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Your search for "Greek " yielded 2024 hits

Självmord i Ovidius Epistulae Heroidum

Ovid’s Epistulae Heroidum is unique in the way it portrays the female point of view in many ancient myths where the women’s perspective previously has not been considered. This essay focuses on four of mythological women’s letters from the Heroides; Phyllis, Dido, Deianira and Canace – all of whom commit suicide. The purpose of the essay is to discern the reason for their suicide as well as to exa

Inscriptions from Neoklaudiopolis/Andrapa (Vezirköprü, Turkey)

Within recent years, a number of inscriptions have come to light in Vezirköprü (ancient Neapolis/Neoklaudiopolis/Andrapa) and its immediate environs. The district known as the Cumhuriyet Mahallesi immediately to the south of the present town centre has been especially rich in ancient remains, and many of these, along with spoils and inscriptions from other parts of the city, have now been brought

Peer-to-peer training among health care professionals working in dialysis clinics : an education approach from the GoodRENal project

Background: Lifestyle interventions aiming to improve dietary habits, increase physical activity level, and improve emotional well-being can positively impact clinical outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Educational material for health care professionals working with CKD patients that focuses on why and how to promote lifestyle changes is lacking. The present study aims to depi

Overweight, obesity and fat distribution in 50-to 64-year-old participants in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)

Objective: To describe anthropometric characteristics of participants of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Design: A cross-sectional analysis of baseline data of a European prospective cohort study. Subjects: This analysis includes study populations from 25 centres in nine European countries. The British populations comprised both a population-based and a 'he

People in Between: The criminalization of migration detention in Europe

There is a heated debate going on concerning the use of migration detention in Europe. In the wake of the increased number of migrants trying to enter or having become irregular while residing in Europe, states seem to rely on the practice of migration detention in such a degree, that it has become an integral part of their national and European Union policies. This happens, despite the fact that

Brick makers, builders and commissioners as agents in the diffusion of Hellenistic fired bricks : choosing social models to fit archaeological data

The aim of this study is to understand the mechanisms behind the diffusion of fired bricks in Hellenistic Europe, initiated in the north Aegean in the 4th century BC. To this end, a social diffusion model is used to simulate the available archaeological data pertaining to this process. The starting point in the construction of the model is the assumption that different categories of people contrib

Mutations in CEP78 Cause Cone-Rod Dystrophy and Hearing Loss Associated with Primary-Cilia Defects

Cone-rod degeneration (CRD) belongs to the disease spectrum of retinal degenerations, a group of hereditary disorders characterized by an extreme clinical and genetic heterogeneity. It mainly differentiates from other retinal dystrophies, and in particular from the more frequent disease retinitis pigmentosa, because cone photoreceptors degenerate at a higher rate than rod photoreceptors, causing s

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LUNDS UNIVERSITET Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens historia Kurslitteratur för AKSA02 – Antikens kultur och samhällsliv: fortsättningskurs, 30 hp Fastställd av institutionsstyrelsen 2011-05-23 Delkurs 1: Samhälle, individ och tankevärld i den grekisk-romerska antiken ( 1590 sidor) Bradley, K. 1994. Slavery and society at Rome. Cambridge University Press (196 s) Garnsey, P. 1999. Food and s - 2025-03-09

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LUNDS UNIVERSITET Institutionen för arkeologi och antikens historia _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Kurslitteratur för AKSA22, Antikens kultur och samhällsliv: Fortsättningskurs, 30 hp Fastställd av institutionsstyrelsen 2015-11-10 Delkurs 1: Samhälle, individ och tankevärld i de - 2025-03-09

Qmod 2011 final program 2011 08 25

QMOD 2004 Final Program 14th QMOD Conference 29st – 31st August, 2011 San Sebastian, Spain From LearnAbility & InnovAbility to SustainAbility Program Jointly organized by: Lund University, Linköping University & Tecnun, University of Navarra Page 2 Welcome Address from the Chairmen It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 14th QMOD conference. During the last 14 years the QMOD conferences ha - 2025-03-10

Paradiset. Ökenfädernas tänkespråk. Den systematiska samlingen XV : Om ödmjukheten

Boken innehåller en grekisk text (baserad på cod. Athos Protaton 86 och cod. Parisinus graecus 2474) utgiven av Britt Dahlman och en svensk översättning av den systematiska samlingen av Apophthegmata Patrum (Ökenfädernas tänkespråk), bok 15. Översättningen har gjorts gemensamt av deltagarna i översättningsseminariet vid Johannesakademin.