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Your search for "Greek " yielded 2024 hits

Nygrekiska: Språklig variation i nygrekiskan

Kursen syftar till att ge kunskaper om modern nygrekisk sociolingvistik och dialektologi samt om grundläggande variation i nygrekiska. Den ger en genomgång av geografiska och sociala orsaker till språklig variation. Den behandlar ingående grundläggande begrepp såsom språkliga varieteter, standardspråk, flerspråkighet och kodväxling, språkkontakt, språkvård och språkpolitik i Grekland och Cypern. V

Fördjupning i nygrekisk litteratur

I kursen ges fördjupade kunskaper om nygrekisk prosa och poesi från sen bysantinsk tid till nutid, samt deras relation till samhälleliga förändringar. Särskild tonvikt läggs på författarnas samhälls- och genusperspektiv i förhållande till de samhälleliga förändringar som skedde dels i Grekland, dels i övriga Europa under 1800- och 1900-talet. Dessutom ingår fördjupning i litteraturvetenskapliga fr

Grekisk litteraturhistoria från antiken till tidig bysantinsk tid

Vi kommer att läsa ett urval av texter av viktiga grekiska författare – Sapfo, Homeros, Sofokles, Euripides, Herodotos, Platon, Lukianos, Plutarchos, Plotinos, och många flera. I analyserna av texterna kommer vi att jämföra antika och moderna analysteorier och undersöka den historiska kontinuiteten i bruket av exempelvis antik retorisk teori.    Kursen är obligatorisk inom masterprogram

Grekisk språkhistoria från antiken till tidig bysantinsk tid

I kursen ges en översiktlig genomgång av grekiskans utveckling från antik till tidig bysantinsk tid, med avseende på förändringar i ljudsystem, grammatik och textstrukturer. Dessutom behandlas förändringar i grekiskans vokabulär och deras bakgrund i historiska händelser och perioder. Särskilt stor vikt läggs vid de sociolingvistiska implikationerna av polyglossisituationen. Kursen ges på distans

Alumni video testimonials – Master's programme in Embedded Electronics Engineering

Rehenuma shares her experience of the programme and her current career at Ericsson. RehenumaRehenuma is working on the Integration Team at Ericsson as an ASIC Developer. Listen to her experiences studying the Master's in Embedded Electronics Engineering at Lund University and the importance of the close collaboration and tight contact between Ericsson and the LTH (Faculty of Engineering) during th - 2025-03-08

What Mathias says about the Master's in Medical Science, Audiology

Mathias Næss from Norway Why did you choose this programme?“This programme is the only master’s programme I could take that focuses on my field – audiology. I heard wonderful things about Lund, and my colleagues have studied here and recommended it highly.” Has the programme lived up to your expectations so far? “Yes, I haven’t had any surprises yet. It’s at the level I was prepared for.” What is - 2025-03-07

What Edith says about the Master's in Medical Science, Nursing

Edith Karjalainen from Tanzania and Finland How did you find out about this programme? “Through the Study in Sweden website. I actually heard about Lund University for the first time when I was very young – my late father who was a lecturer at the University of Dar es salaam in Tanzania visited Lund University with my mum in the early eighties.” Why did you choose this programme?“I remember that m - 2025-03-07

What Melina says about the Master's in Molecular Biology

Melina  from GreeceAbout the programme and the teaching style What do you think of your programme so far? "I really like it! What I like the most is that it's very flexible. There are lots of courses that we can choose from. The courses are not all in a specific part of the molecular biology field, but they are a range of areas of molecular biology. Depending on your interests, you can shape the p - 2025-03-08

What Margareth says about the Master’s in Molecular Biology, Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology

Margareth Sidarta from Indonesia Why did you choose Lund University?"I was recommended Lund University by a friend who had studied a Bachelor’s in Biotechnology in my home country and then came to Lund for a Master’s. In Indonesia, biotechnology is still a fairly new area and only a few universities offer the subject, but in Sweden it’s been well-established for some 20 years. I found the Master’s - 2025-03-07

What Jade says about the Master's in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation

Jade from the NetherlandsTell us a little bit about yourself/your educational background?"I have a Bachelor’s in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology from Leiden University in the Netherlands. Outside of my studies, I’m still trying to explore Sweden for a bit, go hiking and camping, go for fika and of course, watch a bit too much Netflix."Why did this particular programme appeal to you - 2025-03-08

What Sara says about the Master's in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation

Sára from HungaryWhat is your educational background?"I have a Bachelor’s in Politics and International Relations, which I completed at The University of Aberdeen in Scotland. I also have some teaching background, like teaching English as a Foreign Language and Business English Facilitating. Currently, I am a second-year student of Master’s in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation - 2025-03-08

What Natalja says about the Master's in Social Scientific Data Analysis

Introducing Natalja Hi! My name is Natalja and I'm the student ambassador for the Master's programme in Social Scientific Data Analysis. I am happy to answer any questions you might have about the programme, courses, student life, and life in Lund and Sweden via the Unibuddy Platform, where you can chat with me (see below). Please note that I cannot answer questions about the application process, - 2025-03-08

What Momo says about the Master's in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation

Photo: Theo Fiedler. Momo from GermanyWhat is your educational background?"My educational background is in political science and communication studies. During my studies, I focused on environmental politics and soon decided that I would like to learn more about the nexus between society and the environment."Why did you choose Lund University? What were your expectations before coming to Sweden?"I - 2025-03-08