

Din sökning på "*" gav 529651 sökträffar

Comparison of Nutritional Content in Processed and Homemade Foods

This master thesis is performed in collaboration with Orkla Foods Sweden AB. The aim with this study is to investigate and compare nutritional contents in processed and homemade foods by investigating three selected ready meal products from the product range of Orkla Foods; meatballs, potato mash and pasta bolognese. This originates in a general perception that foods produced in a large-scale indu

Green Search Engine Usage - A Qualitative Study Exploring Why German Millennials Use the Green Search Engine Ecosia

Aim: The aim of this study is to explore why German millennials use the green search engine Ecosia, as the organisation is experiencing considerable growth in Germany. Theoretical Perspectives: This thesis adopts well-established theories such as the Theory of Planned Behaviour, the Value-Belief-Norm Theory, and the Social Influence Theory. Moreover, the theoretical perspective consists of the Mu

Participatory Development, Good Governance and Depoliticisation of Disability

The overall purpose of the present thesis is to explore how participatory development architecture and the good governance principles of cooperation and consensus have depoliticised disability as an issue and have re-shaped the discourses and actions of organisations of and for disabled people in Georgia. Through the lens of the theory of post- politics, the research analyses the application of go

The Emergence and Development of Collective Social Entrepreneurship in Informal Settlements: The Case of Caño Martín Peña Special Planning District

The purpose of this research is to understand collective social entrepreneurship in informal settlements in terms of the process of its emergence and development. The author has proposed a framework of the process as well as key enablers. The model is tested through an in-depth case study of Caño Martín Peña Special Planning District in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Empirical findings discovered youth em

How are Complementors Swimming with the Shark?

Following a brief introduction on the platform ecosystems, the impacts of the complementors to the platforms are introduced. This study examines the dynamics of collaboration and competition between digital platforms and their complementors; mainly, it focuses on complementors’ defence strategies for competing against the platform. A review of the literature about the collaboration and competition

Local Rationality and Frontline Child Welfare Workers’ Decision Making

Decisions made by child welfare workers continue throughout the life of a case. Information is constantly being gathered and coming in from a variety of sources which can complicate the decision-making process. Child welfare agencies can benefit from understanding how child welfare workers make decisions and if certain interventions like the concepts from safety science can help increase the infor

Evaluating the ability of LPJ-GUESS to simulate the tree size structures of tropical forests

Tropical forests are of great importance to all living-beings due to their high biodiversity and the valu-able resources, such as food and fuel, they provide. In addition, tropical trees sequester a high amount of carbon and consequently over half of the global forest carbon stock can be found in the tropics. Climate change, however, might weaken this carbon sink and possibly result in tropical fo

No title

This work studies the role of art in the novel Difficult Light, by the Colombian writer Tomás González, by applying traditional aesthetic concepts from Taoism and Zen Buddhism. To this end, correspondences between Taoist and Zen Buddhist thinking and the author's ideological stance are identified. Also, the interaction of Difficult Light with other texts that make up González's narrative u

Vems röst får höras? : dialekter i ljudboken

This essay is questioning the place for dialects in audiobooks on the Swedish market. What are the publishing houses views of casting dialect voices and how are these voices perceived by the audiobook listeners? The theory is built around voice perception in audiobooks, representation and dialects in film, including works from Matthew Rubery, Iben Have & Birgitte Stougaard Pedersen and Jane Ho

Mapping Future Canadian Arctic Coastlines

The Canadian Arctic currently faces changing coastlines due isostatic rebound and climate change-driven sea-levels rising. This thesis seeks to answer how local coastlines will change over time under different Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios, where errors in modelled coastlines come from, and how much of an impact isostatic rebound has on sea-levels compared to climate-change

