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Ungas samarbete - Nordens framtid

I Ungas samarbete - Nordens framtid ger unga människor runt om i Norden sin bild av nordisk samverkan och hur den kan utvecklas. När ungdomar som tidigare inte haft möjligheten att delta i nordiskt samarbete ges förutsättningar att skapa mötesplatser, växer både ungdomarna själva och deras intresse för nordisk samverkan. Nokon, ett nordiskt samverkansprojekt inom arbetsmarknadsområdet som pågått u

Improved Carrier Medium Exchange Efficiency in Acoustic Standing Wave Particle Washing

A microfluidic device for particle washing was designed utilizing an acoustic standing wave field in a micro channel. Particles were focused in the center of the channel by the acoustic radiation force while the original carrier media was shifted sideways (orthogonal to the flow) at a number of consecutive wash fluid flow junctions along the main flow. Experiments were carried out in order to comp

A methodology for parabolic synthesis of unary functions for hardware implementation

This paper introduces a parabolic synthesis methodology for developing approximations of unary functions like trigonometric functions and logarithms which are specialized for efficient hardware mapped VLSI design. The advantages with the methodology are, short critical path, fast computation and high throughput enabled by a high degree of architectural parallelism. The feasibility of the methodolo

Streptococcus pyogenes secreted enzymes interacting with the human host

Streptococcus pyogenes is one of the most common bacteria infecting humans. One of the factors contributing to the disease-causing properties is the secreted streptococcal cysteine proteinase, SpeB, which degrades several host proteins in connective tissue and circulation. SpeB activity depends on the transformation from an inactive precursor, zymogen, into a mature proteinase. We show that the im

The acute pain service – roles and challenges.

cute pain services were introduced more than 20 years ago as an organizational attempt to meet shortcomings in postoperative pain management. The acute pain service concept received immediate and strong support from a large number of medical and health-care organizations around the world. Literature reviews indicate that 30–70% of North-American and European hospitals, depending on size and academ

Industrialized construction - explorations of current practice and opportunities

Popular Abstract in Swedish Byggbranschen står inför stora utmaningar i att möta behovet av nya bostäder samtidigt som renoveringsbehovet av flerbostadshus är stort. Man beskylls ofta för bristande kvalitet och höga kostnader. Industriellt byggande har framförts som en lösning till problemen. I ett projekt på Lunds Universitet har två tillämpningar för industriellt byggande studerats: trähusbygganIndustrialized construction has over the years taken different expressions and gone through different phases depending on where inspiration has come from. In this project, industrialized construction has been studied in two applications: timber house manufacturing and renovation of multi-family houses. In Sweden industrialized production of timber houses is relatively strong in the housing sector

Conceptual Design of Semi-Closed Oxy-Fuel Combustion Combind-Cycle

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vi använder allt mer energi och efterfrågan kommer bara öka, fram till 2050 spås en fördubbling av världens efterfrågan av energi. Drygt 85 procent av den energi som produceras i dag kommer från fossila bränslen som bidrar till växthuseffekten. En ny rapport från FN:s klimatpanel, IPCC, visar att koldioxid står för runt 76 procent av det totala utsläppet av växthusgasAccelerating actions to mitigate CO2 emissions was one of the important messages at the UN Climate Summit 2014. About 85 % of the world’s energy is provided through the burning of fossil fuels, which is the main source of CO2 emissions. Increasing the share of renewable energy, and making energy efficiency improvements and savings were actions that were agreed upon to meet CO2 emission reductions.