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Your search for "Greek " yielded 2010 hits
John Rufus and the World Vision of Anti-Chalcedonian Culture
Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns skSl att betrakta kyrkomstet i Chalcedon 451 som det historiskt mest betydelsefulla av de sju sŒ kallade ÒekumeniskaÓ kyrkomsterna. Vid Chalcedon hade fastslagits en kristologisk definition dSr Kristus bekSndes vara konstituerad av en fsrening av tvŒ naturer. Redan innan konciliet hade hunnit avslutats uppstod emellertid i det sstra imperiet en konflikt som sk
Alla är ni ett i Kristus Jesus: Galaterbrevet 3:28 - Vem får vara med?
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1 LUND UNIVERSITY Department of Archaeology and Ancient History _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reading list – ARKN21, Text and materiality, 15 credits Approved by the Department Board: 2023-08-24 The literature is available through LUBcat and/or LUBsearch unless otherwise stated - 2025-01-12
Klingvall 06
Klingvall 06 On a possible candidate for a Swedish middle EVA KLINGVALL (LUND UNIVERSITY ) Abstract In this paper I argue that there is a Swedish middle construction if middle is defined from a semantic point of view as in Lekakou (2005). Based on Swedish data, I also criticise one of the main points in Lekakou’s cross-linguistic analysis of middles, namely that the form of the middle is predictab - 2025-01-12
Ak ht12 lu masterprogram
51 Humaniora/Teologi Master Programme in Archaeology – theory and practice 120,0 hp (credits) requirements: A degree of Bachelor specialising in one of the areas of Archaeology, Historical Archaeology, Classical Archaeology and Ancient History or Historical Osteology. English B (advanced) proficiency Selection: based on academic qualifications and a letter of intent. Full-time/daytime Application - 2025-01-12
CFE-Paper A5 ver 7 1Do Numbers Matter? The CFSP and the Dynamic Effects of Enlargement Do Numbers Matter? The EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Dynamic Effects of Enlargement Maria Strömvik 2 CFE Working paper series no. 5 CENTRE FOR EUROPEAN STUDIES AT LUND UNIVERSITY: Box 52 Phone: +46 (0)46-222 88 99 SE-221 00 LUND Fax: +46 (0)46-222 40 06 Sweden Email: c - 2025-01-12
The Promotional Tactics of Neo-Nazi Groups and Extreme Far Right Parties - The Raoul Wallenberg Inst
The Promotional Tactics of Neo-Nazi Groups and Extreme Far Right Parties - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Skip to content Search for: Search Button Home About Us Who We Are Our History About Raoul Wallenberg Our Theory of Change Staff Vacancies Annual Review Whistleblower Our work What we do Multi-Disciplinary Research Higher Education Strategic Advice and Anal - 2025-01-12
The Integrity of the Human Mind - State-Sponsored Online Manipulation and the Freedom to Hold Opinions in Article 10 ECHR
Den teknologiska utvecklingen i samhället medför nya utmaningar i förhållande till mänskliga rättigheter. Individers beroende av internet och sociala medier utnyttjas i allt större utsträckning av aktörer som i hemlighet avser påverka den fria åsiktsbildningen. Statligt finansierad manipulation via digitala medier utgör ett särskilt oroande fenomen på grund av dess implikationer på åsiktsfrihet ocThe current digitalisation in society has brought new challenges to international human rights law. Actors aiming to covertly influence opinions are increasingly taking advantage of individuals’ dependence on the internet and social media. State-sponsored online manipulation constitutes a phenomenon of particular concern in light of its potential implications for the free forming of opinions and,
To buy or not to buy - public or private. A study regarding the announcement effect and value creation in different types of M&A transactions
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the abnormal returns for the acquiring firms surrounding M&A announcements. The emphasis of the study lies on examining the difference in abnormal returns between acquiring public and private firms. Secondly, the study aims to get theoretical insights by examining the relationship between the magnitude of abnormal returns and different deal char
Ancient Hermione revealed - new open-access article
Ancient Hermione revealed - new open-access article Ancient Hermione revealed - new open-access article Published 27 May 2020 Ancient Hermione revealed: the contribution of high‐performance computing and digital methods to the analysis of a hidden cityscape Ancient Hermione revealed: the contribution of high‐performance computing and digital methods to the analysis of a hidden cityscape - open acc - 2025-01-12
Evolution of floral scent in relation to self-incompatibility and capacity for autonomous self-pollination in the perennial herb Arabis alpina
Background and Aims: The transition from outcrossing to selfing is a frequent evolutionary shift in flowering plants and is predicted to result in reduced allocation to pollinator attraction if plants can self-pollinate autonomously. The evolution of selfing is associated with reduced visual floral signalling in many systems, but effects on floral scent have received less attention. We compared mu
Rapidly evolving marmoset MSMB genes are differently expressed in the male genital tract.
