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EPR Programmes: Individual versus Collective Responsibility - Exploring various forms of implementation and their implication to design change
So far so good
Self-catalyzed MBE grown GaAs/GaAsxSb1-x core-shell nanowires in ZB and WZ crystal structures
Multilingual semantic role labeling
This paper describes our contribution to the semantic role labeling task (SRL-only) of the CoNLL-2009 shared task in the closed challenge(Hajic et al., 2009). Our system consists of a pipeline of independent, local classifiers that identify the predicate sense, the arguments of the predicates, and the argument labels. Using these local models, we carried out a beam search to generate a pool of can
Registered Partnerships and EC Law
Transcriptional Analysis of Cell-Sorted B-cell Lymphomas From High-throughput to Focused Identification of Molecular Targets
B cell lymphomas (BCLs) are a group of severe cancers, afflicting both men and women at different ages. Gene expression profiling (GEP), have during the latest decades fundamentally contributed to a better classification and biological understanding of the different BCLs. Most studies using GEP have analyzed mRNA from tumor tissue constituted of both tumor cells and non-malignant bystander cells.
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After the Future
Success and Failure of European Settler Farming in Sub-Saharan Africa
This paper ties into the growing literature on the long-term economic implications of historical European settlement, by arguing for the need to properly address the role of indigenous agency in endogenously evolving settlement processes. We develop three comparative case-studies in West, East and Southern Africa to show that the success or failure of European settler farming depended crucially on
Numerical Modelling of Short Fatigue Crack Growth
Popular Abstract in Swedish I en komponent som blir utsatt för en upprepande på- och avlastning, så kallad cyklisk belastning, kan små sprickor initieras och börja växa i materialet. Detta fenomen kallas för utmattning och kan få katastrofala följder, såsom haveri. För att med god säkerhet kunna dimensionera mot utmattning är det viktigt att på en mikro skala förstå de fenomen som ligger bakom sprFatigue implies repeated loading and unloading of a structure, and components subjected to fatigue might experience nucleation of cracks, and subsequent crack propagation. This might lead to catastrophic consequences, such as complete failure of a structure. In order to accurately dimension against fatigue it is of uttermost importance to have a thorough understanding of the mechanisms behind the
Progymnasmata as rhetorical theory made easy and teachable
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The concept of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) has been underpining recycling/waste/product policy of a number of countries over the past two decades. However, it is considered that the understanding of the concept varies. This presents the findings from a survey conducted in Japan in 2013 to find out the actual perceptions of various stakeholders in Japan. It is part of a global survey con
Legal developments and case-law on the social rights of migrant workers in Sweden
Runtime Trade-Offs Between Control Performance and Resource Usage in Embedded Self-Triggered Control Systems
During the recent years, researchers in control engineering have proposed more resource-efficient control strategies than the traditional periodic control paradigm, resulting in two main control approaches: event-based and self-triggered control. Such nonperiodic, state-based control methods, although subject to many open research problems, can provide similar control performance as periodic contr
Lärarhandledning till Kvantvärldens fenomen
Kommentar: Bibelns fördömanden är moraliskt orimliga
From the cradle of social democracy to neoliberal playground: Malmö and the competition for urban imaginaries
Based on evidence from urban development projects in the city of Malmö, Sweden, I would like to discuss the idea that the success of the neoliberal utopia is based not in a clear break with its predecessor - social democracy – but in the appropriation, reworking and transformation of the social-democratic ideal to suit specific elite interests. The current institutionalisation of neoliberal planni