

Din sökning på "*" gav 532866 sökträffar

On the heat transfer characteristics of a Lamilloy cooling structure with curvatures with different pin fins configurations

Purpose: The pin fin is applied into a Lamilloy cooling structure which is broadly used in the leading edge region of the modern gas turbine vane. The purpose of this paper is to investigate effects of the layout, diameter and shape of pin fins on the flow structure and heat transfer characteristics in a newly improved Lamilloy structure at the leading edge region of a turbine vane. Design/methodo

Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of brain injury, inflammation and synaptic autoimmunity predict long-term neurocognitive outcome in herpes simplex encephalitis

Objectives: The aim was to investigate the correlation between biomarkers of brain injury and long-term neurocognitive outcome, and the interplay with intrathecal inflammation and neuronal autoimmunity, in patients with herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE). Methods: A total of 53 adult/adolescent HSE patients were included from a prospective cohort in a randomized placebo-controlled trial investigati

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Per oltre quarant’anni, la scrittura della storia nei paesi dell’Europa orientaleè stata fortemente condizionata dagli imperativi ideologici e propagandisticidei regimi comunisti. La storia, più di ogni altra disciplina umanistica, offrivagiustifi cazioni, e quindi legittimità, al potere. Indagare il rapporto tra storia epotere in questo ambito signifi ca tanto addentrarsi nella storia dei sociali

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At the end of the Second World War, Stalin forged the communist regimes in Eastern Europe as satellites of Soviet Union. After ten hard years of Soviet Stalinism, with the changings introduced by the 20th Congress of the CPSU, the leaderships of satellites' communist parties risked to be overthrown by their internal rivals. In Romania, in 1956, Party Secretary Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej converted Roma

Writing History in a Propaganda Institute : Political Power and Networking in Communist Romania

In 1990, the Institute for Historical and Socio-Political Studies of the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party was closed, since the Party was dissolved by the Romanian Revolution. Similar institutions had existed in all countries belonging to the Soviet bloc. This Institute was founded in 1951 under the name of the Party History Institute, and modelled on the Marx-Lenin-Engels Institu

Urholkade sociala relationer i distansarbete under coronapandemin

Denna artikel har som syfte att förstå hur anställda upplever att relationerna till kollegorna förändrades när de blev förhindrade att mötas fysiskt i det påtvingade distansarbetet under coronapandemin. Studien baseras på djupintervjuer med anställda inom kunskapsintensiva yrken. Resultatet visar på (i) färre kontakter, (ii) minskad tillgänglighet och (iii) försvagad dynamik mellan kollegor. Sluts

Simvastatin is a potential candidate drug in ovarian clear cell carcinomas

Ovarian clear cell carcinomas (OCCC) constitute a rare subtype of epithelial ovarian cancer, lacking efficient treatment options. Based on previous studies, we assessed the anti-proliferative effect of simvastatin, a Rho GTPase interfering drug, in three OCCC cell lines: JHOC-5, OVMANA and TOV-21G, and one high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) cell line, Caov3. We used the Rho GTPase interferin

DESMEX: A novel system development for semi-airborne electromagnetic exploration

There is a clear demand to increase detection depths in the context of raw material exploration programs. Semi-airborne electromagnetic (semi-AEM) methods can address these demands by combining the advantages of powerful transmitters deployed on the ground with efficient helicopter-borne mapping of the magnetic field response in the air.The penetration depth can exceed those of classical airborne

Historical carbon dioxide emissions caused by land-use changes are possibly larger than assumed

The terrestrial biosphere absorbs about 20% of fossil-fuel CO 2 emissions. The overall magnitude of this sink is constrained by the difference between emissions, the rate of increase in atmospheric CO 2 concentrations, and the ocean sink. However, the land sink is actually composed of two largely counteracting fluxes that are poorly quantified: fluxes from land-use change and CO 2 uptake by terres

Similar estimates of temperature impacts on global wheat yield by three independent methods

The potential impact of global temperature change on global crop yield has recently been assessed with different methods. Here we show that grid-based and point-based simulations and statistical regressions (from historic records), without deliberate adaptation or CO 2 fertilization effects, produce similar estimates of temperature impact on wheat yields at global and national scales. With a 1 °C

Movement of agricultural products in the Scandinavian Iron Age during the first millennium AD : 87Sr/86Sr values of archaeological crops and animals in southern Sweden

In this paper, we examine the exchange of crops and livestock through the application of strontium (87Sr/86Sr) isotope analysis on cereal grains and faunal tooth enamel from the regional center of Uppåkra and three nearby settlements in Scania, southern Sweden, dating to the first millennium AD. Around a third of the fauna have non-local 87Sr/86Sr values, indicating the import of livestock from se

Diel vertical migration of copepods and its environmental drivers in subtropical Bahamian blue holes

Diel vertical migration (DVM) is the most common behavioral phenomenon in zooplankton, and numerous studies have evaluated DVM under strong seasonality at higher latitudes. Yet, our understanding of the environmental drivers of DVM at low latitudes, where seasonal variation is less pronounced, remains limited. Therefore, we here examined patterns of vertical distribution in copepods in six subtrop

Ondskans tid : En historia om trolldom och häxeri

Idag framstår det som obegripligt. Från 1400-talet och tre århundraden framåt avrättades omkring 35 000 människor i Europa, anklagade för att ha ägnat sig åt förbjuden trolldom. Majoriteten av de drabbade tillhörde de lägre socialskikten, med enstaka undantag i högborgerliga och adliga kretsar. Långt mer än hälften av de åtalade var kvinnor. Och ingen av dem hade, såvitt vi vet, verkligen gjort nå

Adherent Intestinal Cells From Atlantic Salmon Show Phagocytic Ability and Express Macrophage-Specific Genes

Our knowledge of the intestinal immune system of fish is rather limited compared to mammals. Very little is known about the immune cells including the phagocytic cells in fish intestine. Hence, employing imaging flow cytometry and RNA sequencing, we studied adherent cells isolated from healthy Atlantic salmon. Phagocytic activity and selected gene expression of adherent cells from the distal intes

Tuning of Source Material for InAs/InGaAsSb/GaSb Application-Specific Vertical Nanowire Tunnel FETs

Tunnel field-effect transistors (TFETs) are promising candidates that have demonstrated potential for and beyond the 3 nm technology node. One major challenge for the TFETs is to optimize the heterojunction for high drive currents while achieving steep switching. Thus far, such optimization has mainly been addressed theoretically. Here, we experimentally investigate the influence of the source seg

Global Response Patterns of Major Rainfed Crops to Adaptation by Maintaining Current Growing Periods and Irrigation

Increasing temperature trends are expected to impact yields of major field crops by affecting various plant processes, such as phenology, growth, and evapotranspiration. However, future projections typically do not consider the effects of agronomic adaptation in farming practices. We use an ensemble of seven Global Gridded Crop Models to quantify the impacts and adaptation potential of field crops

Drawing the Line Between Essential and Nonessential Interventions on Intersex Characteristics With European Health Care Professionals

Human rights statements on intersex characteristics distinguish legitimate “medically necessary” interventions from illegitimate normalizing ones. Ironically, this binary classification seems partially grounded in knowledge of anatomy and medical interventions; the very expertise that human rights statements challenge. Here, 23 European health professionals from specialist “disorder of sex developHuman rights statements on intersex characteristics distinguish legitimate “medically necessary” interventions from illegitimate normalizing ones. Ironically, this binary classification seems partially grounded in knowledge of anatomy and medical interventions; the very expertise that human rights statements challenge. Here, 23 European health professionals from specialist “disorder of sex develop