

Din sökning på "*" gav 529706 sökträffar

Informationsasymmetri på den svenska bilförsäkringsmarknaden

Denna uppsats undersöker informationsasymmetri på den svenska bilförsäkringsmarknaden. Genom att använda kunddata från Länsförsäkringar Upp- sala analyserar studien korrelationen mellan täckning och risk. Två logit- modeller estimerar effekten av att en ökad grad av försäkring leder till större sannolikhet för skadeanmälan. Tillsammans med dessa estimeringar kontrollerar vi för att olika försäkrin

Validation of a 3D culture model for toxicity studies in malignant and non-cancerous cells

Cancer is a widespread and commonly fatal disease in constant need of new treatments. Traditionally, new pharmaceuticals have been tested in 2D models. This is not ideal, as 2D environments do not reflect the in vivo milieu of the cells. Instead, it has been increasingly suggested to implement 3D models, which are thought to be more predictive of in vivo responses to treatment. It has been shown t

Begreppet som säger allt och ibland inget alls - Hur socialsekreterare förstår och bedömer sexuellt riskfyllt beteende hos placerade flickor

In Sweden social services has the overall responsibility for its youth within their municipality. Moreover, social workers have a responsibility to conduct an inquiry if there are suspicions of a youth getting harmed or harming oneself. The inquiry carries an exercise of power and authority since it can lead to the youth getting placed outside of the home. Within the Swedish historical context of

Financing higher education in Tanzania: Exploring Challenges and potential student loan models

The demand for higher education is quickly rising in the Sub-Saharan Africa region and the question of giving access to all members of society often comes down to financing. Many countries, including Tanzania, have opted for cost-sharing policies where the cost of education is split between the state and the individuals - leaving many without the possibility of attending higher education. This mas

Closing a Museum: A Cultural Analysis on the Dismantling Process of the Museum of Movements in Malmö

An attempt was made to create a museum that focuses on the issues of democracy, migration and human rights by the Swedish authorities in 2015. As a result of the feasibility study of such an institution, the Museum of Movements (MoM) began to operate in its temporary location in Malmö. In September 2020, it was decided that the museum would no longer be financed by the Swedish government and the d

Employing the little group symmetry within the spinor-helicity formalism to constrain scattering amplitudes

This thesis aims to describe the little group scaling and how it simplifies the calculation of scattering amplitudes. The little group has the defining property that it leaves a particular four-momentum invariant, which is used to describe how the internal structure of a particle is transformed under the little group. An important part in the study of little group scaling is the spinor-helicity fo

20 år av ekologisk kompensation – hur gick det sen? Utvärdering av kompensationsåtgärder i Lomma kommun

Den globala urbana ytan har mer än fördubblats de senaste 30 åren, vilket är en stor bidragande orsak till utarmningen av den biologiska mångfalden eftersom växter och djurs livsmiljöer ofta förstörs eller förminskas vid exploatering. För att vända denna trend – men utan att bromsa samhällsutvecklingen – lyfts ekologisk kompensation fram som ett viktigt verktyg, vilket blivit alltmer populärt inomBiodiversity offsetting, an increasingly popular tool in Swedish municipality planning, aims to counterbalance biodiversity impacts from development projects as the last step of the mitigation hierarchy. However, previous studies of the outcomes are scarce and ambiguous which calls for continued evaluation. This study aims to examine offsetting measures in Lomma municipality. Planned measures in f

Virtual Influencers, Friends to Listen to?

Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore if virtual influencers can be viewed as capable of developing parasocial relationships and opinion leadership. This will be researched through the virtual influencers source credibility, perceived by the Swedish audience of Instagram. This is based on previous research that has shown that the two concepts of parasocial relationships and opin

Kommuners hantering av skyddsrum vid planläggning och lovgivning

Skyddsrum ska tillgodose civilbefolkningens behov av fysiskt skydd vid väpnat angrepp. Det har inte byggts några nya skyddsrum sedan 2002 men befolkningen har ökat. Totalförsvarsplaneringen har återupptagits med anledning av att den säkerhetspolitiska situationen i Europa har förändrats. Ett väpnat angrepp mot Sverige kan inte uteslutas. Av 3 kap. 9 § MB framgår att de prioriterade områdena för dThe purpose of shelters is to provide protection to the civilian population in case of war. Any new shelters have not been built in Sweden since 2002 but the population has increased. The national defense planning has been resumed because of changes in the security policy situation Europe. War against Sweden cannot be ruled out. According to the 3rd chapter 9 § The Swedish Environmental Code (MB)

”Att kunna säga att det här är min expertis. Jag kan detta. Det här kan inte ni.” - En kvalitativ intervjustudie med kuratorer och övrig vårdpersonal på LARO-mottagningar om deras uppfattningar av kuratorns roll och det kurativa arbetet.

