

Din sökning på "*" gav 529678 sökträffar

Development and characterization of ex vivo inflammatory Mannan-Induced Psoriasis model using Ncf1 mutated mice in a 3D nanofiber cell culture system

Autoimmune diseases are complex and characterized by the loss of self-tolerance to self-antigens, leading to an immune attack on target tissues of the body. Psoriasis (Ps) and psoriasis arthritis (PsA) are poorly understood autoimmune diseases with unknown genetic and environmental sources. It has been previously demonstrated that a single intra peritoneal injection of mannan induces an acute infl

Time dependent modelling of fission of superheavy elements

In nuclear physics, spontaneous fission halflives are central in many areas, such as the study of superheavy nuclei and astrophysical nucleosynthesis. In this thesis, a new method for obtaining spontaneous fission halflives from collective coordinate energy landscapes is proposed, tested, and compared to experimental results. The new method uses the Rayleigh quotient iteration to find the time de

Installationsteknisk renovering av kontorsbyggnad – med fokus på energieffektivitet, inomhusklimat och komfort.

Byggbranschen står för 33% av Sveriges årliga energianvändning. Genom att göra nödvändiga förändringar så som att renovera befintliga byggnader på ett miljösmart sätt kan energi- och miljöbesparingar göras med mer eller mindre enkla medel. I denna studie, som initierades av Trelleborgs Energi AB, undersöktes hur deras kontorsbyggnad kunde bli så innovativ, hållbar och energieffektiv som möjligt. SThe construction industry is responsible for 33% of Sweden’s annual energy consumption. Important environmental and energy savings can be done by renovating already existing buildings with a climate smart mindset. This study was executed on behalf of Trelleborg Energi AB to investigate how their office building can become as innovative, sustainable and energy efficient as possible. The study was a

Evaluation of estate level forest management strategies in terms of ecosystem services and biodiversity aspects

Ecosystem services from forests provide society with a multitude of benefits. However, current research shows that in Swedish forests aspects of ecosystem services have a status ranging from “moderate” to “inadequate”. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency set up environmental quality objectives (EQOs) specifically with the aim of identifying environmental problems that need to be addressed

Freedom To Originate - Developing Fin Plug and Fins for Jetboards

Det här examensarbetet utvecklar ett koncept för infästning av fenor på jetboards som inte intränger på befintliga patent. Det resulterande konceptet medför handlingsfrihet (FTO) och följaktligen tillåter produktion av fenor med originell design. FTO innebär möjligheten till att producera och sälja en produkt utan rättsligt ansvar gentemot ägare av patent. Examensarbetet presenterar och diskuterarThis master thesis generates a concept for the means of attaching fins onto jetboards without infringing on existing patents. The resulting concept establishes freedom to operate (FTO) and enables production of fins with original designs. FTO meaning the possibility of producing and selling a product without legal liability to any patent holders. The thesis further presents and discusses user need

Enzymatic Two-Step Synthesis of the Structured Lipid OPO

OPO är en viktig strukturerad lipid för bröstmjölksersättning. I denna rapport beskrivs en ny metod för syntes av denna viktiga lipid med hjälp av en tvåstegs-enzymatisk alkoholys-esterifiering. Denna process är komplett med syntes i två steg, intermediär upprening och downstream processing.In this thesis work a simplified, solvent-free, two-step enzymatic method for producing tailored lipids for infant formula with more than 75% of palmitic acid in sn-2 position is described. This simple enzymatic process concept could be a future route towards OPO production or other tailored lipids with palmitic acid in position sn-2

Transaction costs in WEEE recycling value chains: an analysis of WEEE recycling under collective and individual producer responsibility

Increasing waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) has become a global issue that raises social and environmental impact concerns, and recycling and using recycled materials is proposed by policymakers and academics as a solution. Nevertheless, barriers still exist and result in low collection and recycling rates and underdeveloped recycling markets. This paper aims to first understand ho

Vi behöver människor - hälso- och sjukvårdens kuratorers berättelser under en pandemi

The purpose of this study has been to investigate how the psychosocial work with children, teens, and their families in health care in Skåne has been affected by the pandemic. In this study nine qualitative interviews were conducted with nine child counsellors in Skåne. Rosa Hartmut's social acceleration, together with parts of professional theory were used as theoretical starting points to an

Is M&A success decided before the deal goes through?

