

Din sökning på "*" gav 529723 sökträffar

Flickor med ADHD - en kvalitativ studie utifrån unga kvinnors återberättelser av sina identiteter i relation till rollförväntningar

The purpose of this study is to investigate how women with an ADHD diagnosis, who were diagnosed in the ages between 12-17, see their own experiences and identities in relation to role expectations of females. The ambition is to bring light to the stories of women, who have been in the shadow of the stereotypical ADHD man in society as well as in studies. The method chosen for empirical material i

Single cell protein extraction for protein functional properties study and food applications

The production of single cell biomass by the collaboration company in this project for use as a meat alternative is a potential source of sustainable alternatives to functional ingredients for the food industry. With its high protein content, creating a protein isolate from the single cell biomass became interesting and a study of single cell protein functionalities could offer a possibility to in

Våld inom vuxenpsykiatrisk vård – ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv

Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor som arbetar inom psykiatrisk vård riskerar att utsättas för verbalt och fysiskt våld från patienter. Syfte: Att belysa sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att arbeta inom vuxenpsykiatrisk vård där våldsamma situationer mellan patient och sjukvårdspersonal kan förekomma. Metod: Icke systematisk litteraturstudie där sökningen genomförts i två databaser. Resultat: Tio vetenskapli

Det som inte ätas bör mätas

Onödigt matsvinn uppstår genom hela livsmedelskedjan. Offentliga storkök har möjlighet att göra stor skillnad för att minska matsvinn då de genererar stora mängder mat inom skola, förskola och äldreomsorg. Studien avser att beskriva hur offentliga storkök kan stödjas av kostdatasystem för att dokumentera, följa upp och proaktivt arbeta för att hindra att matsvinn uppstår. Litteratur har analyserat

Tillsammans på avstånd

Distansarbete har senaste året blivit allt mer aktuellt som en följd av att minska smittspridningen av covid-19. Det blir därför av intresse att i denna uppsatsen undersöka vad som händer med den uppleva samhörigheten på distans och om det går att upprätthålla den utan att träffas fysiskt. Syftet är därför att med uppsatsen bidra med ökad förståelse för hur personer upplever samhörighet i samband

Människor i det digitala dejtinglandskapet - En studie om kroppens synlighet hos unga vuxna på dejtingsajterna Tinder, Badoo och Happy Pancake

The purpose of the study has been to examine how people on the three most popular dating sites for young adults in Sweden are presenting themselves in the digital landscape. People can present themselves in many ways and this study has mainly focused on the visual presentation. It has reviewed to what extent young adults emphasize their bodies on different dating sites. The study has reviewed a to

Att bygga förtroende i virtuella team: En studie ur perspektiv från ledare i virtuella världar

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and an increasing demand for distributed work, virtual teams emerge in workplaces at an increased rate. A common factor of performance in virtual teams are the levels of trust, which is tightly interlinked with both communication and leadership. Researchers are looking for new ways of looking at virtual leadership, and some have begun looking at virtual worlds for insp

Impact of Mobile Devices on Women's Access to Finance

Digital financial services have long been known as key tools in increasing women's financial inclusion, independence, and social mobility. However, the exact method in how these services should be most effectively deployed is still up for debate. Women have continuously been excluded from the financial sector, in large part due to restrictive cultural and gender norms inhibiting their independ

Early-stage entrepreneurs on LinkedIn - a tool for legitimacy?

In line with the development of modern communication technology, computer-mediated-communication is playing a crucial role in how people interact and communicate. One forum in which such interaction can be conducted is the online professional social network LinkedIn. In this study we examine how entrepreneurs, conscious or unconsciously, make use of impression management strategies in a textual se

Farming for future - Combining sustainable farming with sustainable housing in Skedala

The ecological footprint of mankind has made a large impact on the world and is one of the main reasons for climate change, which is now the greatest threat faced by humanity. The world’s population is getting larger and food production is running high to meet our needs. Food is being shipped all over the world, even though many countries have the capacity to grow crops on their own. Sweden and ot

En missbrukarvård i konkurrensutsättningens spår. New Public Management ur ett medarbetarperspektiv