BACKGROUND: Beta-microseminoprotein, an abundant component in prostatic fluid, is encoded by the potential tumor suppressor gene MSMB. Some New World monkeys carry several copies of this gene, in contrast to most mammals, including humans, which have one only. Here we have investigated the background for the species difference by analyzing the chromosomal organization and expression of MSMB in the
CYP3A genes and the association between prenatal methylmercury exposure and neurodevelopment
Background Results on the association between prenatal exposure to methylmercury (MeHg) and child neuropsychological development are heterogeneous. Underlying genetic differences across study populations could contribute to this varied response to MeHg. Studies in Drosophila have identified the cytochrome p450 3A (CYP3A) family as candidate MeHg susceptibility genes. Objectives We evaluated whethe
Plasma levels of six carotenoids in nine European countries: report from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)
Background: In addition to their possible direct biological effects, plasma carotenoids can be used as biochemical markers of fruit and vegetable consumption for identifying diet-disease associations in epidemiological studies. Few studies have compared levels of these carotenoids between countries in Europe. Objective: Our aim was to assess the variability of plasma carotenoid levels within the c
Atrial fibrillation in immigrant groups : a cohort study of all adults 45 years of age and older in Sweden
To study the association between country of birth and incident atrial fibrillation (AF) in several immigrant groups in Sweden. The study population included all adults (n = 3,226,752) aged 45 years and older in Sweden. AF was defined as having at least one registered diagnosis of AF in the National Patient Register. The incidence of AF in different immigrant groups, using Swedish-born as referents
Land cover classification using machine-learning techniques applied to fused multi-modal satellite imagery and time series data
Land cover classification is one of the most studied topics in the field of remote sensing, involving the use of data from satellite sensors to analyze and categorize different land surface types. There are numerous satellite products available, each offering different spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions. Consequently, several methodologies have been developed to efficiently determine land
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Publication Series VOL.2 From so far to so close: Stories from the present and the past *This publication is licenced under a CC BY-NC License for free access. @SoCloseEU @socloseeu SO-CLOSE Project Enhancing Social Cohesion through Sharing the Cultural Heritage of Forced Migrations - 2025-01-12
Blog Archive - Page 30 of 32 - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
Blog Archive - Page 30 of 32 - The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Skip to content Search for: Search Button Home About Us Who We Are Our History About Raoul Wallenberg Our Theory of Change Staff Vacancies Annual Review Whistleblower Our work What we do Multi-Disciplinary Research Higher Education Strategic Advice and Analysis Outreach Evaluation of Programme Work M - 2025-01-12
Finns det någon här som är ansvarig? - En historia om skuld, tillräknelighet och fri vilja
Att straff förutsätter skuld är en princip som kan härledas till antiken. Det klassiska ansvarsbegreppet grundar sig också på denna princip. I lagteknisk mening innebär oftast vidmakthållandet av skuldprincipen att strafflagen stipulerar att tillräknelighet är ett krav för straffbarhet. Det svenska straffrättsliga systemet är emellertid, i stort sett, unikt i världen genom att brottsbalken inte in