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Your search for "Greek " yielded 2010 hits

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As far back as the Early Modern period, Swedish Reformation centenaries were exploited politically. Instead of Martin Luther, the liberation from Denmark (1521) and the Declaration of the Swedish Reformation (1593) were celebrated. From 1817 and 1830, Reformation centenaries were celebrated in a more continental form, but the Confessio Augustana-Celebration was combined with the clebration of Swed

Wolbachia-driven selective sweep in a range expanding insect species

Background: Evolutionary processes can cause strong spatial genetic signatures, such as local loss of genetic diversity, or conflicting histories from mitochondrial versus nuclear markers. Investigating these genetic patterns is important, as they may reveal obscured processes and players. The maternally inherited bacterium Wolbachia is among the most widespread symbionts in insects. Wolbachia typ

Det svenska skiljeförfarandets historia – En rättshistorisk studie av skiljemannarättens lagstiftningsutveckling

Denna uppsats syftar till att redogöra för lagstiftningsutvecklingen inom den svenska skiljemannarätten. Vidare ämnar uppsatsen utreda de bakomliggande faktorerna som motiverat och initierat lagstiftningsförändringar inom skilje-mannarätten historiskt. Därutöver ska den första speciallagstiftningen inom skiljemannarätten undersökas med särskilt fokus på den föregående debatten till lagstiftningen This essay aims to describe the legislative development within Swedish arbi-tration law. Furthermore, the essay intends to investigate the underlying fac-tors that have motivated and initiated legislative changes in arbitration law historically. In addition, the first special legislation within arbitration law will be examined with a particular focus on the preceding debate to the legislation and

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1 LUND UNIVERSITY Department of Archaeology and Ancient History _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ARKN12, Buildings as archaeology – The analysis of complex built environments, 15 credits Reading list Established by the Board of the Department: 2021-08-xx The literature is availabl - 2025-01-10

3D G[eye]S! Integrating 3D Eye-Tracking and 3D GIS technologies in Archaeology

3D G[eye]S! Integrating 3D Eye-Tracking and 3D GIS technologies in Archaeology 3D G[eye]S! Integrating 3D Eye-Tracking and 3D GIS technologies in Archaeology Published 7 April 2021 A project conducted at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Lund University, in collaboration between the Digital Archaeology Lab (DARKlab) and the Humanities laboratory has allowed to test a workable pipe - 2025-01-12

Exchange out brochure ht15 eng

Korea University Study abroad FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Exchange Students As a student at Lund University you have great opportunities to study abroad as an exchange student. The Faculty of Social Sciences encourages students to take this opportunity to get a degree with an international profile. APPLY FOR EXCHANGE STUDIES! Faculty of Social Sciences These pages hold all the information you need - 2025-01-12

European-and-international-trade-and-tax-law-factsheet-2025 0

European and International Trade and Tax Law MSc/LLM in European and International Trade and Tax Law LUND UNIVERSITY | SWEDEN • Master of Laws for students entering the programme with an LL.B or Master of Science for students entering the programme with a BSc • 1 year, full-time, 60 ECTS credits • School of Economics and Management • Lund Campus • Application deadline: January 2025 • Programme sta - 2025-01-12


Food Technology and Nutrition MSc in Food Technology and Nutrition LUND UNIVERSITY | SWEDEN • Master of Science in Food Technology and Nutrition • 2 years, full-time, 120 ECTS credits • Faculty of Engineering • Lund Campus • Application deadline: January 2025 • Programme start: August 2025 PROGRAMME OVERVIEW This programme is aimed at students who want to learn more about food and who want to work - 2025-01-12


Microsoft Word - AudraDiersLawson.doc 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CRISIS COMMUNICATION IN THE 21ST CENTURY OCTOBER 7–10, 2015 IN HELSINGBORG, SWEDEN 1 Whose Crisis is it Anyway? Examining Complexity in Blame Attribution and Reputational Risk in the Airline Industry Audra Diers-Lawson1, Simona Ivanova2, Yue Wan3, Eleni Sotiorpoulou4, Salma Al-Hajiri5 1 Manchester Business School, University of - 2025-01-12

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KRM D28 Required Reading Centre fo r Theology and Re l ig ious Stud ies Required reading for KRM D29 Church and Mission Studies: Christianity and Nationalism, 7,5 ECTS credits, Spring Semester 2025 as approved by the Director of Studies on 10 December 2024 Obligatory readings Anderson, Benedict (2016). Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. Second edition. Londo - 2024-12-17

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LITTERATURLISTA Bokhistoria, Paleografi (7,5 hp) Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper Avdelningen för bokhistoria BBHR02, Bokhistoria: Paleografi, 7,5 hp, höstterminen 2024 Kurslitteratur (all litteratur finns på Canvas om inte annat anges) Bischoff, Bernhard (1990).Latin palaeography: antiquity and the Middle Ages. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, ISBN 0-521-36473-6, (291 s.: varav ca 15 sidor lä - 2025-01-10

Animal Welfare, Public Procurement and the EU Internal Market - A Recurrent Dilemma in Swedish Policy Making?

