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Bokkapitel (sida 7 av 97)
- Persson, H. (2022). Mary Howitt’s Translation of Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Tales. Palgrave Studies in the Enlightenment, Romanticism and Cultures of Print, 189-225. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Rozenkrantz, J. (2022). Jacobi’s Burden : “Jewish” Figurations in Fanny och Alexander. Ingmar Bergman at the Crossroads : Between Theory and Practice, 103-120. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc..
- Sandberg, L. & Dutceac Segesten, A. (2022). Online political hostility. I Ceron, A. (Red.) Elgar Encyclopedias in the Social Sciences, Elgar Encyclopedia of Technology and Politics (pp. 244-247). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Sayehli, S., Österberg, R. & Granfelt, J. (2022). Emotion and motivation in younger learners’ second foreign language acquisition. I De Wilde, V. & Goriot, C. (Red.) Studies on Language Acquisition, Individual Differences in Young Second Language Learners (pp. 203-224), 65. De Gruyter.
- Schwarz, J. (2022). The emancipation of yitskhok bashevis : The sufferings of a polygamous werther in the man of dreams. The Marrano Way : Between Betrayal and Innovation, 265-279. Mouton de Gruyter.
- Schwarz, J. (2022). Yiddish. I Leaman, O. (Red.) Routledge Handbook of Jewish Ritual and Practice (pp. 501-507). Routledge.
- Skjerdingstad, K. I., Tangerås, T. M., Forslid, T., Ohlsson, A., Rydbeck, K. & Stenberg, M. (2022). Shared Reading i Skandinavia. I Forslid, T., Ohlsson, A., Rydbeck, K., Skjerdingstad, K. I., Steenberg, M. & Tangerås, T. M. (Red.) Shared Reading i Skandinavia : Teori og praksis (pp. 13-30). ABM-media AS.
- Sonesson, G. (2022). Cognitive Science and Semiotics. I Pelkey, J. (Red.) Bloomsbury semiotics, Bloomsbury semiotics Volume 4 : Semiotic movements (pp. 293-312). Bloomsbury Academic.
- Sonesson, G. (2022). Iconicity and Semiosis. I Pelkey, J. (Red.) Bloomsbury semiotics, Bloomsbury semiotics Volume 1 : History and semiosis (pp. 193-214). Bloomsbury Academic.
- Sonesson, G. (2022). On The Borders of Metaphorology : Creativity beyond and ahead of Metaphors. I Faur, E., Feurdean, D. & Pop, I. (Red.) LA IZVOARELE IMAGINAŢIEI CREATOARE : Studii si evocări în onoarea profesorului MIRCEA BORCILĂ (pp. 247-276). Argonaut & Eikon.
- Sonesson, G. (2022). The intricate dialectics of iconization and structuration. I Lenninger, S., Fischer, O., Ljungberg, C. & Tabakowska, E. (Red.) Iconicity in Language and Literature, Iconicity in Cognition and across Semiotic Systems (pp. 11-26), 18. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Tenngart, P. (2022). Översättning. I Helgesson, S. (Red.) RJ:s skriftserie, Världslitteraturer : kosmopolitisk och vernakulär dynamik : slutrapport från ett forskningsprogram (pp. 30-46). Riksbankens jubileumsfond.
- Tranvik, A. (2022). En räv bland igelkottar : Några tankar om Strindberg och vetenskaperna. I Carlander, C. (Red.) Strindbergiana, Strindbergiana : Trettiosjunde samlingen utgiven av Strindbergssällskapet (pp. 99-117), 37.
- Törnquist-Plewa, B. & Stala, K. (2022). Olgi Tokarczuk szwedzka droga do Nagrody Nobla. I Gesche, J. & Slyk, M. (Red.) Studia Slavica Upsaliensia, Polsko-szwedzkie spotkania po roku 1918 : Literatura – Język – Kultura (pp. 220-241), 51. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
- Wadsö-Lecaros, C. (2022). ‘Minds Play into One Another’ : The reception of Harriet Martineau’s writing on political economy in Britain and Sweden. I Duffy, C. & Rix, R. (Red.) Palgrave Studies in the Enlightenment, Romanticism and Cultures of Print, Nordic Romanticism : Translation, Transmission, Transformation (pp. 227-261). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Zlatev, J. & Moskaluk, K. (2022). Translation validity in metaphor theories CMT, DMT and the Motivation & Sedimentation Model. I Bagasheva, A., Hristov, B. & Tincheva, N. (Red.) Figurative Thought and Language, Figurativity and Human Ecology (pp. 123-148), 17. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Akujärvi, J. (2021). Aristophanes in Swedish : Shocking to the modern reader. I Akujärvi, J., Blomqvist, J. & Blomqvist, K. (Red.) Studia Graeca et Latina Lundensi, DE RISU – representations and evaluations of laughter in Greek and Latin literature : Papers presented at Colloquium Balticum XVI (Lund, November 6–9, 2018) (pp. 45-79), 27. Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
- Akujärvi, J. (2021). Versificandi mania : University Teaching of Greek and Greek Verse and Prose in dissertations in Sweden. I Ciccolella, F. (Red.) Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History, When Greece Flew across the Alps : The Study of Greek in Early Modern Europe (pp. 251-278). Brill.
- Akujärvi, J., Korhonen, T., Päll, J. & Sironen, E. (2021). Nordic Countries. I Pontani, F. & Weise, S. (Red.) Trends in Classics – Pathways of Reception, The Hellenizing Muse : A European Anthology of Poetry in Ancient Greek from the Renaissance to the Present (pp. 720-801). De Gruyter.
- Ale Ebrahim Dehkordi, M., Ghorbani, A., Herder, P., Farjam, M., Forsman, A., van Weeren, R., De Moor, T. & Bravo, G. (2021). The Role of Wealth Inequality on Collective Action for Management of Common Pool Resource. I Ahrweiler, P. & Neumann, M. (Red.) Springer Proceedings in Complexity, Advances in Social Simulation : Proceedings of the 15th Social Simulation Conference: 23–27 September 2019 (pp. 375-379). Springer International Publishing.
- Andersson, L. G. (2021). Litteratur och film. I Franzén, C. & Möller, H. (Red.) Natur & Kulturs Litteraturhistoria (pp. 658-668). Natur och kultur.
- Andersson, L. G. (2021). The Ghost in the Machine : Saraband. I Hedling, E. (Red.) Ingmar Bergman : An Enduring Legacy (pp. 261-269). Lund University Press.
- Bernhardsson, K. (2021). Det där typografiskt hopplösa ordet lundaandan. I Bexell, G. & Lindström, P. (Red.) Lunds Universitetshistoriska Sällskaps årsbok, Handbok i Lundaandan : om den finns (pp. 140-141), 2022. Bild & Media AB.
- Bernhardsson, K. (2021). Självbiografiska berättelser om sjukdom : En introduktion till en levande genre. I Möller, D. (Red.) Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund: Årsbok, Vetenskapssocietetens årsbok 2021. Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund.
- Blomqvist, J. (2021). Γραμματικῶν περίεργα γένη. Making fun of grammarians. I Akujärvi, J., Blomqvist, J. & Blomqvist, K. (Red.) Studia Graeca et Latina Lundensia, DE RISU – Representations and evaluations of laughter in Greek and Latin lierature : Papers presented at the Colloquium Balticum XVI (Lund, November 6–9, 2018) (pp. 115-131), 27. Lund University.