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Your search for "Greek " yielded 2024 hits
Daylight Performance in Urban Residences in Greece: Assessing EN 17037:2018 compliance and improvement strategies
In 2018, the European daylight standard EN 17037:2018 was published to encourage designers and developers to assess and provide sufficient daylight in buildings. However, the revision process by the European Committee for Standardisation identified that the recommendations for daylight provision are often challenging to achieve; therefore, the technical committee for the daylight working group, th
Stories of Resistance in Greek Street Art : A Cognitive-Semiotic Approach
In line with cognitive semiotics, this paper suggests a synthetic account of the important but controversial notion of narrative (in street art, and more generally): one that distinguishes between three levels: (a) narration, (b) underlying story, and (c) frame-setting. The narrative potential of street art has not yet been considerably studied in order to offer insights into how underlying storie
Change of heating fuel consumption patterns produced by the economic crisis in Greece
A “practice” perspective in Logistics Management - A practice theory approach in a “two-case” case study in Greece
Efficient Barrier Option Greeks using Automatic Differentation
K¨anslighetsanalys av barri¨aroptioner med algoritmisk derivering F¨or att f˚a ut optionspris och derivator p˚a priset med avseende p˚a tex r¨anta och volatilitet, utf¨ors vanligtvis ett antal simuleringar varp˚a ett medelv¨arde r¨aknas ut. D¨arefter r¨aknas derivatorna ut med en finit differensmetod. F¨or att erh˚alla tillf¨orlitliga resultat med denna metod kr¨avs ett stort antal simuleringar viAutomatic Differentiation (AD) is an effective method for calculation of derivatives. It can evaluate an unlimited number of derivatives to a fixed cost relative to the computing time of the original function. The AD technique is used in many fields for large and complex calculations in order to get accurate values of derivatives fast. Banks and other financial institutions handle calculations of
Monitoring of Santorini (Greece) volcano during post-unrest period (2014-2016) with Interferometric Time series of Sentinel-1A
Ground deformation monitoring is one of the main geoindicators that should be considered to assess volcanic hazard. Satellite earth observation data and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry have been used continuously since 1992 to measure or study the temporal evolution of surface deformation in volcanic areas in conjunction with ground-based geodetic measurements. Such methods were app
Greece: A Procedural Defence of Democracy against the Golden Dawn
Combining ASTER multispectral imagery analysis and support vector machines for rapid and cost-effective post-fire assessment : A case study from the Greek wildland fires of 2007
Remote sensing is increasingly being used as a cost-effective and practical solution for the rapid evaluation of impacts from wildland fires. The present study investigates the use of the support vector machine (SVM) classification method with multispectral data from the Advanced Spectral Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) for obtaining a rapid and cost effective post-fire assessment in a
The use of Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) in taphonomy : The case of Middle Helladic Asine, Greece
A Note on the Indian Planetary Exaltations and their Greek-Language Sources
Transnational Solidarity, Migration, and the Refugee Crisis : (In)Formal Organising and Political Environments in Greece, Germany, and Denmark
Over the last decade, the unprecedented influx of refugees and migrants into the European Union has posed a significant challenge to Europe, with solidarity being contested at two fronts: first, the question of solidarity with refugees in terms of meeting adequate measures of protection and satisfying their elementary needs; and second, the question of solidarity within the European Union in terms
A retrospective epidemiological study of skin diseases among pediatric population attending a tertiary dermatology referral center in Northern Greece
Definite marking and referential status in Greek, Swedish and Polish
Greek collections of the Apophthegmata Patrum as found in Scorialensis R.II.1 and related manuscripts
Potential of a post-classification change detection analysis to identify land use and land cover changes : a case study in northern Greece
Användandet av fjärranalysdata är en viktig metod för att bestämma markanvändning och visa på förändringar i marktäcke. Fjärranalys kan ge en bättre utgångspunkt för övervakning av markytstäcke. Det gör det möjligt att geografiskt lokalisera förändrade markområden för att vidare kunna utföra noggrannare undersökningar om miljöförändringar (t.ex. markdegradering). Studieområdet är ett administrativThe use of remotely sensed data is an important method to indicate land use and land cover changes. Remote sensing can provide a better picture of monitoring land use and land cover changes. It makes it feasible to locate geographically changed areas in order to employ it further detailed studies on environmental changes (e.g. land degradation). The study area is a heterogeneous and small-structur
First chelonian eggs and carapace fragments from the Pliocene of Rhodes, Greece
Testing for unit roots in the presence of structural change IRAN – GREECE CPI case
In this thesis we consider different tests for unit roots in the presence of structural change. We present the theory that lies behind unit roots, what we mean by structural change and try to detect the instances that “breaks” occur in the data. When performing a unit root test, when there is a structural change the results are biased toward accepting a unit root. Therefore, special care must be t
Dispatches from Greece: ‘‘We were sleeping as Individuals and we woke up as Citizens’’
The universalistic understanding of the subject embedded in the Liberal and Marxist traditions together with contrasting accounts of unconstrained agency fail to explain the contingencies of ground responses that call for social change. The paper makes a case for the opening of the understanding of the human subject when placed in the theoretical terrain of radical political philosophy elaborated