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Your search for "Greek " yielded 2024 hits

Development of a dental measuring instrument

This report aims to communicate the process and result of the master’s thesis project that was accomplished at TePe Munhygienprodukter AB, with the title Development of a dental measuring instrument. The project had a timeframe of 18 weeks and consisted to a large extent of generating a foundation for developing a product that allows for simple measuring of interdental spaces. TePe develops denta

Energy-efficiency in Industrial Buildings by Lighting Solutions; A Case of Smart Lighting

”Architecture is the learned game, correct and magnificent, οf forms assembled in the light.” Le Corbusier. Nowadays, lighting covers a great portion of the total energy use of a building, almost 21%, while in most of the places, the quality of the existing lighting conditions is usually notably poor. In addition, lighting is responsible for 14% of all electricity demand in EU (CELMA, 2011) and 19

Patient Reported Outcomes in Cleft Lip and Palate

Aim: Patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) quantify various domains of health related quality of life (HRQOL) from the patient perspective. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate patient reported outcomes (PROs) in patients with cleft lip and/or palate (CL/P). Method: PROs were investigated in the CL/P population with PROMs and interviews. Health care professional (HCP) experience o

The Missing Piece Defining the Crime of Aggression

The historical development of responsibility for wars and aggressive acts has seen a shift of focus during the last century. Where the attention was previously focused on the unlawfulness of a State act (the Act of Aggression), the attention is now on the involvement and responsibility of individuals. The topic of this thesis is to follow the development of the possibility to hold those behind Sta

The Prisma Family -from producers to consumers-

In 1997 Tetra Brik Packaging Systems (TBPS) introduced the Prisma family into the portfolio. The family, which contains four volumes: X ml, 330 ml, 1000 ml and 2000 ml, is characterised by having eight panels at mid height. The new shape of the packages has forced TBPS to make modifications in the equipment and alterations in the distribution chain, from producers to consumers. This master's

Covid-19 Idealism: Analysing Societal and Policy Unevenness in the Geographical Distribution of Covid-19 in Europe

This thesis focusses on three distinct unevenness’s seen within the Covid-19 pandemic. Geographical unevenness shows in an uneven spread in and between countries. Societal unevenness is seen as Covid-19 deaths mainly occur in the elderly population, or people with underlying conditions. Finally, governmental policy unevenness is seen between countries as some have imposed strict health measures, a

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As far back as the Early Modern period, Swedish Reformation centenaries were exploited politically. Instead of Martin Luther, the liberation from Denmark (1521) and the Declaration of the Swedish Reformation (1593) were celebrated. From 1817 and 1830, Reformation centenaries were celebrated in a more continental form, but the Confessio Augustana-Celebration was combined with the clebration of Swed

Wolbachia-driven selective sweep in a range expanding insect species

Background: Evolutionary processes can cause strong spatial genetic signatures, such as local loss of genetic diversity, or conflicting histories from mitochondrial versus nuclear markers. Investigating these genetic patterns is important, as they may reveal obscured processes and players. The maternally inherited bacterium Wolbachia is among the most widespread symbionts in insects. Wolbachia typ

Clinical effect of stereotyped B-cell receptor immunoglobulins in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: a retrospective multicentre study

Background About 30% of cases of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) carry quasi-identical B-cell receptor immunoglobulins and can be assigned to distinct stereotyped subsets. Although preliminary evidence suggests that B-cell receptor immunoglobulin stereotypy is relevant from a clinical viewpoint, this aspect has never been explored in a systematic manner or in a cohort of adequate size that wou

Lauro, myrto et buxo frequentata. A study of the Roman garden through its plants

The plants in the ancient Roman garden were chosen with deliberation. These choices were ruled by the meaning and associations the plants conveyed to the garden visitors. Through a close reading of Latin literature and epigraphic sources (used here for the first time in relation to Roman gardens), as well as an examination of the archaeological record from Campanian garden excavations, I deal with

Evangelium Cyrillicum Gothoburgense : A Codicological, Palaeographical, Textological and Linguistic Study of a Church Slavonic Tetraevangel

