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Your search for "Greek " yielded 2016 hits

On the direction of cross-linguistic influence in the acquisition of object clitics in French and Italian

Placement errors of object clitics (OCL) in French have been documented in 2L1 and L2 but not in L1 acquisition (Granfeldt 2012; Hamann & Belletti 2006). In the present study, we investigate whether placement errors of third person singular OCLs may be due to cross-linguistic influence. We exposed successive (L1 French/L2 Italian and L1 Italian/L2 French) and simultaneous (2L1 Italian/French) Placement errors of object clitics (OCL) in French have been documented in 2L1 and L2 but not in L1 acquisition (Granfeldt, 2012; Hamann & Belletti, 2006). In the present study, we investigate whether placement errors of third person singular OCLs may be due to cross-linguistic influence. We exposed bilingual children (successive L1 French/L2 Italian and L1 Italian/L2 French and simultaneous 2

Introduction to acoustic concepts relevant to sound studies

PART OF THE SOUND STUDIES LECTURE SERIES NIKOLAOS GEORGIOS VARDAXIS Acoustics refers to the science of sound, its properties and propagation, while the same term is often used to refer to sound qualities of an environment, an indoor space or somewhere outdoors. This lecture offers an introduction to basic acoustic concepts such as sound pressure levels, which is the most essential quantity when de - 2025-01-13

Botanical collections

Botanical museum (LD) Our collections date back to the end of the 16th century, but most have been collected over the past 200 years. The largest collections are vascular plants, but extensive collections also include algae, lichens, bryophytes and fungi. The total number of specimens has been calculated at approximately 2.5 million copies. The fungi hazel gloves. The herbarium houses plants from - 2025-01-13

Microsoft Word - Litt._GREM15_2023(1)

Microsoft Word - Litt._GREM15_2023(1) Språk- och litteraturcentrum Antik och bysantinsk grekiska Litteraturlista för GREM15, Grekisk litteraturhistoria från antiken till tidig bysantinsk tid, 7,5 högskolepoäng Fastställd av Sektion 3 2023-06-08 att gälla fr o m HT23. Obligatorisk kurslitteratur Följande texter läses i översättning, i sin helhet eller i utdrag enligt anvisningar. Alla texter finns - 2025-01-14

Approximations to the Genuine Dialectics of the Enlightenment : On Husserl’s Europe, “Social Justice Theory”, and the Ethics of Semiosis

In Krisis, and in many of the preparatory papers for his last published work, Edmund Husserl repeatedly declares his allegiance to the Enlightenment, but, at the same time, always expresses his misgivings about its concrete purport. Like Horkheimer and Adorno, but for somewhat different reasons, he thus succumbs to what Ferrone has termed the philosopher’s conception of the Enlightenment, as opposIn Krisis, and in many of the preparatory papers for his last published work, Edmund Husserl repeatedly declares his allegiance to the Enlightenment, but, at the same time, always expresses his misgivings about its concrete purport. Like Horkheimer and Adorno, but for somewhat different reasons, he thus succumbs to what Ferrone has termed the philosopher’s conception of the Enlightenment, as oppos


Delegated decisions, enclosure 2 Travel Grants Applicant Amount (SEK) Activity Approved by Group affiliation Date of approval Lautaro Belfiori 15 209 AD/PD 2022. Barcelona, Spain, 15-20 March 2022 Angela Cenci Nilsson Maria Swanberg 2022-01-14 Gemma Salvadó 6 320 AD/PD 2022. Barcelona, Spain, 15-20 March 2022 Angela Cenci Nilsson Oskar Hansson 2022-01-14 Divya Bali 12 152 Course: Biomarkers in Neu - 2025-01-14

Inscriptions from Neoklaudiopolis/Andrapa (Vezirköprü, Turkey)

Within recent years, a number of inscriptions have come to light in Vezirköprü (ancient Neapolis/Neoklaudiopolis/Andrapa) and its immediate environs. The district known as the Cumhuriyet Mahallesi immediately to the south of the present town centre has been especially rich in ancient remains, and many of these, along with spoils and inscriptions from other parts of the city, have now been brought

Brick makers, builders and commissioners as agents in the diffusion of Hellenistic fired bricks : choosing social models to fit archaeological data

The aim of this study is to understand the mechanisms behind the diffusion of fired bricks in Hellenistic Europe, initiated in the north Aegean in the 4th century BC. To this end, a social diffusion model is used to simulate the available archaeological data pertaining to this process. The starting point in the construction of the model is the assumption that different categories of people contrib

Självmord i Ovidius Epistulae Heroidum

Ovid’s Epistulae Heroidum is unique in the way it portrays the female point of view in many ancient myths where the women’s perspective previously has not been considered. This essay focuses on four of mythological women’s letters from the Heroides; Phyllis, Dido, Deianira and Canace – all of whom commit suicide. The purpose of the essay is to discern the reason for their suicide as well as to exa