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Marine plastic litter on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) : Impacts and measures

Plastic waste that ends up in the oceans as marine litter is a tangible and urgent environmental pressure reaching even the most remote parts of the global oceans. It impacts marine life from plankton to whales and turtles to albatrosses. Public awareness on how the modern lifestyle and the use of plastics in all sectors of society has influenced the marine ecosystems in the lastdecades is growing

Returns to Pompeii : Interior space and decoration documented and revived 18th-20th century

This volume presents a series of case studies that trace the ways in which audiences across Europe have attempted to return to Pompeii by emulating its interior decorations since the city’s rediscovery in the mid-eighteenth century. As such, it is about both the impact of Pompeian antiquity on the present and the reception in the present of that antique past, exploring the variety of ways in whichThis volume presents a series of case studies that trace the ways in which audiences across Europe have attempted to return to Pompeii by emulating its interior decorations since the city’s rediscovery in the mid-eighteenth century. As such, it is about both the impact of Pompeian antiquity on the present and the reception in the present of that antique past, exploring the variety of ways in which

Interactive Learning Module: Basic Modelling and Identification Concepts

This paper describes an interactive tool focused on teaching and learning basic concepts about modelling and identification. Modelling and identification play fundamental roles in the field of automatic control, since it is not possible to perform a control system design without having a model describing the dynamics of the process to be controlled. The tool presented in this work is dedicated to

Feedforward Control Concepts through Interactive Tools

This paper presents an interactive software tool for basic and advanced concepts of feedforward control. The ideal compensator is analyzed to show how the effects of the load disturbances are eliminated from the process output. Furthermore, it is also shown that the ideal compensator is seldom realizable, since the compensator may be non-causal, it may be unstable, it may have infinite high-freque

Measurements of top-quark pair differential cross-sections in the eμ channel in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV using the ATLAS detector

This article presents measurements of tt¯ differential cross-sections in a fiducial phase-space region, using an integrated luminosity of 3.2 fb−1 of proton–proton data at a centre-of-mass energy of s√=13 TeV recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC in 2015. Differential cross-sections are measured as a function of the transverse momentum and absolute rapidity of the top quark, and of the trans

Log-concave Observers

The Kalman filter is the optimal state observer in the case of linear dynamics and Gaussian noise. In this paper, the observer problem is studied when process noise and measurements are generalized from Gaussian to log-concave. This generalization is of interest for example in the case where observations only give information that the signal is in a given range. It turns out that the optimal obse

Patients’ satisfaction with lower-limb prosthetic and orthotic devices and service delivery in Sierra Leone and Malawi

Background: People with disabilities have the right to personal mobility and available and affordable assistive technology. The aims were to investigate similarities and differences between Sierra Leone and Malawi concerning participants’ mobility and satisfaction with their lower-limb prosthetic or orthotic device and related service delivery, and to identify variables associated with patients’ s

Plasma-derived versus recombinant factor concentrates in PUPs : A never ending debate?

Inhibitor development in haemophilia is a serious complication to treatment with factor concentrates. Since the advent of more pure products, especially developed using recombinant DNA technology, some studies have shown an increased incidence of inhibitors in previously untreated patients (PUPs) receiving recombinant products whereas plasmaderived concentrates sometimes have been claimed to have