The aim of this paper is to contribute to the ongoing discussion about M&A performance and the impact pre-merger characteristics have on post-merger performance for the acquiring firm. The study is limited to acquisition deals that occurred in 2014 and the acquiring firm being located in the EU-15 area. Using the quantitative indicators method, econometric models were performed to measure the

Guidance towards the Goals

The private sector is expected to take ownership and contribute towards achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and considering the innovative nature of start-up companies, they can be seen as key players. Though, they lack the guidance needed to assess the performance within the SDGs. Moreover, the literature within the field of sustainability assessment tend to focus on larger f

The Chilean Old-Age Pension System in Light of International Human Rights Law and the Inter-American Jurisprudence on the Right to Social Security

In the early 1980s, during the darkest years of Pinochet’s dictatorship, an apparently innocuous but radical decision was made: to implement an old-age pension system based on individual accounts mandatorily administered by private for-profit entities called ‘pension fund administrators’ (‘AFPs’, by its acronym in Castilian), in which the workers’ social security regarding old-age pensions was in

Healing architecture: Exploration of mental well-being in an urban context

This thesis seeks to explore an architectural typology that can enhance mental healing qualities in the urban structure. Our modern fast-paced lifestyle has a big impact on our mental well-being and our stress levels are constantly high, while our feelings are continuously exposed to different external factors. This minimizes our ability to understand and process them and to finally get through a

Barnfantasy och vuxenfantasy? : en studie av tre fantasy-böckers presentation i deras barnversion och vuxenversion

The aim of this essay is to analyze and compare three books’ children and adult editions, in an attempt to enable a discussion about the book publishing companies marketing strategies of the separate target audiences. The literature chosen is Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban, The Chronicles of Narnia (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and the collection book), and Insurgent, part two of

Isterband av Mjölmask

It is now allowed to sell mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) for food consumption, and it will probably play a major role in the search for future protein sources. The climate footprint of the mealworm is considerably smaller than for traditional livestock and is therefore of interest. Insects as human food is fairly unexploited in Sweden and the western world. In connection with the new legislation, an

Tribological Performance of Ferritic Nitrocarburizing (FNC) Treated Automotive Brake Discs

The increase of electric vehicles in the market demands the automotive industries to search for better brake disc material with high wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and longer service life. The GCI brake discs, a traditionally used material that has less wear and corrosion resistance. So, the innovative solution to overcome the problem is Ferritic Nitrocarburizing (FNC) treatment on the GCI

Perfectly imperfect - A comparison of female millennial consumers’ perceptions towards ‘Brand Activist Aspirants’ and ‘Authentic Brand Activists’ in the lingerie market

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to comprehend female millennial consumers’ perceptions towards lingerie brands that are categorised as ‘Brand Activist Aspirants’ compared to ‘Authentic Brand Activists’. Methodology: As this research focuses on studying consumers’ perceptions, a subjective social constructionist view was taken. By using an abductive approach, an exploratory qualitative resear

Method of Extraction of Lead from Copper alloys-With a focus on Brass and Bronze Recycled Materials

With recent developments and advancements of technology in the 21st century, the copper industry faces challenges in lowering the lead content in copper alloy scraps due to stricter regulation for the usage of lead. Lead is added to brass and bronze to increase the machinability and to reduce wear. Lead is a significant concern to the environment, and it is categorized as a hazardous material. Lea

Är de stora bolagens klimatmål kompatibla med Parisavtalets 1,5°C mål?

Är de stora företagens klimatambitioner tillräckliga för att vi ska kunna nå 1,5°C målet? 2015 skapades Parisavtalet, där världens länder sammanslutet bestämde sig för att hålla uppvärmningen från klimatförändringarna långt under 2°C, med intentioner att hålla uppvärmningen under 1,5°C. Världens företag beräknas enligt ett flertal aktörer stå för den större andelen av världens utsläpp, ett exempel2015 the Paris Agreement was negotiated, where the worlds nations agreed to keep the heating of the climate changes far below 2°C, with intentions to keep it under 1,5°C. This work studied the 105 largest Swedish companies listed on the stock exchange, their climate mitigation goals and whether they are in compliance with the 1,5°C target. The reason why this thesis is limited to 105 companies is

”Upp på bordet och dansa lite sexy”: Inkluderande maskulinitet i svenska ungdomsserien Eagles

Trots att forskning i västerländska länder visat på en förändring i hur unga män uttrycker manlighet och vänskap, så kallad inkluderande maskulinitet (Anderson, 2012; McCormack, 2013), så har detta ännu inte gjort något större avtryck i svensk maskulinitetssforskning. Denna bidrar till detta forskningsfält genom att studera hur maskulinitet uttrycks i den svenska ungdomsserien Eagles, med hjälp av