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Morphological and electromyographical studies of trapezius myalgia in cleaners

Popular Abstract in Swedish Sammanfattning på svenska Avhandlingen är en sammanläggningsavhandling, bestående av fem delarbeten. I avhandlingen studeras yrkesrelaterad muskelvärk (myalgi) i kappmuskeln (trapezius) ur framförallt morfologiska, histopatologiska och elektromyografiska aspekter hos en förhållande stor grupp av försökspersoner. Försökspersonerna består av städerskor med och utan yrkesrPathomechanisms of work-related myalgia are poorly understood. Myalgia is caused by exitation of nociceptors present in the muscular tissue but not in the muscle fibres themselves. Morphological analysis can contribute to knowledge of excitation of nociceptors. Surface EMG is a widely used method in the research field of ergonomics. Knowledge of influence of myalgia, occupation, age and intrinsic

Stochastic Modelling and Analysis of Sub-pixel Edge Detection

Stochastic analysis of edge detectors can be made either by theoretical modeling of the image formation process and the edge detectors or by empirical stochastic analysis of the edge locations. In this paper we study and model the image formation process in detail. In particular the much neglected discretisation process is modelled and taken into account. This makes it possible to define and analy

Cost and time overrun in construction projects in a multicultural setting

Delays and cost overruns are frequent problems in the construction industries of both developed and developing countries. Studies aimed at identifying the causes are often undertaken with just a broad appreciation of the construction process and frequently do not deal with multicultural issues when considering the reasons for overruns. The paper critically reviews existing attempts to uncover the

Many-Body Theory of Auger Processes in Metals and Semiconductors

Auger spectra of solids arise from radiationless decay of innershell vacancies created by x-ray or electron bombardment. In a corevalence-valence (CVV) Auger process, for instance, one valence electron is filling the core hole while another valence electron is ejected and carries away the excess energy. The core hole is essentially dispersionless, and thus the spectrum of emitted electrons would,

Parallellhandel: konsumtion av immaterialrätt i Europa och USA

Detta är en logisk uppsamling av arbeten som jag genomfört genom åren och som egentligen började med uppsatsen om gemenskapskonsumtionens framväxt under 1970-talet. Utvecklingen har kommit i vågor: först tanken på konsumtion på EG-nivå, sedan frågan om det gemensamma ursprungets betydelse, därefter frågan om ompackning och ommärkning och nu senast den internationella dimensionen. Hela tiden har de

Dendritic cells in allergy In vitro models for studies of the human immune response

This thesis, which is based on four original papers, deals with human dendritic cells (DCs) in immunity and allergy. DCs play a key role in the regulation of immune responses by acting as the sentinels of the immune system, specialized in the uptake of a diverse range of antigens. These cells migrate to local lymph nodes and become highly efficient in inducing T cell proliferation, thus inducing a

Förenklingar av handelsprocedurer – ett sätt att stödja utvecklingsländers export

De multilaterala handelsförhandlingarna har bidragit till att sänka EU:s tullar till historiskt låga nivåer. Flera kvantitativa handelshinder har tagits bort och den hämmande effekten av andra icke-tariffära hinder, såsom tekniska standarder, har också minskat, delvis som en följd av införandet av den europeiska inre marknaden. Det återstår dock betydande handelshinder av en mer administrativ kara