Den svenska offentliga sektorn har under de senaste decennierna varit föremål för en rad förändringar vars konsekvenser satt sina spår i många av dess verksamheter. Förändringsprocessens startskott skedde redan på 1980-talet och den offentliga sektorn präglas sedan dessa allt mer av ökad privatisering, konkurrensutsättning, (de)centralisering och ökade krav på effektivisering. Samtliga ovanstående

The Incel Revolution- An analysis of misogyny and the lack of definitions of crimes that should be categorized as incel terrorism

Although attacks carried out by incels are a growing problem in Western countries, these attacks do not count as terrorism. The purpose of this thesis is to gain a clearer under-standing of why attacks carried out by incels are not considered acts of terrorism. The thesis attempts to answer this question by determining whether misogyny, definitions of critical components, or other factors account

Porträtt av det Sociala Museet: Hur Malmö Konstmuseum kan bli en generator för stadens utveckling

Hur kan ett nytt konstmuseum i Amiralsstaden bli en generator för stadens framtida utveckling? Mitt intresse att angripa denna fråga har uppstått i ett debattklimat där inblandade aktörer argumenterar för sina respektive ståndpunkter i lokaliseringsfrågan, men där avsaknad av konkreta visioner gjort att diskussionen nått en återvändsgränd. Med detta examensarbete vill jag med hjälp de verktyg och How can a new art museum in Amiralsstaden become a generator for city development? My interest in tackling this issue begun in a debate where stakeholders argue for their respective positions on the issue of location, but where the lack of concrete visions has led to the discussion reaching a dead end. In this thesis, I intend to utilize the tools and processes developed during my studies to make


projektado is a newly formed international and transdisciplinary design collective that addresses contemporary design from a critical perspective. The collective aims to create an open environment for designers from different disciplines, nationalities and levels of experience, to openly discuss our industry and its impact, as well as to propose new perspectives and directions for its future. pr

BID Sofielund - En kvalitativ studie om polisens roll i det brottsförebyggande arbetet i stadsdelen Sofielund

En av polismyndighetens viktigaste arbetsuppgifter är att arbeta brottspreventivt. Detta görs både genom social och situationell brottsprevention, ofta inom ramen för en modell eller ett projekt. En aktuell modell är BID (Business Improvement District), vilken utgår från ett samarbete mellan olika aktörer med utgångspunkt att göra ett område “clean and safe”. Detta görs i syfte att stärka näringsl

Local governance of sustainable consumption on the household level

Kommunal styrning av hållbara konsumtionsmönster på hushållsnivå Många svenska kommuner har antagit ambitiösa klimatmål, flera av dem försöker påverka sina invånares konsumtionsmönster, vilket är en av de största orsakerna till växthusgasutsläppen. Hur kan svenska kommuner påverka sina invånares konsumtionsvanor, när konsumtionsvalet trots allt ligger i deras händer? I denna studie jämförs hur tToday most Swedish municipalities work actively with climate change mitigation with the goal to decrease their total emissions of greenhouse gases. To achieve this, the municipalities must decrease their consumption related emissions. This is a rather new question within local governance, which begs the question, how do municipalities work to govern its citizens’ consumption patterns? This study s

Modeling stock market liquidity using macroeconomic variables: Evidence from Sweden

This paper contributes both to investigating the relationship between the macroeconomic environment and stock market liquidity and to reviewing existing empirical evidence related to this relationship. We develop and examine panel data regression models for stock market liquidity based on macroeconomic factors. Initially, we evaluate the liquidity measures and their viability in respect of the Swe

Women’s Safety and the Right to the City: Analysis of Rape against Women in Sweden through A Spatial Analytical Lens

Drawing on a spatial analytical framework this research study the development of rape against women in Sweden. It aims to explore the spatio-temporal pattern of rape against women in Sweden at the regional and municipal levels. Based on these spatio-temporal traits, this research examines if socio-economic and demographic factors hypothesized by existing studies can be used to explain the prevalen

Online Gossip and its Connection to Employee Engagement - A study of how transition to remote work affects drivers of employee engagement

Our insights and analysis lead us to believe that gossip is ubiquitous in remote work and has connection to engagement. Remote work is responsible for fostering higher trust among group members. Online groups gossip and grow their collective knowledge base together and are highly reactive to new information. However, harmony in group members does not equate higher engagement.