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Your search for "Greek " yielded 2006 hits

Announcement pre-conference course 23-25 june 2018

If you are a current participant of ClimBEco graduate research school, please send your application to Annika Malmgren Widerberg (, NOT to the course organizer! ClimBEco participants have admission priority to three of the availbale places in the course Spatial analysis in economics and the environment (course A). If there are more than three applications from C - 2025-01-12

2008cv kristina kvalvik

CV KRISTINA KVALVIK E-mail: Homepage: EDUCATION 2003 - 2008 Malmö Art Academy. BFA & MFA. Sweden 2007 Emily Carr Institute of Art, Design and Media. Vancouver. Canada 2001 - 2003 Nordland College of Art and Film. Norway 1999 - 2000 Nansen Academy - the Norwegian Humanistic Academy. Norway SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2014 ARKIV. Contemporary Småland plattform - 2025-01-12

Graduation schedule 23 sep 2016 final

MONDAY 19 SEPTEMBER TUESDAY 20 SEPTEMBER WEDNESDAY 21 SEPTEMBER THURSDAY 22 SEPTEMBER Time/Student/Room 10.20 Irina Kalinovskaya - Aula 10.20 Marcus Persson - Room 201 10.20 Marta Pellegrino - Room 133 Thesis title Implementation project for deposit-refund: System in the Republic How public authorities plant social innovation seeds in the garden Meeting E-waste targets in Italy: An evaluation of t - 2025-01-12


Master’s in Visual Culture Master’s in Visual Culture LUND UNIVERSITY | SWEDEN • Master of Arts in Visual Culture • 2 years, full-time, 120 ECTS credits • Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences • Lund Campus • Application deadline: January 2025 • Programme start: August 2025 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW The international Master in Visual Culture is a two-year interdisci- plinary programme focusing on unde - 2025-01-12


Master’s in Visual Culture Master’s in Visual Culture LUND UNIVERSITY | SWEDEN • Master of Arts in Visual Culture • 2 years, full-time, 120 ECTS credits • Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences • Lund Campus • Application deadline: January 2024 • Programme start: August 2024 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW The international Master in Visual Culture is a two-year interdisci- plinary programme focusing on unde - 2025-01-12

No title

Språk- och litteraturcentrum Mellanösternkunskap LITTERATURLISTA ARAH27, Mellanösternkunskap: Turkiet: historia, politik och samhällsutveckling Middle Eastern Studies: Turkey - History, Politics and Social Development (10hp) Fastställd av lärarkollegium 5 den 14 oktober 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kurslitter - 2025-01-12

No title

Språk- och litteraturcentrum Mellanösternkunskap LITTERATURLISTA ARAH37, Mellanösternkunskap: Turkiet: historia, politik och samhällsutveckling Middle Eastern Studies: Turkey - History, Politics and Social Development (10hp) Fastställd av lärarkollegium 5 den 14 oktober 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kurslitter - 2025-01-12

Schmitt tobias

Master Thesis Tobias Schmitt LUMES – Lund University Master’s Programme in Environmental Science 2002/2003 Emotional bonds with nature as determinant of environmental awareness The missing link for saving our environment? Master Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of a Master of Science by: Tobias Schmitt Klagenfurter Strasse 4, 55543 Bad Kreuznach, Germany Te - 2025-01-12

Exploring Cross-Sectoral Collaboration for Sustainable Development: A Case of Tourism

Popular Abstract in Swedish Tvärsektoriella nätverk mellan myndigheter, näringsliv och olika intressegrupper har tilldelats en allt större betydelse, då det varit en vanlig uppfattning att en hållbar utveckling bäst skapas genom ett gemensamt ansvar. Uppfattningarna om resultaten av dessa initiativ uppvisar dock spektakulära skillnader: från att framstå som oslagbara lösningar på de utmaningar soThe importance of cross-sectoral collaborative initiatives, that is partnerships of governments, civil society and the private sector, was elevated due to the belief that the issues of SD are a collective responsibility of all societal actors. The assessment of these initiatives is ranging dramatically; from giving them a status of an unbeatable solution for the SD challenges, to blaming them for

