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Bokkapitel (sida 9 av 97)
- Hedling, E. (2021). Somewhere in Sweden : Quality Fiction and Popularized History in the World War II Television Series. I Stecher, M. T. (Red.) Worlds of memory, Nordic War Stories : World War II as Fiction, Film, and History (pp. 639-675), 7. Berghahn Books.
- Hedling, E. (2021). The Return of the Bourgeois : Fanny and Alexander in Swedish Politics. I Hedling, E. (Red.) Ingmar Bergman : An Enduring Legacy (pp. 270-284). Lund University Press.
- Hedling, O. (2021). Bergman and the business : Notes on the director’s ‘worth in the market’. I Hedling, E. (Red.) Ingmar Bergman : An enduring legacy (pp. 42-55). Lund University Press.
- Johansson, M. & Nordrum, L. (2021). Tracing processes in auxiliarization : Time-sufficiency verbs from a Norwegian-Swedish-English contrastive perspective. I Cermakova, A., Egan, T., Hasselgard, H. & Rorvik, S. (Red.) Studies in Corpus Linguistics, Time in Languages, Languages in Time (pp. 67-93), 101. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Juvonen, P. & Källkvist, M. (2021). Pedagogical Translanguaging : Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Perspectives. An Introduction. I Juvonen, P. & Källkvist, M. (Red.) Pedagogical Translanguaging : Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Perspectives (pp. 1-6). Multilingual Matters.
- Karlsson, A., Guneş, G., Rahmani, H. & Jun, S.-A. (2021). South West and Central Asia. I Gussenhhoven, C. & Chen, A. (Red.) The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody (pp. 207-224). Oxford University Press.
- Killander Cariboni, C. (2021). Beskrivaren Björnståhl. I Killander Cariboni, C., Raudvere, C., Sabatakakis, V. & Stenström, J. (Red.) Björnståhls resa : Europa och Konstantinopel 1767-1779 (pp. 189-243). Makadam förlag.
- Killander Cariboni, C. (2021). Björnståhls Resa : Texterna och deras upphovsman. I Killander Cariboni, C., Raudvere, C., Sabatakakis, V. & Stenström, J. (Red.) Björnståhls resa : Europa och Konstantinopel 1767-1779 (pp. 129-186). Makadam förlag.
- Källkvist, M. & Juvonen, P. (2021). Engaging Teachers and Researchers in Classroom Research : Issues of Fluidity and Time in two Multi-Sited Projects. I Juvonen, P. & Källkvist, M. (Red.) Pedagogical Translanguaging : Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Perspectives (pp. 37-55). Multilingual Matters.
- Källkvist, M., Sundqvist, P., Gyllstad, H. & Sandlund, E. (2021). Flerspråkiga praktiker : en resurs i engelskundervisningen?. Resultatdialog 2021, 37-39. Vetenskapsrådet.
- Lindbladh, J. (2021). Förundersökningen med Dmitrij Karamazov. I Möller, D. (Red.) Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund: Årsbok, Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund. Årsbok 2021 (pp. 43-62). Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund.
- Makili-Aliyev, K. (2021). The Perspective of Post-Soviet States on the Burqa Ban : A Study of the Delegalization of Religious Headwear in Post-Soviet States. I Matwijkiw, A. & Oriolo, A. (Red.) Law, Cultural Studies and the Burqa Ban (pp. 329-348). Intersentia.
- Makili-Aliyev, K. (2021). The Role of Azerbaijan in the Non-Aligned Movement Through the Lens of International Law and Security. I Dimitrijević, D. & Čavoški, J. (Red.) The 60th Anniversary of the Non-Aligned Movement (pp. 359-370). Institute of International Politics and Economics.
- Malm, J., Bryngfors, L., Carey, W., Holmer, A., Mörner, L.-L. & Ody, M. (2021). Supplemental Instruction (SI) in Europe: An Overview of Current SI Programmes. I Strømmen-Bakhtiar, A., Helde, R. & Suzen, E. (Red.) Supplemental Instruction : Volume 3: Organisation and Leadership (pp. 119-136). Waxmann Verlag.
- Mendoza-Collazos, J., Zlatev, J. & Sonesson, G. (2021). The Origins and Evolution of Design : A Stage-Based Model. I Pagni, E. & Theisen Simanke, R. (Red.) Interdisciplinary Evolution Research, Biosemiotics and Evolution : The Natural Foundations of Meaning and Symbolism (pp. 161-173), 6. Springer Nature.
- Naum, M., Sjöberg, C., Håkansson, H., Lindskog, A., Eriksson, M. & Ahlberg, P. (2021). Kilian Stobæus and his fossil collections - science, aesthetics and emotions. I Naum, M., Linaa, J. & Escribano-Ruiz, S. (Red.) Studies in the History of Daily Life (800-1600), Archaeological Things on the Move: Material Exchanges in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (pp. 235-256). Brepols.
- Ohlsson, A. (2021). Högläsningens funktioner i Shared Reading. I Pennlert, J. & Ilshmmar, L. (Red.) Från Strindberg till Storytel : Korskopplingar mellan ljud och litteratur (pp. 327-352). Daidalos.
- Ohlsson, A. (2021). Shared Reading - gemensam läsning och socialt samspek. I , S. k. (Red.) Kulturrådets läsfrämjande skrifter, Delad läsning : Om biblioterapi, shared reading, narrativ medicin, läslov, klass, läsande förebilder, tillgänglig läsning, letterbox club, läslandet, läslyftet med mera (pp. 8-13). Statens kulturråd.
- Paradis, C. (2021). Two layers of modal grounding of recommendations. I Kloudová, V., Šemelík, M., Racochová, A. & Koptík, T. (Red.) Spielräume der modernen linguistischen Forschung (pp. 112-127). The Karolinum Press.
- Sabatakakis, V. (2021). Björnståhl och det skrivna ordet. I Killander Cariboni, C., Raudvere, C., Sabatakakis, V. & Stenström, J. (Red.) Björnståhls resa : Europa och Konstantinopel 1767–1779 (pp. 489-530). Makadam förlag.
- Sabatakakis, V. (2021). Björnståhls resa till Grekland. I Killander Cariboni, C., Raudvere, C., Sabatakakis, V. & Stenström, J. (Red.) Björnståhls resa : Europa och Konstantinopel 1767–1779 (pp. 433-487). Makadam förlag.
- Sonesson, G. (2021). Considerations on the subtle art of integrating linguistics (and/or semiotics). I Willems, K. & Munteanu, C. (Red.) Eugenio Coseriu : Past, Present and Future (pp. 151-164). De Gruyter.
- Sonesson, G. (2021). The relevance of the encyclopaedia : From semiosis to sedimentation and back again. I Drăgan, N.-S. (Red.) Semiotics, Communication and Cognition [SCC], Differences, Similarities and Meanings : Semiotic Investigations of Contemporary Communication Phenomena (pp. 97-120), 30. De Gruyter.
- Sundqvist, P., Gyllstad, H., Kàllkvist, M. & Sandlund, E. (2021). Mapping teacher beliefs and practices about multilingualism : The development of the multiBAP questionnaire. Pedagogical Translanguaging : Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Perspectives, 56-75. Channel View Publications.
- Sundqvist, P., Gyllstad, H., Källkvist, M. & Sandlund, E. (2021). Mapping Teacher Beliefs and Practices about Multilingualism : The Development of the MultiBAP Questionnaire. I Juvonen, P. & Källkvist, M. (Red.) Pedagogical Translanguaging : Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Perspectives (pp. 56-75). Multilingual Matters.