Popular Abstract in Swedish Evangelium Cyrillicum Gothoburgense, ECG, ett tetraevangelium som förvaras i Göteborgs universitets-bibliotek, har studerats i flera avseenden. Den kodikologiska studien visar att handskriften har restaurerats tidigare och att några sidor fattas i början och i slutet. Vattenmärket är ett vildsvin, vilket daterar ECG till 1605-1625 med stöd av ett identiskt vattenmärke iEvangelium Cyrillicum Gothoburgense, ECG, a tetraevangel treasured in Göteborg University Library, has been studied from several aspects. A codicological study showed that the MS bears signs of earlier restoration and that some leaves are missing at the beginning and at the end. The watermark is a "boar", and the date of ECG is believed to be 1605-1625 on the basis of an identical watermark in ano

Sketching the Invisible : Patterns of Church and City in Theodoret of Cyrrhus' Philotheos Historia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Livet uppe på en pelare År 423 e.Kr. klättrade en man som närmade sig fyrtioårsåldern upp på en pelare, för att leva resten av sitt liv på dess topp; det skulle bli nästan fyrtio år till på knappt tjugo meters höjd. Han hette Symeon och skulle redan i sin samtid bli världsberömd för sin märkliga livsstil, som den första styliten, eller pelarhelgonet. I dagens krigsdrab

Minoan games and game boards

Popular Abstract in Swedish Spel och spelbräden har fått lite uppmärksamhet av forskare som undersöker de antika kulturerna. Denna avhandling samlar och analyserar arkeologiskt spelmaterial från bronsålderns Kreta, definierar forskningsfältet och presenterar ett ramverk med materialavgränsningar och typologier. Vidare undersöks spelandet som en del av socialhistorien. Varje del i avhandlingen - soThe old, world-wide phenomenon of playing board games has received little attention among scholars studying the ancient cultures. This thesis collects and analyses game-related material from Bronze Age Crete, defines the field of research and provides a framework with definitions and typologies. A further goal is to use the results of the analyses to extend beyond the archaeological material and e


Master’s in Visual Culture Master’s in Visual Culture LUND UNIVERSITY | SWEDEN • Master of Arts in Visual Culture • 2 years, full-time, 120 ECTS credits • Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences • Lund Campus • Application deadline: January 2024 • Programme start: August 2024 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW The international Master in Visual Culture is a two-year interdisci- plinary programme focusing on unde - 2025-03-08

Det svenska skiljeförfarandets historia – En rättshistorisk studie av skiljemannarättens lagstiftningsutveckling

Denna uppsats syftar till att redogöra för lagstiftningsutvecklingen inom den svenska skiljemannarätten. Vidare ämnar uppsatsen utreda de bakomliggande faktorerna som motiverat och initierat lagstiftningsförändringar inom skilje-mannarätten historiskt. Därutöver ska den första speciallagstiftningen inom skiljemannarätten undersökas med särskilt fokus på den föregående debatten till lagstiftningen This essay aims to describe the legislative development within Swedish arbi-tration law. Furthermore, the essay intends to investigate the underlying fac-tors that have motivated and initiated legislative changes in arbitration law historically. In addition, the first special legislation within arbitration law will be examined with a particular focus on the preceding debate to the legislation and


Master’s in Visual Culture Master’s in Visual Culture LUND UNIVERSITY | SWEDEN • Master of Arts in Visual Culture • 2 years, full-time, 120 ECTS credits • Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences • Lund Campus • Application deadline: January 2025 • Programme start: August 2025 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW The international Master in Visual Culture is a two-year interdisci- plinary programme focusing on unde - 2025-03-08


TSVGLOW 1 The historical reality of biolinguistic diversity Giuseppe Longobardi, Cristina Guardiano^, Luca Bortolussi°, Andrea Sgarro°, Giuseppina Silvestri°*, Andrea Ceolin° Univ. York, ^Univ. Modena e Reggio Emilia, °Univ. Trieste, *Univ. Pisa Goals. Arguing that the historical application of the biolinguistic model can complement molecular antrhopology to model out a ‘grammatical anthropology - 2025-03-08

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LITTERATURLISTA Bokhistoria, Paleografi (7,5 hp) Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper Avdelningen för bokhistoria BBHR02, Bokhistoria: Paleografi, 7,5 hp, höstterminen 2024 Kurslitteratur (all litteratur finns på Canvas om inte annat anges) Bischoff, Bernhard (1990).Latin palaeography: antiquity and the Middle Ages. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, ISBN 0-521-36473-6, (291 s.: varav ca 15 sidor lä - 2025-03-07

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1 LUND UNIVERSITY Department of Archaeology and Ancient History _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ARKN12, Buildings as archaeology – The analysis of complex built environments, 15 credits Reading list Established by the Board of the Department: 2021-08-xx The literature is availabl - 2025-03-07