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Your search for "Greek " yielded 2024 hits

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Huvudområden och examina vid HT- fakulteterna Senast reviderad genom beslut i fakultetsstyrelsens arbetsutskott 2024-09-11 Dnr U 2017/199 Dnr U 2020/15 Dnr U 2021/336 Dnr U 2022/736 Dnr U 2024/501 Innehåll Inledning.................................................................................................................... 2 Huvudområden, tabell ............................................. - 2025-03-08

Finns det någon här som är ansvarig? - En historia om skuld, tillräknelighet och fri vilja

Att straff förutsätter skuld är en princip som kan härledas till antiken. Det klassiska ansvarsbegreppet grundar sig också på denna princip. I lagteknisk mening innebär oftast vidmakthållandet av skuldprincipen att strafflagen stipulerar att tillräknelighet är ett krav för straffbarhet. Det svenska straffrättsliga systemet är emellertid, i stort sett, unikt i världen genom att brottsbalken inte in

Contribution of highly industrially processed foods to the nutrient intakes and patterns of middle-aged populations in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study

Objectives: To describe the contribution of highly processed foods to total diet, nutrient intakes and patterns among 27 redefined centres in the 10 countries participating in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Methods: Single 24-hour dietary recalls were collected from 36 034 individuals (aged 35-74 years) using a standardized computerized interview programme

Selenoprotein P. Nutritional and clinical aspects

In this thesis, the nutritional regulation and clinical significance of selenoprotein P (SeP) in human plasma of healthy and diseased subjects was investigated. For the analysis of SeP, a radioimmunoassay was developed using polyclonal antibodies. The epitope recognized by the antibodies was apparently stable after storage of plasma in the frozen state for years. In the studies included, the coeff

Advance Care Planning and Care Coordination for People With Parkinson's Disease and Their Family Caregivers—Study Protocol for a Multicentre, Randomized Controlled Trial

Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease with motor- and non-motor symptoms. When the disease progresses, symptom burden increases. Consequently, additional care demands develop, the complexity of treatment increases, and the patient's quality of life is progressively threatened. To address these challenges, there is growing awareness of the potential benefit

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Språk- och litteraturcentrum Mellanösternkunskap LITTERATURLISTA ARAH27, Mellanösternkunskap: Turkiet: historia, politik och samhällsutveckling Middle Eastern Studies: Turkey - History, Politics and Social Development (10hp) Fastställd av lärarkollegium 5 den 14 oktober 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kurslitter - 2025-03-09

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Språk- och litteraturcentrum Mellanösternkunskap LITTERATURLISTA ARAH37, Mellanösternkunskap: Turkiet: historia, politik och samhällsutveckling Middle Eastern Studies: Turkey - History, Politics and Social Development (10hp) Fastställd av lärarkollegium 5 den 14 oktober 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kurslitter - 2025-03-09

Acknowledging Existential Sustainability in Social Work

This is an explorative and, at times, tentative text on the potential meanings and uses of the concept Existential Sustainability in social work and social work research. The overall argument is that to create a positive change in the lives of people in general, service users more specifically, and to sustain such change over time, it is necessary to acknowledge an existential dimension and existe - 2025-03-07


Master’s in Visual Culture Master’s in Visual Culture LUND UNIVERSITY | SWEDEN • Master of Arts in Visual Culture • 2 years, full-time, 120 ECTS credits • Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences • Lund Campus • Application deadline: January 2025 • Programme start: August 2025 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW The international Master in Visual Culture is a two-year interdisci- plinary programme focusing on unde - 2025-03-09

2008cv kristina kvalvik

CV KRISTINA KVALVIK E-mail: Homepage: EDUCATION 2003 - 2008 Malmö Art Academy. BFA & MFA. Sweden 2007 Emily Carr Institute of Art, Design and Media. Vancouver. Canada 2001 - 2003 Nordland College of Art and Film. Norway 1999 - 2000 Nansen Academy - the Norwegian Humanistic Academy. Norway SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2014 ARKIV. Contemporary Småland plattform - 2025-03-09

Announcement pre-conference course 23-25 june 2018

If you are a current participant of ClimBEco graduate research school, please send your application to Annika Malmgren Widerberg (, NOT to the course organizer! ClimBEco participants have admission priority to three of the availbale places in the course Spatial analysis in economics and the environment (course A). If there are more than three applications from C - 2025-03-09

Graduation schedule 23 sep 2016 final

MONDAY 19 SEPTEMBER TUESDAY 20 SEPTEMBER WEDNESDAY 21 SEPTEMBER THURSDAY 22 SEPTEMBER Time/Student/Room 10.20 Irina Kalinovskaya - Aula 10.20 Marcus Persson - Room 201 10.20 Marta Pellegrino - Room 133 Thesis title Implementation project for deposit-refund: System in the Republic How public authorities plant social innovation seeds in the garden Meeting E-waste targets in Italy: An evaluation of t - 2025-03-09


Master’s in Visual Culture Master’s in Visual Culture LUND UNIVERSITY | SWEDEN • Master of Arts in Visual Culture • 2 years, full-time, 120 ECTS credits • Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences • Lund Campus • Application deadline: January 2024 • Programme start: August 2024 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW The international Master in Visual Culture is a two-year interdisci- plinary programme focusing on unde - 2025-03-09

Schmitt tobias

Master Thesis Tobias Schmitt LUMES – Lund University Master’s Programme in Environmental Science 2002/2003 Emotional bonds with nature as determinant of environmental awareness The missing link for saving our environment? Master Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of a Master of Science by: Tobias Schmitt Klagenfurter Strasse 4, 55543 Bad Kreuznach, Germany Te - 2025-03-09


TSVGLOW 1 The historical reality of biolinguistic diversity Giuseppe Longobardi, Cristina Guardiano^, Luca Bortolussi°, Andrea Sgarro°, Giuseppina Silvestri°*, Andrea Ceolin° Univ. York, ^Univ. Modena e Reggio Emilia, °Univ. Trieste, *Univ. Pisa Goals. Arguing that the historical application of the biolinguistic model can complement molecular antrhopology to model out a ‘grammatical anthropology - 2025-03-08

Fänad i helgade grifter : svensk djurgravpoesi 1670–1760

Popular Abstract in SwedishDjurgravpoesi är en form av tillfällespoesi och en subgenre till den vanliga begravningspoesin, som skrevs över människor. Den som skapade förutsättningarna för att denna diktart skulle få fäste i Sverige var änkedrottning Hedvig Eleonoras hovpoet Erik Lindschöld; hans gravdikter över änkedrottningens tikar är sannolikt skrivna på 1670-talet. Här börjar en linje som går

Surrogatmoderskap: en analys av den förbjudna formen av assisterad befruktning

Denna framställning behandlar ämnet surrogatmoderskap. Surrogatmoderskap innebär att en kvinna genomgår en graviditet för ett barnlöst pars räkning, vilka benämns ”det beställande paret”. När barnet föds överlämnas det till det beställande paret som således blir barnets sociala föräldrar. Genetisk sett kan barnet vara helt och hållet det beställande parets eget eller kan surrogatmodern även ha bidThe theme of this essay is surrogate motherhood. This is the practice whereby one woman carries a child for another woman. The other woman and her partner are called the commissioning couple. When the surrogate mother has given birth, the child is handed over to the commissioning couple. The commissioning couple may be the genetic parents of the child, or the surrogate mother may have contributed