Med utgångspunkt i en artikel skriven av den svenska civilministern, syftar uppsatsen till att undersöka huruvida det är förenligt med EU-rätten att hänvisa till ’svenska’ djurskyddskrav (uttryckligen eller inte) vid offentlig upphandling av livsmedel. Uppsatsen syftar särskilt till att undersöka i vilken utsträckning tre aktuella reformer skulle kunna tänkas påverka handlingsutrymmet för upphandlOn the basis of an article recently authored by the Swedish Minister for Public Administration, the main purpose of this thesis is to examine whether contracting authorities are allowed to refer to ‘Swedish’ standards of animal welfare (whether explicitly or not) when purchasing foodstuffs, without infringing the EU rules on free movement. In making this assessment, the thesis identifies three rec

Ett skepp kommer lastat - En studie om konkurrensrätt, konsortier och linjekonferenser

Sammanfattning Linjekonferenser har funnits sedan 1875. Dess syfte är att rederier går samman för att gemensamt besluta om fraktrater samt dela upp marknaden mellan sig. Denna typ av samarbete har under lång tid tillåtits då det ansetts bidra till prisstabilitet och regularitet. År 2006 togs gruppundantaget för linjekonferenser bort och europeiska kommissionen valde i stället att utveckla det grup

Parallel Import of Pharmaceuticals in the EU

Parallel import in the European Union is the perfectly legal activity under Art. 28-30 EC of buying goods in a low-price country in order to ship and sell them in a high-price country. The pharmaceutical market in Europe is subject to the subsidiartiy principle of Art. 5 EC and heavily characterised by national regulations that lead to significant price differentials between – generally speaking –

Protection against varicella with two doses of combined measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccine or one dose of monovalent varicella vaccine : 10-year follow-up of a phase 3 multicentre, observer-blind, randomised, controlled trial

Background: The duration of protection provided by varicella vaccines is unclear. We assessed the 10-year vaccine efficacy of two doses of a combined measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccine (MMRV), one live attenuated varicella vaccine (V) dose given after one measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (MMR) dose (MMR + V), versus two MMR doses (control vaccine) for the prevention of confirmed varicella. Metho

Global stroke statistics

Background: Up to date data on incidence, mortality, and case-fatality for stroke are important for setting the agenda for prevention and healthcare. Aims and/or hypothesis: We aim to update the most current incidence and mortality data on stroke available by country, and to expand the scope to case-fatality and explore how registry data might be complementary. Methods: Data were compiled using tw

The void : Urban wasteland as political space

The rugged field and group of trees between housing estates or next to the railroad tracks, the left-over space of deserted industrial areas, the vacant demolition site of a central city block – they could all be termed ‘urban voids’. However, they are often anything but voids, in a literal sense, as they are not empty, or deserted. Yet they are ‘urban voids’, lacking an evident function, or a def

The Late etruscan votive heads from Tessennano. A study of production, distribution and sociohistorical context.

Popular Abstract in Swedish De senetruskiska votivhuvudena i terrakotta (bränd lera) från Tessennano på Medelhavsmuseet i Stockholm hittades 1956 i anslutning till en lantlig helgedom, ungefär tio mil norr om Rom, Italien. Att de är votivgåvor innebär att de skänktes av tillbedjare som representationer av dem själva inför gudomen eller gudomarna. Avhandlingen diskuterar emellertid inte de religiösThe Late etruscan terracotta votive heads from Tessennano were found near a rural sanctuary about a hundred km to the North of Rome in 1956. Whereas the facial fronts are serially produced with moulds, the backs are handmade. By using not only the moulded and the handmade features but the raw material (clay and temper) as well, it has been possible to make suggestions as to how, when and where the

Glömda gudstecken : från fornkyrklig dopliturgi till allmogens bomärken

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bomärken har använts som ägarbeteckning och signatur i Norden in på 1800-talet, och i vissa reliktområden intill nutid. Bomärkena återfinns t.ex. i mantalslängder, jordaböcker och bouppteckningar, men även inskurna på äldre redskap, husgeråd och annat lösöre. Bomärkena har av somliga forskare ansetts ha utformats slumpvis, enbart med syftet att kunna skilja en bomärkesThe pioneering academic research on Merchant Marks (also known as identity marks, personal marks, ownership marks, identification marks, Hausmarken, Hofmarken, Marques de Propriété, bomärken) was done by professor Homeyer (1870). Since 1870 there has been an ongoing debate among scholars whether Merchant Marks are simply formed by chance and coincidence, as stated by Rehnberg (1938, 1951), Scheffe