the separation from the child’s family of origin and how the contact with the children’s biological parents has been. To fulfill the purpose of the study several qualitative and sem

"Det är inte diagnosen som styr behovet" : En studie om socialarbetares erfarenheter och kunskap om trauman hos unga kvinnor med autism

Previous studies have pointed to a need for further research regarding young women with autism and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or experiences of trauma, especially within psychiatric social work. The aim of this study was to examine how social workers reflect on their experiences and knowledge of trauma among young women with autism. Furthermore, the aim was to deepen the understanding o

Transitioning towards AI: An exploration of how and why Swedish organizations choose to adopt AI-technologies

The purpose of this thesis is to explore the factors, circumstances and insights influencing Swedish organizations in their own transitioning process towards AI. The work conducted within this thesis results in a qualitative report where a number of focus areas are reviewed in an attempt to first provide a holistic picture surrounding the definitions, contexts, activities and mindsets involved in

Water Insoluble Fraction of Nopal (Opuntia ficus) Cladodes Beneficially Affects Postprandial Appetite-related Variables, while the Soluble Fraction Has No Effect: A Randomized Crossover Study in Healthy Volunteers

Introduction: The world has witnessed a global trend of increasing obesity, which is directly linked to non-communicable diseases, such as type 2 diabetes (T2D). The epidemic of obesity is largely associated with consumption of high calorie diets and low physical activity. Food choice and exercise have a big impact to prevent obesity and T2D making these diseases highly related to personal lifesty

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The present study examines in a quantitative and qualitative manner the foreign language enjoyment (FLE), and partially foreign language anxiety (FLCA), in the specific context of highschool students in Sweden. The 108 participants have completed a survey of 18 quantitative components (Likert scales). Three open questions asking to describe episodes during their French classes where they felt enjo