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Your search for "Greek " yielded 2020 hits
Hospitalised cancer patients' perceptions of individualised nursing care in four European countries
The aim of this study was to describe hospitalised cancer patients' perceptions of individualised care in four European countries and compare these perceptions using the patients' socio-demographic characteristics and the Individualized Care Scale. The patients' socio-demographic characteristics used were: education, age, gender, type of hospital admission, previous hospitalisation and hospital le
Thin walled ware, sigillata and Red Slip Pottery
Sigrid Combüchen's Parsifal – time and memory in a dissoluting Europe. A Narrative analysis in Comparison with Aethiopica by the ancient novelist Heliodorus (300 AD).
Qmod 2008 final program 080731
Microsoft Word - QMOD 2008 Final Program 2 _8_.doc 11th QMOD Conference Quality Management and Organizational Development Attaining Sustainability From Organizational Excellence to SustainAble Excellence for People, Planet and Profitability 20-22 August, 2008 Final Program Lunds University, Campus Helsingborg & Linköping University, Sweden Welcome Addresses from Chairmen Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park & Jen - 2025-03-10
Diokles från Karystos, Hälsosamt levnadssätt.
Översättning med inledning och förklarande noterDiocles of Carystus, Ὑφιενὴ δίαιτα. Translation into Swedish with introduction and explanatory notes
Lidelsen för det exakta. Några bidrag till kännedomen om den vetenskapliga terminologins födelse
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This is a study of the form and ideology of the 10th c. world chronicle of Symeon the Logothete.
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Modified Mediterranean diet and survival: EPIC-elderly prospective cohort study
Perceptual shift in bilingualism : Brain potentials reveal plasticity in pre-attentive colour perception
Systematics of polyploid Dactylorhiza (Orchidaceae) - genetic diversity, phylogeography and evolution
On the direction of cross-linguistic influence in the acquisition of object clitics in French and Italian
Placement errors of object clitics (OCL) in French have been documented in 2L1 and L2 but not in L1 acquisition (Granfeldt 2012; Hamann & Belletti 2006). In the present study, we investigate whether placement errors of third person singular OCLs may be due to cross-linguistic influence. We exposed successive (L1 French/L2 Italian and L1 Italian/L2 French) and simultaneous (2L1 Italian/French) Placement errors of object clitics (OCL) in French have been documented in 2L1 and L2 but not in L1 acquisition (Granfeldt, 2012; Hamann & Belletti, 2006). In the present study, we investigate whether placement errors of third person singular OCLs may be due to cross-linguistic influence. We exposed bilingual children (successive L1 French/L2 Italian and L1 Italian/L2 French and simultaneous 2
Keep it Radical”: A qualitative analysis of contemporary queer discourse around gay pride
Manligt; det nya kvinnliga. En problematisering av könsstereotyp makt och preferens
Studiens mål var att undersöka preferensvägd makt mellan olika nationaliteter och kön. Makt är ett komplext koncept, och definitionerna skiljer sig mellan kontext. För att eliminera dessa kontexters inverkan på maktperception, användes termen Preference Weighted Power (PWP) i ett tidigare experiment av Sikström et al. (2020). PWP väger betydelsen av en maktdomän mot den uppfattade makten i samma dThe aim of the study was to investigate the Preferene Weighted Power between different nationalities and genders. Power is a complex concept, and the definitions differ between contexts. To eliminate these contexts’ impact on the perception of power, the term Preference Weighted Power (PWP) has been used in an earlier experiment by Sikström et al. (2020). PWP weights the importance of a power doma
Ordvalet i Kazantzakis roman Αναφορά στον Γκρέκο
The purpose of this essay was to examine the language of Kazantzakis with its different aspects, such as his Cretan dialect, his dimotiki, foreign loan words as well as his own neologisms, everything with focus upon his later book Αναφορά στον Γκρέκο. I will walk through the author's life, his studies, jobs, far away traveling, self-exile, as well as the influences, thoughts and spiritual ques
The Universal Translator : Everything you need to know about 139 languages that don’t really exist
"Tin-covered Pottery and Chemical Analyses: a Summary"
A summary of various tin analyses to date
Introduction to acoustic concepts relevant to sound studies
PART OF THE SOUND STUDIES LECTURE SERIES NIKOLAOS GEORGIOS VARDAXIS Acoustics refers to the science of sound, its properties and propagation, while the same term is often used to refer to sound qualities of an environment, an indoor space or somewhere outdoors. This lecture offers an introduction to basic acoustic concepts such as sound pressure levels, which is the most essential quantity when de - 2025-03-09