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Dendrokronologisk analys av prover från Rasmus kvarn, Röttle by söder om Gränna
Dendrokronologisk analys av prover från Stadsparken i Kalmar, Småland
Drought, war and rural livelihoods in Syria’s northeast : a spatiotemporal perspective
Om Svalbard och Kapp Linné - lite namngeografi
Förutsättningsläran - en komparativ studie av svensk och dansk rätt
Förutsättningsläran är en gammal rättsprincip som härstammar från romersk rätt och fick en renässans under 1800-talet i Tyskland. Tidigt 1900-tal fick förutsättningsläran fotfäste i Danmark när Henry Ussing avhandlade princi-pen med en modern syn på läran, denna nya objektiva förutsättningslära spred sig sedan till Sverige. Läran innebär att ett avtal kan ogiltigförklaras om en avtalspart haft eThe doctrine of assumptions is an old legal principle that originated in Ro-man law and enjoyed a renaissance in the 19th century in Germany. In the early 20th century, the doctrine of assumptions gained a foothold in Den-mark when Henry Ussing discussed the principle with a modern view of the doctrine, this new objective doctrine of assumptions then spread to Sweden. The doctrine means that a c
Exchanges of shares and Sweden’s right to tax - An examination of the Swedish exchange of share mechanism for individuals, and its compliance with the Tax Merger Directive
Den här uppsatsen undersöker den svenska implementeringen av andelsbytesmekanismen för privatpersoner, som återfinns i artikel 8 i Fusions-Direktivet, hädanefter FD. Uppsatsen undersöker även hur Sverige har valt att skydda sin beskattningsrätt när aktieägaren emigrerar till en annan EU MS medan hen äger aktier erhållna via ett andelsbyte. Syftet bakom undersökningen är att utreda huruvida om den This thesis examines the Swedish implementation of the exchange of shares mechanism for individuals, found in article 8 of the Tax Merger Directive, henceforth TMD, and how Sweden has chosen to safeguard its taxation right when the shareholder holding exchanged shares emigrates to another EU MS. The purpose behind this is to examine if the Swedish im-plementation, given the more recent case-law fr
Hur kan arbetsterapeuter skapa en mer tillgänglig lärmiljö för elever med autism i grundskolan?
Bakgrund: Lärmiljön i grundskolan är inte anpassad för elever med autism, utan ställer höga krav på förmågor som generellt sett är påverkade vid autismspektrumtillstånd. Tidigare forskning fokuserar på elevers beteende och sensoriskt baserade interventioner men det finns få studier kring hur lärmiljön kan utformas efter behoven hos elever med autism. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hurBackground: The learning environment in elementary school is not adjusted for students with autism, putting high demands on abilities generally affected in autism spectrum disorder. Previous research focuses on students’ behavior and sensory-based interventions but there are few studies on how to make the learning environment accessible for students with autism. Aim: To investigate how occupation
Policing Möllevången - A critical discourse analysis of policing in the neoliberal city
This thesis addresses the ideological conditions for policing in Malmö, Sweden. It takes its theoretical point of departure in the rise of urban neoliberalism, and how urban neoliberalization alters policy and practices of policing. The thesis examines policy documents related to the organization and reorganization of policing in Sweden and Malmö from the 1990s to the present. The analysis is comp
Trots alla lagar och alla hot, så kan de aldrig släcka vår passion! : en kvalitativ fallstudie av svenska fotbollssupportrars retorik på sociala medier
Denna uppsats är en kvalitativ fallstudie som undersöker svenska fotbollssupportrars kommunikation på Instagram. Problemformuleringen grundar sig i den motsättning som uppkommit mellan supportrar och polismyndigheten. Denna motsättning handlar bland annat om den uppmärksammade Villkorstrappan, användningen av illegal pyroteknik men även om påstådda fall av övervåld mot supportrar. Organiserade sup
Facebook som bostadsplattform : studenters strategiska användning av Facebooks affordances
Denna uppsats undersöker hur studenter vid Lunds universitet använder Facebook som en plattform för bostadskontrakt. Den undersöker hur Facebooks affordances underlättar eller hindrar processen för både studenter och hyresvärdar, och hur de använder dessa möjligheter för att välja boende och hyresgäster. Studien identifierar framgångsrika strategier för att utnyttja Facebooks affordances för att sThis thesis examines how students at Lund university use Facebook as a platform for housing contracts. It explores how the affordances of Facebook facilitate or hinder the process for both students and landlords, and how they use these affordances to select accommodations and tenants. The study identifies successful strategies in leveraging Facebook's affordances to secure favorable housing co
History and Speculative Fiction
This open access book demonstrates that despite different epistemological starting points, history and speculative fiction perform similar work in “making the strange familiar” and “making the familiar strange” by taking their readers on journeys through space and time. Excellent history, like excellent speculative fiction, should cause readers to reconsider crucial aspects of their society that t
Introduction to History and Speculative Fiction : Essays in Honor of Gunlög Fur
This introductory chapter makes the case that despite different epistemological starting points, history and speculative fiction are both arguably “literatures of cognitive estrangement.” Both can help expose invisible problematic aspects of their authors’ and readers’ societies and suggest possible solutions or futures. Summarizing relevant existing literature and theoretical perspectives, the ch
The frequency of atrial fibrillatory waves is modulated by the spatiotemporal pattern of acetylcholine release : a 3D computational study
In atrial fibrillation (AF), the ECG P-wave, which represents atrial depolarization, is replaced with chaotic and irregular fibrillation waves (f waves). The f-wave frequency, F f, shows significant variations over time. Cardiorespiratory interactions regulated by the autonomic nervous system have been suggested to play a role in such variations. We conducted a simulation study to test whether t
"Sjukdomar härja, mötesförbud utfärdas" : Pingstvänners reaktion på pandemin "spanska sjukan" 1918–1920
This article explores how Swedish Pentecostals reacted to the pandemic known as the Spanish Flu 1918-1920, looking at the Pentecostal periodicals Evangelii Härold and Brudgummens röst. As local authorities banned social gatherings in various degrees, Pentecostals had the choice to either submit and cancel their services, or rebel and continue with them secretly. The article also looks at whether P
Epiphany of the Mother Goddess. A renewed examination of the Phrygian rock-cut façades
Olaus Magnus' Carta Marina (Venice, 1539) and the Apotheosis of the North
Respublica Litteraria in Action: Travels--Maps--Itineraries, ed. Katarzyna Tomaszuk. Supplement: Patryk Sapała, The Itinerary of Bishop Piotr Tomicki, Vice-Chancellor of the Kingdom of Poland (1515-1535), Warsaw: University of Warsaw Press, 2023 (series: Corpus Epistularum Ioannis Dantisci, part V: Respublica Litteraria in Action, vol. 4).
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Bakom stängda dörrar - En kvalitativ studie om hur unga institutionsplacerade beskriver sin livssituation
This study has examined how young people in out-of-home care, specifically special youth homes in Sweden (SiS), describe their life situation and their ability to make their voices heard during care. We used a qualitative document analysis approach, collecting 40 stories from young persons in secure residential care from three different sources. To deepen our understanding, we used Erving Goffman´
Revising Technology Strategies In The High-Tech Electric Vehicle Industry
This master’s thesis investigates the development and suggestion of a model for adapting and revising the technology strategies concerning Stationary Charging Stations (SCS), based on insights from relevant markets and stakeholders. This study particularly focuses on High-Tech Stationary Charging Stations in the Electric Vehicle (EV) charging industry, emphasizing Elonroad’s new Stationary Chargin