Din sökning på "*" gav 530014 sökträffar
Sustainable nutrition: Opportunities, risks and uncertainties from environmental and health perspectives
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hållbara matvanor - från jord till bord I Sverige äter vi i genomsnitt 800 kg mat per person och år. Vad och hur mycket vi väljer att stoppar i oss har stor betydelse både för planetens och vårt eget välmående. Den här avhandlingen handlar om hur våra val av livsmedel i den dagliga kosten påverkar miljön och hälsan. Vilken typ av livsmedel vi väljer att äta och dessa Food production and consumption are key drivers of environmental pressures and are essential factors in the promotion and maintenance of health. Production of food occupies more than one third of global land areas and is estimated to be responsible for some 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, we live in a world where nearly one billion people go hungry and even more people su
Performative Nature – The Nature of Sweden in Arne Sucksdorff’s Wartime Documentaries
A homogenization procedure for microstructured resistive sheets
A thin resistive sheet is described by its sheet conductance, and the electric and magnetic dipole moments per unit area. All three properties can be controlled by the material parameters and geometry of the sheet, for instance by making a periodic pattern of holes in it. A mathematical analysis of the low frequency limit of Maxwell's equations in a periodic setting generates a hierarchy of local
Geometrical Cluster-Based Scatterer Detection Method with the Movement of Mobile Terminal
When a mobile station moves along a trajectory, it will see different parts of the same scatterers or scatterer groups during its movement. In this paper, we present a new method to identify such physical clusters of scatterers, and the corresponding groups of multipath components (MPCs) interacting with those clusters, from measurements of channel impulse responses. The method is based on identif
Biochemistry and Metabolism of Normal and Osteoarthritic Cartilage
An Approach for Identifying Business Requirements for Development of Prospective ERP Systems
Mechanical Behaviour at Fire of Concrete and Hyperstatic Concrete Structures
Den lekande Fröding : en författarskapsstudie
The dissertation examines the collected literary works of Gustaf Fröding (1860-1911), from which it unearths a vital, yet hitherto unrecognised dimension: Fröding at play. The opening chapter accounts for how the concept of play has been made use of in previous literary research and elaborates, by way of an inter-disciplinary transfer of concept and with Fröding's chalice poem "En pligt-dikt" as k
LEST dynamics - a simulation
A model for simulations of the dynamical behavior of the Large Earth-based Solar Telescope (LEST) is described. The model includes the various subsystems of the telescope optics and mechanics, as well as its live optics system. Also, various disturbances, including wind gusts and atmospheric turbulence, are included. The simulation results indicate the fundamental importance of the live optics sys
Metabolite evolution in the lichen family Teloschistaceae.
De regionala visionerna skjuter sig själva i foten
Kirurgiska sjukdomar: patofysiologi, behandling, specifik omvårdnad
Myter om det nordiska : mellan romantik och politik
Macromolecular interactions, Consequences on carbohydrate metabolism
Popular Abstract in Swedish Växter får energi att växa till och fortplanta sig genom fotosyntes och cellandning. Vid fotosyntesen använder växterna ljusenergin från solen medan vid cellandningen kolföreningar bryts ner för att frigöra den energi som behövs till olika kemiska processerna i cellen. Enzymer är proteiner som katalyserar dessa kemiska processer. För att omvandla ett utgångsämne (t ex sMost cells are crowded with solutes, enzymes, nucleic acids, structural proteins and membranes. Crowding promotes macromolecular interactions and determines major properties of the cellular environment such as viscosity, diffusion and inhomogeneity. Macromolecular interactions that involve enzymes can affect the kinetic and regulatory properties of these, hence the interactions are part of the met
On the Testability of IEEE 1687 Networks
Due to the increasing usage of embedded instruments in many electronic devices, new solutions to effectively access these instruments appeared, including the new IEEE 1687 standard. The approach supported by IEEE 1687 allows a flexible access to embedded instruments through the Boundary Scan interface. The IEEE 1687 network includes a set of reconfigurable scan chains. This paper addresses the iss
Kvalitet, pengar och läsupplevelser. Litteraturens värde på bokmarknaden
Minimal Structure and Motion Problems for TOA and TDOA Measurements with Collinearity Constraints
Structure from sound can be phrased as the problem of determining the position of a number of microphones and a number of sound sources given only the recorded sounds. In this paper we study minimal structure from sound problems in both TOA (time of arrival) and TDOA (time difference of arrival) settings with collinear constraints on e.g. the microphone positions. Three such minimal cases are anal
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ARTISTS - Arterial streets for people : Guidance for planners and decision makers when reconstructing arterial streets.
Conventional guidance on the design and management of urban roads and streets has tended to focus on either arterial roads or local access streets. There is currently a lack of a clear, consistent approach to the design of arterial streets, which combine both significant through traffic and urban place functions. This report aims to address this gap, by setting out an approach to the design and ma