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This study examines the 'Emergence of Trans-Jordan' in the light of the Cairo Conference, which was held in March, 1921 on the initiative of Winston Churchill. It examines furthermore, British political activities in the Near East in general and Trans-Jordan in particular, following the establishment of Trans-Jordan under Emir Abdullah ibn Husayn. This study which is concerned with the period 1921

Integration of Aqueous Two-Phase Systems into Recovery Processes for Biomolecules

Popular Abstract in Swedish Människans kropp består av celler som byggs upp av komponenter som DNA, proteiner, lipider och polysackarider. I DNA finns den genetiska informationen lagrad som gör att kroppen kan fungera. Informationen i DNA omvandlas till proteiner som deltager i cellens biokemiska processer. DNA finns i olika former, dels genomiskt DNA och dels en mindre cirkulär form som kallas plThe main scope of this thesis has been to study and develop new purification methods and also to further develop existing methods for purification to enhance their efficacy. Important parameters in the development of the methods are that they should be suitable for scale-up and possible to be integrated into recovery processes. The studies in this thesis describe that a hydrophobic peptide tag ca

From Adaptive Capacity to Adaptation: Rethinking the Interface between Institutions and Citizens

There is an increasing consensus that individual adaptive capacities are critical to successfully adapt to climate change and achieve sustainable development. However, little is known about adaptive practices, particularly in developed countries. Against this background, this paper investigates the strategies used by Swedish citizens to adapt to (changing) climatic variability and extremes. It off


Logopedi definieras som läran om språk-, röst- och talstörningar och deras behandling. Detta är den första heltäckande läroboken i logopedi på svenska och består av 40 kapitel av 44 olika författare. I en introducerande del beskrivs funktion och utveckling med anknytning till de fyra logopediska huvudområdena röst, språk, tal och sväljning. Därefter beskrivs karakteristik, diagnostik och interven

Iterative time reversal retrofocusing of electromagnetic wave fields

Time reversal is based on recording the wave field by a set of transducers, time reversing the recorded signal, and retransmitting the result. An iterative time reversal algorithm that retrofocuses an electromagnetic wave field to its controllable part is establish. The algorithm utilizes the 'equal fields on the boundary' condition, which can be archived with the wave-guided controllable part of