

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Silent zero TE MR neuroimaging: Current state-of-the-art and future directions

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanners produce loud acoustic noise originating from vibrational Lorentz forces induced by rapidly changing currents in the magnetic field gradient coils. Using zero echo time (ZTE) MRI pulse sequences, gradient switching can be reduced to a minimum, which enables near silent operation. Besides silent MRI, ZTE offers further interesting characteristics, including

Myelin Water Fraction and Intra/Extracellular Water Geometric Mean T2 Normative Atlases for the Cervical Spinal Cord from 3T MRI

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSEAcquiring and interpreting quantitative myelin-specific MRI data at an individual level is challenging because of technical difficulties and natural myelin variation in the population. To overcome these challenges, we used multiecho T2 myelin water imaging (MWI) to create T2 metric healthy population atlases that depict the mean and variation of myelin water fraction (MWF), a

Applications of time-dependent configuration-interaction singles for photoelectrons in attosecond and free-electron laser sciences

This thesis addresses the theoretical treatment of photoelectrons in attosecond and free-electron laser sciences. Wehave implemented methods that extract information on the photoionization process, which we use to investigateinterferometric schemes with particular focus on multiphoton ionization and strong-field effects in attosecondmetrology and coherent control of photoelectrons in free-electron

12 best ways to get cars out of cities – ranked by new research

Question: what do the following statistics have in common? The second-largest (and growing) source of climate pollution in Europe. The leading killer of children in both the US and Europe. A principal cause of stress-inducing noise pollution and life-shortening air pollution in European cities. A leading driver of the widening gap between rich and poor urban residents.Answer: the vehicles on our s

Yield Prediction for Winter Wheat with Machine Learning Models Using Sentinel-1, Topography, and Weather Data

We train and compare the performance of two different machine learning algorithms to learn changes in winter wheat production for fields from the southwest of Sweden. As input to these algorithms, we use cloud-penetrating Sentinel-1 polarimetry radar data together with respective field topography and local weather over four different years. We note that all of the input data were freely available.

Machine-Learning Approach to Non-Destructive Biomass and Relative Growth Rate Estimation in Aeroponic Cultivation

We train and compare the performance of two machine learning methods, a multi-variate regression network and a ResNet-50-based neural network, to learn and forecast plant biomass as well as the relative growth rate from a short sequence of temporal images from plants in aeroponic cultivation. The training dataset consists of images of 57 plants taken from two different angles every hour during a 5

Nonlinear brain correlates of trait self-boundarylessness

Alterations of the sense of self induced by meditation include an increased sense of boundarylessness. In this study, we investigatedbehavioural and functional magnetic resonance imaging correlates of trait self-boundarylessness during resting state and the performanceof two experimental tasks. We found that boundarylessness correlated with greater self-endorsement of words related to fluidityand

The small and large intestine contain related mesenchymal subsets that derive from embryonic Gli1 + precursors.

The intestinal lamina propria contains a diverse network of fibroblasts that provide key support functions to cells within their local environment. Despite this, our understanding of the diversity, location and ontogeny of fibroblasts within and along the length of the intestine remains incomplete. Here we show that the small and large intestinal lamina propria contain similar fibroblast subsets t

Radial Interstices Enable Speedy Low-volume Imaging

• Standard MRI methods acquire Fourier-encoded data on a regularly spaced Cartesiangrid. Noncartesian MRI methods abandon this grid and instead acquire data alongarbitrary trajectories in k-space, which can lead to advantages such as motion robustnessand more flexible pulse sequence design.• Zero Echo Time (ZTE) imaging is a specialised form of MRI with an inherently noncartesian three-dimensional

Silent T1 mapping using the variable flip angle method with B1 correction

PurposeTo compare the silent rotating ultrafast imaging sequence (RUFIS) to a traditional Cartesian spoiled gradient-echo (SPGR) acquisition scheme for variable flip angle (VFA) urn:x-wiley:07403194:media:mrm28178:mrm28178-math-0005 mapping.MethodsA two-point VFA measurement was performed using RUFIS and Cartesian SPGR in a quantitative phantom and healthy volunteers. To correct for urn:x-wiley:07

The External Dimensions of the European Union's Autocracy Crisis

This contribution analyses the external dimensions of the EU’s autocracy crisis. It argues that the internal and external dimensions of the crisis, and those relating to accession, are interlinked, and that more genuine social democracy, human rights, and rule of law would help address the crisis. It concludes that a paradigm shift to a holistic approach is needed to understand and address the cau

Brain Tumor Imaging and Treatment Effects. Imaging findings and cognitive function in glioblastoma patients.

Hjärntumör inklusive glioblastom.Glioblastom är den vanligaste sortens hjärntumör bland vuxna och samtidigt den mest elakartade. Glioblastom drabbar cirka 550 personer årligen i Sverige. När tumören upptäcks är behandlingen först operation för exakt diagnos och med syfte att avlägsna så mycket som det går av tumören, utan att orsaka skada för patienten, annars görs en diagnostisk biopsi. StandardbAbstractBackground: Glioblastoma is the most common malignant brain tumor. Operation with maximal resection, if feasible, otherwise biopsy followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy with temozolomide is standard therapy. The prognosis remains poor, with median overall survival being 15 months despite therapy. Improved monitoring and treatment response assessment will be important when seeking to im

Återanvändning av renat avloppsvatten : Potential efter rening med en membranbioreaktor följt av granulerat aktivt kol

Det renade avloppsvattnet från en anläggning med en membranbioreaktor och granulerat aktivt kol nådde kraven för färdigt dricksvatten för metaller, men inte för bakterier. Vattnet bedömdes ha tillräcklig kvalitet för bevattning och som råvatten för dricksvattenberedning. Koncentrationerna av mikroföroreningar var i samma storleksordning som i svenska dricksvattentäkter, och därmed i nivå med vad vThe treated wastewater from a full scale MBR and GAC reached drinking water quality regarding metals, but not bacteria. The water quality is however assessed as sufficient for irrigation or as a source water for drinking water production, based on the parameters analyzed in the project. The concentrations of organic micro pollutants were similar to the ones measured in Swedish drinking water sourc