The purpose of the study is to study the self-image of OST (opioid substitution therapy) -counselor’s and perception of their work in relation to how the healthcare professionals perceives the counselor’s role, in order to contribute to increased understanding of possible knowledge gaps and difficulties which may limit the counselors ability to perform her job or hence the use of her competence to

Dick-pics, svartsjuka män och osmakliga konstverk: En analys av hur offentlig konst debatteras

This essay will discuss how public art is debated in Swedish newspapers. Selected artworks for this study are the mural painting Fuck the world by Carolina Falkholt; the installation Du gamla, du fria by Mattias Norström; and Peter Lindes statue of Zlatan Ibrahimovic. The artworks have been debated both by members of the public and politicians and the debates actualize questions about gender and n

Under utrikespolitikens kappa. En tematisk analys av feministisk utrikespolitik i icke-statliga biståndsorganisationer

This study aims to investigate how the Swedish feminist foreign policy is understood by NGOs in development aid work who receive government funding, and how one can understand this through a feminist postcolonial and postmodern perspective. To gain a better insight and understanding of this, the focus has been on the close links between different notions within feminist postcolonial and feminist p

Hindrar vår identitet oss från att lösa klimatfrågan? En undersökning av sambandet mellan social identitet och attityd mot klimatvänligt beteende

Syftet med studien var att explorativt undersöka sambandet mellan social identitet och egen attityd till klimatvänligt beteende och klimatfrågan. Mer specifikt ämnade studien att undersöka huruvida stark identifikation med sju olika sociala identiteter och tillskriven gruppattityd korrelerar med egen attityd. Tvåhundrasextiofyra personer (N=264) deltog i studien genom en digital enkät. Den statistThe aim of the present study was to explore the relationship between social identity and personal attitude towards climate-friendly behaviour and the climate crisis. More specifically, the aim was to investigate whether strong identification with seven different social identities and ascribed group attitude correlates with personal attitude. Two-hundred and sixty-four persons (N=264) participated

Life Cycle Assessment of Reusable and Single-use Trocars for Laparoscopic Surgery A Case Study

Engångsartiklar i sjukvården, onödigt dyrt och resurskrävande? Sjukvården står för en betydande del av utsläppen av växthusgaser i Sverige och samtidigt som engångs-produkter identifierats som en av de stora bovarna ökar andelen engångsartiklar i sjukvårdens verksamheter. Resultatet av denna studie visar på att man kan minska påverkan på miljön och göra ekonomiska besparingar om man byter från etBackground: environmental impact from health care contribute to a substantial part of the public sector’s consumption based emission of greenhouse gases in Sweden. An issue, recognized by the health care sector itself, is the increasing use of single-use products. Objective: to compare environmental impact and cost differences between a single-use, ResposableTM, and mixed setup of the surgical in

Hållbarhetsredovisning inom kommuner: En kvalitativ studie av påverkansfaktorer vid upprättandet av hållbarhetsredovisning inom kommuner

Berätta om kommunens arbete med hållbarhet och vinn folkets förtroende och uppmärksamhet För att uppnå en mer hållbar utveckling finns det ett behov av samarbete mellan olika samhällsnivåer. Kommuner spelar en viktig roll eftersom det är på denna nivå som åtgärder faktiskt genomförs. Ett sätt för kommuner att tala om för omgivningen hur de arbetar med hållbarhet är att upprätta en hållbarhetsredoIn order to achieve a sustainable development, there is a need for cooperation between different levels within society. A municipality plays an important role in facilitating sustainable development since it is the institution that lies closest to the citizens and organizations. The 2030 Agenda and the SDGs play a leading role towards a more sustainable development with its purpose to contribute t

Integration of food shelf-life in life cycle assessment of polymers

Biopolymers are being considered as a promising alternative to fossil-based polymers and this inclination towards biopolymers is due to their lower environmental impact owing to their origin from renewable resources. The environmental impact assessment, however, often does not consider the impact of barrier properties of polymers and the resulting differences in food waste generated in the supply

Arbitrage - How to monetize an intermittent market

This thesis tries to answer the question of how to properly trade on an intermittent market using a theoretical storage and estimates attainable profit of such a setup. This have been done through evaluating different storage alternatives, analyzing market trends, investigating associated costs for the operation and simulating possible outcomes. Trading with certain rules, an algorithm has been de