

Din sökning på "*" gav 530026 sökträffar

DC Bus Voltage Control for Renewable Energy Distributed Power Systems

his paper addresses voltage control of distributed DC power systems. Especially the dynamic properties of load source interactions are highlighted. They are interesting since the sources are considered weak for a distributed power system. This is illustrated with simulations where the power is fed from wind turbines only, and still constant power loads are controlled at the same time as the DC bus

Uppskattning, kritik och jämförelse. Projektet utifrån institutionspersonalens perspektiv

Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån mitt empiriska material kartlägga och beskriva hur de anställda på de särskilda ungdomshemmen tolkar, definierar, och upplever ett behandlingsprojekt, som involverade olika myndigheter, benämnt Motverka Våld och Gäng. Dessutom uppmärksammas hur de anställda samordnarna uppfattades och kategoriserades. I institutionspersonalens framställning är samordnarens The aim of this study is to map out and describe the way employees in Swedish juvenile homes interpret, define and perceive, on the one hand, the project “Motverka Våld och Gäng” meaning “Counteract Violence and Gangs”, and on the other hand the role of the Coordinators employed in this project. The role of the Coordinator is formally clear and unproblematic. The project management directives sta

Water and Protein Dynamics in Biological Systems Studied by Magnetic Relaxation Dispersion

Popular Abstract in Swedish Allt liv på jorden har utvecklats i en vattenbaserad miljö. Proteiner och andra biomolekyler har därigenom anpassats i sin struktur och funktion till vattnets speciella egenskaper. För att kunna förstå biologiska processer måste vi studera hur biomolekyler växelverkar med det omgivande vattnet under fysiologiska betingelser. Detta är särkilt viktigt eftersom det flesta The results presented in this thesis demonstrate that the magnetic relaxation dispersion (MRD) technique can provide information of relevance to protein biophysics, magnetic resonance imaging and cell biology. By immobilizing proteins with covalent cross-links, intermittent protein dynamics on the previously inaccessible ns-µs time scale could be probed with MRD via the exchange of water molecule

Agree in Syntax, Agreement in Signs.

This paper explores the idea that abstract Agree is a precondition on Merge and an integrated part of it. That is, an element F merges with the structure X only if the relation of Agree holds between the two (the Agree Condition on Merge). The relation of Agree holds between F and X iff X contains an active feature fx that matches F. Move is forced by an inactive intervener ?x between F and fx, wh

Simple wave solutions for the Maxwell equations in bianisotropic, nonlinear media, with application to oblique incidence

Using simple waves and six-vector formalism, the propagation of electromagnetic waves in nonlinear, bianisotropic, nondispersive, homogeneous media is analyzed. The Maxwell equations are formulated as an eigenvalue problem, whose solutions are equivalent to the characteristic directions of the wave front. Oblique incidence of plane waves in vacuum on a half space of nonlinear material is solved, g


Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med denna avhandling är att studera den vanligaste behandlingskomplikationen vid blödarsjuka, antikroppsbildning, samt att studera sambandet mellan genen som orsakar sjukdom och det protein som denna gen kodar för. Det övergripande syftet är att forskningsresultaten ska kunna användas för att förbättra vården för familjer med blödarsjuka (hemofili). Resultaten vThe general objective of the research underlying this dissertation was to conduct clinical and basic scientific studies to further elucidate the hemophilia and the coagulation process, with the goal of improving the care of families with these disorders. More specific aims were to evaluate epidemiological, genetic, clinical, and biochemical aspects of the development of inhibitors (antibodies) aga

Metabolism of quinoline 3-carboxamide compounds, a group of synthetic immunomodulators, in various species

Popular Abstract in Swedish SVENSK POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMANFATTNING (SUMMARY IN SWEDISH) Vi kommer dagligen i kontakt med kemiska ämnen av olika slag. Med till exempel mat och dryck, läkemedel, tobaksrökning och miljögifter får vi i oss ämnen som kan vara skadliga för oss. Vi är dock utrustade med ett ordentligt reningsverk, framför allt är det levern som ser till att farliga ämnen bryts ner ochCytochrome P450 (CYP) is involved in the metabolism of the majority of clinically used drugs. We have studied the CYP mediated metabolism of quinoline 3-carboxamides, a group of synthetic immunomodulators in liver microsomal preparations from various species. Roquinimex, the lead compound, was found to be metabolised by CYPs to hydroxylated and demethylated metabolites. A similar metabolite patter