Effect of Oat Bio-actives on Cardiometabolic Related Variables in Humans

Consumers are becoming interested in oats as a healthy food. Several studies have investigated the impact of oats components on human metabolism. The purpose of this project is to study the influence of oat polar lipids on human cardiometabolic variables, which focused on four cardiometabolic variables, these were postprandial responses of glucose, insulin, cortisol, and subjective appetite variab

Allmänhetens åsikter och kunskap om blågröna lösningar

Allmänhetens åsikter och kunskap om blågröna lösningar Vad tycker de boende i ett lundensiskt bostadsområde om de blågröna lösningar som implementerats där, och förstår de vad lösningarna är till för? Har planerarna bakom projektet valt rätt lösningar att implementera? Nedan kommer en sammanfattning av studien som svarar på dessa frågor. På grund av klimatförändringarna kommer nederbörden i SveDue to the changing climate, rainfall in Sweden is expected to increase with about 20%-25% during this century which means that there is a need for climate adaptation to mitigate the problems that follow heavy rainfall. A way to climate adapt cities is by implementing bluegreen solutions. This study is about a system of blue-green solutions in a residential area in Lund. The system consists of fi

Kvinnors erfarenheter och upplevelser av amning i Sverige - En systematisk litteraturstudie av kvalitativa artiklar

Bakgrund: Amning innebär betydande hälsofördelar för båda mamma och barn och världshälsoorganisationen (WHO) rekommenderar helamning till barnet är 6 månader. Amningsfrekvensen i Sverige har sjunkit sedan 90-talet. Detta trots ett välfärdssystem med tillgång till fri sjukvård och möjlighet till betald föräldraledighet i 480 dagar. Många kvinnor har en avsikt att amma men långt ifrån alla når sina

Activation pathways involved in HAMLET induced death of Streptococcus pneumoniae

Antibiotic resistant bacteria are emerging worldwide and have endangered the effectiveness of antibiotics. This problematic development has accelerated infections with antibiotic resistant bacteria and to counter this, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently published a report listing twelve antibiotic resistant pathogens that required the most attention. One of those is Streptococcus pneumon

Self-Optimization of Camera Hardware

This thesis aims to investigate the automatic tuning of hardware parameters in a camera's image processing pipeline. In order to solve the tuning problem, it is formulated as a black-box optimization problem centered around a physical camera unit. Optimization is performed by comparing the camera's output to a reference image. Several black-box optimization algorithms were tested: Bayesian

TA – modeling of photo-induced dynamics in CZTS kesterite nanoparticles

Gröna och förnybara energikällor har under åren sett ökad uppmärksamhet inom forskning och utveckling, där solceller har fått särskild uppmärksamhet. Solceller består av flera lager, eller komponenter, med olika funktioner och den här tesen fokuserar på material som bygger upp det aktiva lagret. Det aktiva lagret är det som absorberar solljus vilket exciterar elektroner till att bilda en elektriskThe interest in energy sources has shifted over the years toward sustainable energy, which has popularized the research in solar cells (among other energy sources). One of the key topics in solar cell research is the power conversion efficiency, and to understand how this can be improved one must understand the photo-induced dynamics of the solar cell material. In this thesis, we modeled the condu

Mind the gap: Gender dimensions in urban mobility - A case study investigating sustainable urban mobility of female public transport users in Delhi, India

Mobility and public transport are crucial determinants of sustainable development in cities. Gender dimensions are overlooked in urban mobility, impacting female public transport users’ ability to move freely in urban Delhi, India. Likewise, gender-blind mobility reinforces inequality, power dynamics and exposes city dwellers to environmental risks. Hence, this research aims to shed light on gende

Skillnader och likheter mellan japanska shinrinyoku och svenska rekreationsvärden i skog: En litteraturstudie

Stress and anxiety related illnesses havebecome more present in our society and as a result it has become more important to find ways to combat this growing issue. Quite a fewnature-related practices have proven themselves useful for this.This study aims to examine the positive health benefits from recreational activities in Swedishforests and the Japanese activity shrinin-yoku (roughly translated