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Climate Change - what a tragedy?

Paper presentation at the conference Image in Science: Unfrequently asked questions. The paper presents an aristotelian understanding on the affects of climate documentaries with the starting point in An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore.

Jobbet ger var fjärde sömnproblem

Ohälsan ligger som en skugga över Sverige. Arbetsklimatet för TCO-kvinnor försämras. I dag har 54 procent svårt att koppla av från jobbet, 27 procent har svårt att sova på grund av tankar på jobbet, 40 procent är kroppsligt trötta efter jobbet, 40 procent

Multiple scattering by a collection of randomly located obstacles Part II: Numerical implementation - coherent fields

A numerical implementation of a rigorous theory to analyze scattering by randomly located obstacles is presented. In general, the obstacles can be of quite arbitrary shape, but, in this first implementation, the obstacles are dielectric spheres. The coherent part of the reflected and transmitted intensity at normal incidence is treated. Excellent agreement with numerical results found in the liter

A 24-GHz 90-nm CMOS beamforming receiver front-end with analog baseband phase rotation

A 24 GHz 2-path beamforming receiver front-end in 90 nm CMOS is presented. It consists of two direct conversion front-ends followed by a baseband block performing phase rotation and signal combination. The baseband phase rotation is performed by combining the quadrature phases using digitally controlled weights, achieving a phase resolution of 11 degrees. From each of the two inputs the front-end

From Khotan and Kashghar

In 1982 the Swedish diplomat and philologist Gunnar Jarring (1907-2002) donated his unique collection of manuscripts from Eastern Turkestan to the University Library in Lund. It is an extremely rich collection of Eastern Turkestan manuscripts, the third largest in the world. The manuscripts come from the periphery of the Islamic world in Central Asia, nowadays the Chinese province of Xinjiang, fro

Dose-effect relationship of apoptosis induced by fission-neutron in murine thymocytes

Objective To investigate the effectiveness of high LET fission-neutron to induce apoptosis in murine thymocytes and to compare it with that of low LET 60Co γ-ray. Methods Apoptosis induction was studied qualitatively by light and transmission electron microscopy and DNA gel electrophoresis,also quantitatively by flow cytometry(FCM) and diphenylamine (DPA)methods. Results DNA ladders of murine thym

Formynderi i Lund

Varje program och kurs på Lunds universitet skall få en genuscertifieringsstämpel. Universitetets lärare skall tvingas vara genusmedvetna och bland de studerande skall det finnas en genusombudsman. Professor Tiina Rosenberg vid Centrum för genusvetenskap har initierat en ny form av kontroll och härskarteknik, skriver socialantropologen Steven Sampson.