

Din sökning på "*" gav 533090 sökträffar

Real-time telediagnosis of radiological images through an asynchronous transfer mode network: the ARTeMeD project

The ARTeMeD project aims to solve problems of interactivity and real-time in teleradiology. It integrates personal multimedia facilities and patient data access in a common platform that allows radiologists to collaborate from remote sites through a suitable communication support. ARTeMeD is based on asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) network technology and an optimized manipulation of medical image

Nicotine does not affect plasma lipoprotein concentrations in healthy men

The effects of nicotine administration (2 mg eight-times daily as nicotine chewing gum for two weeks) on plasma lipid and lipoprotein concentrations were studied in young healthy volunteers. Plasma levels of the nicotine metabolite, cotinine, reached levels comparable to those seen in smokers. Plasma concentrations of triglyceride, cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and apolipoproteins

Patient characteristics associated with quality of life in European women seeking treatment for urinary incontinence: Results from PURE

Objective: To investigate the association between patient characteristics and disease-specific and generic quality of life (QOL) as well as the degree of bother in women seeking treatment for urinary incontinence (UI). Methods: The Prospective Urinary Incontinence Research (PURE) was a 6-mo observational study with 1055 physicians from 15 European countries enrolling 9487 women. QOL was assessed a

Water resources in Iceland - Impacts of climate variability and climate change

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vattenkraft är Islands främsta energikälla. År 2005 svarade vattenkraft för 80,8% av all elproduktion på Island (7015 Gwh). Vattenkraft påverkas av både variationer och förändringar i vattenflöden. Denna avhandling fokuserar på studier av trender och variationer i tidsserier av vattenflöden och klimatvariabler, kombinerat med modellering av avrinningsområden och analys Hydropower is the main source of electricity production in Iceland. In 2005, 80.8% of all electricity was generated by hydropower (7015 GWh). Hydropower production is affected both by variations and changes in discharge. This thesis focuses on studies of the trends and the variability found in records of discharge and climatic variables, combined with watershed modelling and an analysis of a proje

The Good War

Essä om bilden av andra världskriget under 1990-talet

Gloria in a multitude of voices

This article reconstructs a Hebrew version of the Gloria in Luke 1: 14 with its focus on the righteous remnant of Israel and then analyses the early versions in Greek, Latin, Syriac and Coptic. Finally it gives some later interpretations of the canticle in literature, art and music.

Filmen som historisk källa - historiografi, pluralism och representativitet

This article discusses why films have not been used more than they have as historical sources and argues that films ought to be used more by historians. Principally, historians can use film in three basic ways, all of which give access to information about the period when it was produced. First, films can with caution be used for information about the persons, objects and events depicted in docum

Leaching of concrete : the leaching process and its effects

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen presenterar en experimentell studie av urlakning av betong orsakat av vatten som tränger igenom betongen, eller av diffusion av joner till vatten på uppströmssidan. Urlakningsförloppet och dess effekter modelleras med finita-element-metoden.The present report presents an experimental study of leaching of concrete caused by water percolating through the concrete, or by diffusion from concrete to external water in contact. An apparatus was designed and constructed in which de-ionised water could be forced, by external pressure, through a number of concrete specimens of differing characteristics. It was found that, whereas the initial w

Observation potential of the decays B0s,d → J/ψη

The observation potential of the decays B0s,d → J/ψη with the ATLAS detector at the LHC is described in this paper. At present there exist only upper limits for the branching fractions, but at LHC, a clear signal for the decay mode B0s,d → J/ψη is expected. The branching fraction of this decay mode can thus be measured, and other parameters such as B0s lifetime can be measured as well. The decay m

Thermometry in internal combustion engines via dual-broadband rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy

Rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) has since the beginning of the 1980s been developed as a non-intrusive tool for temperature measurements in combustion. Since the introduction of the dual-broadband concept in 1986, the quality of the technique has been much improved, and application to practical combustion situations facilitated. Since the first demonstration of its use in

Risker vid eldning med naturgas i värmeanläggningar för bostadshus: Etapp 1: beskrivning av naturgas och värme- anläggningar

Hur naturgas bildas är ännu ej definitivt klarlagt. Den etablerade och allmänt accepterade uppfattningen är att de största gasfyndigheterna bildades under samma tidsperiod och på ungefär samma sätt som oljan – d.v.s. genom förkolning av djur- och växtorganismer för 300-400 miljoner år sedan. Det finns dock naturgas som inte är äldre än 100-150 miljoner år, t.ex. den danska Nordsjögasen. Under sena

Relativistic atomic natural orbital type basis sets for the alkaline and alkaline-earth atoms applied to the ground-state potentials for the corresponding dimers

New basis sets of the atomic natural orbital (ANO) type have been developed for the atoms Li-Fr and Be-Ra. The ANOs have been obtained from the average density matrix of the ground states and the lowest excited states of the atom, the positive ion, and the dimer at its equilibirium geometry. Scalar realtivisitc effects are included through the use of a Douglas-Kroll Hamiltonian. Multiconfiguration

Test of four different experimental methods to determine sorption isotherms

One important property of materials is their moisture fixation capacity, i.e., their ability to hold moisture at different relative humidities. The sorption isotherm is one of the main input data in moisture diffusion models, and it can also be used to evaluate properties of the microstructure. We have used four different methods to measure the sorption isotherm of sandstone and porous glass. The

Physical activity, skeletal health and fractures in a long term perspective.

Exercise during adolescence, especially during the pre-pubertal years, builds a skeleton with a high bone mineral density (BMD) and possibly a larger skeleton with a different skeletal architecture. This would lead to a stronger skeleton more resistant to trauma. These changes could be of biological significance for fracture reduction, if they were maintained into old age where fragility fractures

Cytogenetic and molecular genetic analyses of endometrial stromal sarcoma: nonrandom involvement of chromosome arms 6p and 7p and confirmation of JAZF1/JJAZ1 gene fusion in t(7;17)

Endometrial stromal sarcomas (ESS) are rare neoplasms with the capacity both to invade the myometrium locally and to give rise to extrauterine metastases. Cytogenetic abnormalities have been reported in 22 cases of ESS, mostly involving rearrangements of chromosomes 6, 7, and 17. The most characteristic translocation of this tumor type, t(7;17)(p15-p21;q12-q21), was recently shown to generate a JA

Gender and Mathematics: recent development from a Swedish perspective

A fairly large study of attitudes towards mathematics among Swedish students at secondary level was conducted during 2001–2004. A newly developed instrument was used that was designed to capture gender stereotyped attitudes among students related to various aspects of mathematics in education and future life. The new scale and its development are described with reference to the original Australian