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The Big Bang of History : Visualism in Technoscience
The traditional presentation about historical time-passing consists in a linear succession of facts in which some aspects of the life world evolve from others in an irreversible manner. The presentation of change is connected to the presentation of gradual or revolutionary linear changes that are irrevocable. I believe that this presentation could be considered correct for living organisms, but do
Figuring Flesh in Creation : Merleau-Ponty in Conversation with Philosophical Theology
This work stages a conversation between the French phenomenological philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty and philosophical theology, specifically as developed along an Augustinian trajectory. As the conversation unfolds, the outline of a new ontology is progressively sketched out – one that seeks to preserve the integrity of human beings as part of the natural world, as well as the integrity of the n
John Philoponus against Cosmas Indicopleustes : A Christian Controversy on the Structure of the World in Sixth-Century Alexandria
The scope of this study is to compare John Philoponus and Cosmas Indicopleustes, two Christian individuals of different backgrounds and belonging to different fractions of the Church in the turbulent time for the Church in sixth century Alexandria. Any Christian is likely to feel the need to define how the tenets of his or her faith relate to contemporary science. As long as Christianity has exis
Long-Term Voltage Collapse Analysis on a Reduced Order Nordic System Model
This paper analyzes and explains the mechanism behind long-term voltage collapse in the NORDIC32 test system. For this purpose a simplified test system called N5area, reflecting the key voltage collapse characteristics of NORDIC32 is proposed. Applying control algorithms is much easier in N5area than in NORDIC32. Load recovery and generator excitation current limiter actions which are two importan
En uppslagen telefonkatalog i Brasiliens urskogar. En bok om Lasse Söderberg
Anthology, consisting of texts on the poetry of Lasse Söderberg. Contributions by Lars Gustaf Andersson & Anders Mortensen ("Foreword"); Jonas Ellerström ("Söderberg, Lasse"); Per Erik Ljung ("Det ringde en man från Rotary"); Jan-Gunnar Sjölin ("I ljuset av surrealismen"); Paul Tenngart ("Bland akrobater och andra märkliga figurer"); Octavio Paz ("Skott"); Lars-Håkan Svensson ("Lasse Söderberg
En bukett av bibliska blomster
Enzyme Hydrolysis of Cellulose Derivatives. Active Site Studies and Polymer Characterisation.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Cellulosa är ett av de vanligast förekommande biologiska ämnena på jorden och en mycket viktig råvara. Cellulosa är en polymer, uppbyggd av glukosmolekyler som är bundna till varandra i kedjor. Kedjorna kan bli mycket långa och består ofta av flera tusen glukosmolekyler. Eftersom cellulosakedjor är lineära kan de packa sig parallellt med varandra och bilda styva fibrer Soluble derivatives of cellulose have become increasingly important in industrial products e.g. in pharmaceutical applications and in technical dispersions. The polymer characteristics of modified celluloses are to a high degree determined by the substituent distribution along the polymeric backbone. The distribution will be more or less heterogeneous both due to the fact that polymers from renewa
Skapa kundnärvaro i innovationsprocessen
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A psychological process approach to decision making : Post-decision restructuring of value conflicts
Popular Abstract in Swedish Senare forskning har påvisat att beslutsfattare som återger attraktivitets skattningar (aspekter) av egenskaper (attribut) av det valda och det icke valda alternativet i ett beslut som de tidigare fattat, ökar attraktivitets differensen mellan alternativen. Denna efterbesluts attraktivitets differentiering (konsolidering) verkar till fördel för det valda alternativet. KRecent research has shown that when decision makers in retrospect are asked to reproduce attractiveness evaluations (of aspects) of important characteristics (attributes) of a chosen and a non-chosen choice alternative, they exaggerate the attractiveness difference between the alternatives. This post-decision attractiveness differentiation (consolidation) works in favor of the chosen alternative.
Se dåligt Må bra
Rektor leder ny ESS-styrelse
Register in Mah Meri: A preliminary phonetic analysis
Functional data analysis of lip movements : repetition variability as a function of age
Vetenskapen som interaktiv kontext
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Role of Wnt-5a in breast cancer
Popular Abstract in Swedish Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancerformen hos västerländska kvinnor. I Sverige kommer var tionde kvinna att drabbas av bröstcancer, vilket motsvarar drygt 5000 kvinnor om året. Dödligheten i bröstcancer är 30%. Detta innebär att en tredjedel av de som drabbas kommer att dö av sin sjukdom. Det är dock inte själva tumören i bröstet som dödar eftersom denna i princip alltBreast cancer is one of the most common cancer forms in the industrialized world. Only in Sweden, nearly 6000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year and 1/3 of them eventually succumb to the disease. Wnts are a family of genes that have been implicated in many human tumours, so far mainly studied in colorectal cancer where activated Wnt signalling occurs in a vast majority of tumours. Wh
"De svåra kriserna i lifvet kringgår man inte" : psykiska kriser och synen på den utvecklande människan
A Cellular Receiver Front-End with Blocker Sensing
A receiver front-end supporting contiguous and non-contiguous intra-band carrier aggregation scenarios with a fully integrated spectrum sensor that can detect both in-gap and out-of-band blockers has been implemented in 65nm CMOS technology. An NF of 2.5dB is achieved using a noise canceling LNTA, and linearized OTAs are used to achieve an IIP3 improvement of up to 6.5dB in-band and 11dB at the fi