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Your search for "Greek " yielded 2016 hits

Flyktingavtalet som strider mot internationell rätt och EU-rätt - En analys av samarbetet mellan EU och Turkiet på migrationsområdet

Väpnade konflikter och andra oroligheter i världen har lett till att många människor flyr sina hemländer och söker trygghet i något annat land. Många försöker ta sig till Europa. I brist på lagliga vägar tar många irreguljära vägar som ofta medför stora risker. Det vanligaste sättet är att korsa Medelhavet. De flesta båtfärder börjar i Turkiet med mål att ta sig till någon av de grekiska öarna. EUArmed conflicts and other forms of violence has led to an increasing number of people leaving their home countries in search of safety elsewhere. Many try to get to Europe. In the absence of legal ways many people take irregular routes which usually involve high risks. Crossing the Mediterranean is the most common route. Most boats have Turkey as their starting point with the goal to reach one of

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This is a study of the form and ideology of the 10th c. world chronicle of Symeon the Logothete.

Botanical collections

Botanical museum (LD) Our collections date back to the end of the 16th century, but most have been collected over the past 200 years. The largest collections are vascular plants, but extensive collections also include algae, lichens, bryophytes and fungi. The total number of specimens has been calculated at approximately 2.5 million copies. The fungi hazel gloves. The herbarium houses plants from - 2025-01-13

Power Play - Nonstate actor incidents and their effect on bilateral relations

This essay follows my attempt to explain how power structures dictate a state’s susceptibility to the actions of nonstate actors. Specifically, is there a way to determine if a onetime incident perpetrated by a nonstate actor can effectively reduce or increase bilateral relations between states? I hypothesized that I could effectively gauge the likelihood that political and economic activity betwe

Illuminating ATOM : Taking time across the colour category border

Walsh's A Theory Of Magnitude (ATOM) contends that we represent magnitudes such as number, space, time and luminance on a shared metric, such that “more” of one leads to the perception of “more” of the other (e.g. Walsh, 2003). In support of ATOM, participants have been shown to judge intervals between stimuli that are more discrepant in luminance as having a longer duration than intervals between

Hospitalised cancer patients' perceptions of individualised nursing care in four European countries

The aim of this study was to describe hospitalised cancer patients' perceptions of individualised care in four European countries and compare these perceptions using the patients' socio-demographic characteristics and the Individualized Care Scale. The patients' socio-demographic characteristics used were: education, age, gender, type of hospital admission, previous hospitalisation and hospital le