

Din sökning på "*" gav 527996 sökträffar

Simulation of a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Used in a NOx Storage and Reduction system for Heavy Duty Trucks

This work concerns the performance of an oxidation catalyst used in a NOx storage and reduction system. The oxidation of NO is the main objective of this study, where the presence of CO and propene has also been taken into account. Experimental data has been determined on a monolithic oxidation catalyst mounted after a heavy duty diesel engine in a rig. The conversion of hydrocarbons is predicted

Pedagogical Methods for Teaching Heterogeneous Student Groups

Under de senaste åren har det visat sig att studenter på högskolorna i Sverige utgör en heterogen grupp med allt mer skilda bakgrunder och förkunskaper. Pedagogiska metoder för undervisning av sådana grupper behövs så att alla studenter klarar utbildningen. Strategier baserade på individanpassning, projektbaserad undervisning, PBL-metod etc kan effektivisera undervisningen. En diskussion kring det

Jesus and the Scriptures: Problems of Authentication and Interpretation

As an introduction to the volume, this chapter discusses some of the methodological problems involved in assessing the questions of the historical Jesus’ engagement with the Scriptures of Israel. It is claimed that any method for studying the historical Jesus must take into account the two major tasks of Jesus research, viz. ‘authentication’ and ‘interpretation’. The article then discusses how ext

Voluntary activation of skeletal muscle in young and old women and men

Popular Abstract in Swedish En viktig del av sjukgymnastens kliniska undersökning är att bedöma muskelstyrka. För att kunna planera och genomföra en adekvat behandling krävs en objektive mätning av muskelstyrkan och en förståelse av de faktorer som orsakar muskelsvaghet. En faktor som kan bidra till muskelsvaghet är en oförmåga hos centrala nervsystemet att rekrytera och optimalt aktivera de motorThe evaluation of skeletal muscle strength is an important part of the physiotherapist’s clinical examination in order to plan and execute appropriate interventions. This requires the objective assessment of muscle strength and the determination of the underlying factors of muscle weakness. One factor that can contribute to muscle weakness is the inability of the central nervous system to voluntar

Grapes as an alternative crop for water saving

Fruit trees have a vast range of water needs. When it comes to Crop Water Requirement (CWR), grapes may be considered as a low water consumption crop. Thus, grapes can be a good alternative in arid and semiarid areas as compared to dates, citrus, and bananas that have higher CWR. Much water can be saved if agricultural management focuses on high-yield crops with low CWR. Therefore, changing existi

Sensory Aspects of Knee Injuries

Popular Abstract in Swedish En främre korsbandsskada i knäet betraktas allmänt som en ganska allvarlig knäskada med risk för kvarstående funktionsnedsättning. Sett över tiden finns även en ökad risk för artros, ”brosknedbrytning”, efter främre korsbandsskada. Traditionellt sett har man inom ortopedin främst diskuterat vikten av främre korsbandets mekaniskt stabiliserande funktion; en skada, rupturProprioceptive ability was estimated in different groups of patients with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury as well as in different groups of healthy uninjured individuals. In study I, patients with poor outcome of the ACL injury – i.e. persistent symptoms of instability – were compared with patients with few symptoms after ACL injury, as well as with a control group. The results showed that

Lund on Informatics

This anthology comprises thirteen chapters exploring and explaining informatics at Lund University. The book represents several perspectives and views on the subject of informatics held by researchers at the Informatics Department, and also how the subject has evolved and developed over the years.The central theme is that the design of information systems links social and organisational perspectiv

Solskenslandet : svensk film på 2000-talet

Aldrig tidigare har det svenska folket konsumerat så mycket film som just nu, i 2000-talets begynnelse, antingen det är på biograferna, på video, DVD eller TV. Detta har fått till följd att den svenska filmproduktionen skjutit ordentlig fart, om än under andra former än tidigare. Antologin Solskenslandet ger en aspektrik bild av det svenska filmskapandets (och filmrecenserandets!) dynamiska nu. H

The neurophenomenology of hypnosis

From its inception, “animal magnetism” and hypnosis have been related to reputed psi phenomena. However, only until recently have phenomenological and neurophysiological approaches advanced enough to go beyond a putative –and vague- hypnotic state. In this study we are following a neurophenomenological approach by analyzing in parallel experience and brain processes. We selected a group of individ