Two Leonardo Pilot Projects-Developing Internet Based Learning Programs within Geographical Information Systems (GIS), ICEE2008

Under the Leonardo da Vinci – Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) – there is a sub-programme, Transfer of Innovation (ToI). ToI is funding projects which further develop previous project outcomes. This paper deals with a new pilot project under ToI, eGIS+, which has received funding for two years (2007 – 2009). eGIS+ further develop a previous pilot project, E-GIS (European Level Developments of Fle

Fänad i helgade grifter : svensk djurgravpoesi 1670–1760

Popular Abstract in SwedishDjurgravpoesi är en form av tillfällespoesi och en subgenre till den vanliga begravningspoesin, som skrevs över människor. Den som skapade förutsättningarna för att denna diktart skulle få fäste i Sverige var änkedrottning Hedvig Eleonoras hovpoet Erik Lindschöld; hans gravdikter över änkedrottningens tikar är sannolikt skrivna på 1670-talet. Här börjar en linje som går

The Transport Amphorae from Euesperides : The Maritime Trade of a Cyrenaican City 400–250 BC

The present thesis is a study of Mediterranean trade 400-250 BC through an examination of transport amphorae from the ancient Cyrenaican city of Euesperides (Benghazi), Libya. The material comes from excavations conducted from 1999-2006 by the Society for Libyan Studies. Amphorae were used for the transportation of commodities such as wine and olive oil. Found in great numbers at the site they tes

Surrogatmoderskap: en analys av den förbjudna formen av assisterad befruktning

Denna framställning behandlar ämnet surrogatmoderskap. Surrogatmoderskap innebär att en kvinna genomgår en graviditet för ett barnlöst pars räkning, vilka benämns ”det beställande paret”. När barnet föds överlämnas det till det beställande paret som således blir barnets sociala föräldrar. Genetisk sett kan barnet vara helt och hållet det beställande parets eget eller kan surrogatmodern även ha bidThe theme of this essay is surrogate motherhood. This is the practice whereby one woman carries a child for another woman. The other woman and her partner are called the commissioning couple. When the surrogate mother has given birth, the child is handed over to the commissioning couple. The commissioning couple may be the genetic parents of the child, or the surrogate mother may have contributed

Systems, Organisms, Symbiosis

The exhibition and public programme “Systems, Organisms, Symbiosis” reopens again at EIGHT (Polytechniou 8) from 23 September to 22 October 2021. It focuses on active interactions of systems, beings, organisms and narratives as these take place in urban, social and environmental fields. Thinking through notions of mutation, immunity and continuity it explores emergent instituent forms, models of c

European Combustion Meeting 2013

NewsAboutProgramTravelExhibitionContact ECM 2013 is over The organizers of the ECM 2013 would like to thank all participants for their contribution to the successful and fruitful meeting! In total, 575 participants from 39 countries presented and discussed 447 papers on all topics of combustion. Moreover, 5 outstanding Plenary talks were highly appreciated by young and experienced researchers. The - 2025-01-11


This page is an information source for the staff of the Department of Sociology, the sociology and social anthropology units. It should answer many of your questions related to the internationalization functions of the department, ie how to invite a researcher or guest researcher and how to do a teaching/research stay abroad. Or how to support a student's fieldwork abroad. How to invite a research - 2025-01-11


MA in East-and Central European studies MA in East-and Central European studies LUND UNIVERSITY | SWEDEN • Master of Arts in Eastern and Central European Studies • 2 years, full-time, 120 ECTS credits • Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology, Centre for Languages and Literature • Lund Campus • Application deadline: January 2026 • Programme start: August 2026 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Join our master - 2025-01-12