Din sökning på "*" gav 526784 sökträffar
Paired Reading: Ett försök i sju kommuner med lästräning för familjehemsplacerade barn
Den goda folkbildningen
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Neuroblastoma: Role of hypoxia and hypoxia inducible factors in tumor progression
Future risks and risk management
Internal Simulation in a Bimodal System
Hygroscopic Properties of Aerosol Particles Emitted from a 1 MW Biomass Combustion Unit
The Uncertain Dichotomous Choice Model - Some Results
Popular Abstract in Swedish Den s.k. "uncertain dichotomous choice" modellen används för att beskriva gruppbeslut. Modellen består av två komponenter: gruppstruktur och röstsystem. Gruppen utgörs av ett antal personer med ett gemensamt mål. Medlemmarnas uppgift är att välja ett av de två givna alternativen, av vilka det ena är korrekt. Dessa två symmetriska alternativ antas så utformade att det inA probabilistic framework used in studying collective decision making is the uncertain dichotomous choice model. The model is essentially characterized by two components: the organizational structure and the voting process. By organizational structure, we refer to a group composed of members with common objectives and who are tasked to choose one of the two given alternatives, one of which is assu
En tidig morgon i det offentliga rummet
A meditation on the role of photography in public spaces
Quizz, the wizz. How to motivate students for progression through prior knowledge
Modeling Coastal Morphology and Its Evolution
Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)-based vector quantization of Line Spectral Frequencies (LSFs) has gained wide acceptance in speech coding. In predictive coding of LSFs, the GMM approach utilizing Kalman filtering principles to account for quantization noise has been shown to perform better than a baseline GMM Recursive Coder approaches for both clean and packet loss conditions at roughly the same com
WHO-UNAIDS Guidelines for Standard HIV Isolation and Characterisation Procedures.
Local people’s motives for biodiversity conservation.
Lärande från INcidenter för Säkerhet inom farliga verksamheter
Tycho Brahes skägg undersöks på LTH
Indledning: At komme i gang med et sundhedsfagligt (professions)bachelorprojekt
An introduction to the beginning of a health professional Bachelor project
Improving minimum flow rate in wireless mesh networks by effective placement of directional antennas
For some time, directional antennas have been considered to solve connectivity and interference issues in wireless networks. Several scenarios have been presented and often the conclusions drawn are positive, showing increase in capacity. However, to date there has been no effort to assess a holistic picture of the benefit/cost tradeoff and previous work mainly concerns either link scheduling or a