

Din sökning på "*" gav 530014 sökträffar

Hållbar förvaltning av naturkapital

Klimatförändringarna gör att de skånska landekosystemen står inför stora förändringar, på grund av direkta klimateffekter samt som en följd av förändringar i skötsel och markanvändning som ett resultat av samhällets klimatanpassnings- och utsläppsminskningsåtgärder. Förlust av biologisk mångfald riskerar att öka ekosystemens sårbarhet gentemot klimatförändringarnas effekter. Förebyggande arbete

Lindman och krutbrännaren : Om färgsättningen av en orkidé

This article discusses problems concerning the use of colour in botanical illustrations, focusing on a specific species, the Orchis ustulata (Burnt Orchid). In 1901–1905 the Swedish botanist Carl Lindman (1856–1928) was responsible for the publication of the Swedish flora Bilder ur Nordens flora, that was, in some ways, a reworking of J. W. Palmstruch’s Svensk botanik (1802–1843). Palmstruch’s hanThis article discusses problems concerning the use of colour in botanical illustrations, focusing on a specific species, the Orchis ustulata (Burnt Orchid). In 1901-1905 the Swedish botanist Carl Lindman (1856-1928) was responsible for the publication of the Swedish flora Bilder ur Nordens flora, that was, in some ways, a reworking of J. W. Palmstruch’s Svensk botanik (1802-1843). Palmstruch’s han

Hierarchy and Tacit Knowledge in the Swedish Armed Forces: An Organisational Approach

This paper describes in what ways hierarchical organizations influence the utilization and dissemination of knowledge. Particular attention will be paid to the role that tacit knowledge has. The reporting system of incidents is one element in a larger institutional process, often termed 'lessons learned' (LL). This process helps to suggest solutions to identify shortcomings and facilitates in maki

Development of fluorescence-based techniques for quantitative measurements of combustion species

Popular Abstract in Swedish Eld har fascinerat människan i alla tider. Att sitta och värma sig vid en lägereld, sjunga sånger eller bara titta på hur elden rör sig är något de flesta har upplevt. Hur många har egentligen funderat på var värmen kommer ifrån, hur den gula färgen uppstår eller vad eld egentligen består av? Några av frågorna finns det nu svar på, men fortfarande finns det mycket att uThe work presented in this thesis covers how laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and photofragmentation laser-induced fluorescence (PF-LIF) can be used to determine quantitative species concentrations in different combustion environments. To attain species concentrations with LIF it is of vital importance to investigate the influence of collisional quenching on the fluorescence signal strength, which

Availability Estimations for Utilities in the Process Industry

An important performance measure of a plant is the plant-availability. The higher availability the better, since a high availability implies a possibility for a large production volume and thereby an increased profit for the company. One way of increasing the plant-availability is by eliminating, or minimizing the effect of disturbances. The cause of a disturbance can be personnel, material or equ

Distance education - distribution or collaboration?

New interactive information and communication technology (ICT) has opened up new possibilities in the field of distance education. The traditional distance education organisations are challenged by conventional universities who have developed into dual mode institutions using interactive ICT. This challenge from conventional universities may also involve a conceptual challenge - from distribution

Simulation of Liquid Food Processes in Modelica

Traditionally, liquid food processing equipment has been designed and engineered from a static perspective, where it has been taken for granted that dynamic behaviour easily could be handled by “add on” of control equipment such as sensors and computers with control programs including control loops. However, as production demands, e.g. mixing accuracy, are escalated, this approach fails, and the i

The integration of customer needs in the establishment of an e-business system for internal service

The key success factor for companies is to develop and deliver services and products that satisfy customer needs and create customer value. When introducing e-businesses as a new channel, it is becoming increasingly important to consider customers, since they will have a higher level of influence on the company through the interactive channel. This paper sets out to describe the process of conside

Microcultures in the meso level of higher education organisations – the Commons, the Club, the Market and the Square

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det knyts stora förhoppningar till högre utbildning. Nästan var tredje svensk tillbringar några år vid universitet och högskolor. Den erfarenhet de får bär de med sig i hela sitt vuxna liv. Den påverkar deras åsikter om vetenskap, kritiskt tänkande och universitetslärare så länge de lever. Högre utbildning ska förse professioner, myndigheter och näringsliv med kvalificeHigher education (HE) is and has been a growing concern for various stakeholders for a considerable time. Sometimes contradictory attempts to reform HE have increased the pressure on academic teachers and contributed to an experience of demand overload. This research conceptualises HE organisations so that dynamics related to change and stability become understandable. A socio-cultural perspective