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Your search for "*" yielded 531663 hits

Going back to the roots? A study of the Nordic forest industry

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the potential business model transformation in the forest industry, and to find out how, and in which areas future profits will be made. With an abductive approach, the study was conducted by forming a comprehension of the business model transformation in the forest industry, based on the developed theoretical framework. The empirical findings were generate

The multi-faced controller - A case study of how managers and controllers perceive the role of the controller within a Swedish industrial company

We have identified a number of different roles within the controller’s role itself. Two types of discrepancies were discovered. The first one, called interpretation gap shows that there is a discrepancy between the managers’ expectations on the role of the controller and the controllers’ interpretation of these expectations. The second discrepancy illustrates that there are expectation gaps occurr

Klienten i centrum : en inblick i klienters upplevelser av bemötande samt information i samband med handläggning av försörjningsstöd

The purpose of this essay was to find out how a selection of the clients at a social welfare office experienced the treatment of them, and the information given to them when they were confronted with demands from the "arbetslinjen". The purpose was also to find out if there were any significant differences in the experiences from the clients different backgrounds. This was realized by a

Mobbning - Vad 13-14 åriga elever berättar.

The purpose with this essay is to describe how children from the seven grade of a Swedish elementary school understand bullying. The following questions have been discussed. How do the children in this school define bullying? What do the children think about why someone bully? Who becomes a victim of bullying and who becomes a bully? What do the children think about how someone bully? What do the

The modern slave trade : trafficking in women and children in the Mekong Sub-region?

There are many different ways to study trafficking and I have chosen to do it from three different angles. First, I ask myself which role does globalization play when it comes to trafficking? The globalization has affected the countries in the Mekong Sub-region in different ways. Thailand is the one country where the globalization has come the furthest, with the globalization of both the economy a

Guthisbo En studie av Göinge under järnåldern

The aim for this master thesis is to give an overall view of Göinge during the Iron Age 500 BC-1050 AD. Göinge is an area in the Northeast of Scania. Göinge was before a hundred but consists today of two hundreds. The area is not well-investigated compared with South Scania. There are more than 9000 ancient monuments from all time periods within Göinge. Some research has been done earlier but the

Kinesernas ekonomiska kontroll i Indonesien - myt eller verklighet?

Från tidernas begynnelse har individer, familjer och stammar flyttat från plats till plats i jakten på leverbröd och säkerhet. När lusten att migrera för överlevnadens eller för ett bättre leverne skull var stark, kunde den bara stoppas eller saktas ned genom territoriella restriktioner som var stödda av en överlägsen vapenmakt. Efter att de tekniska förändringarna gjort jordbruksrevolutionen möjl

Strategisk modell för medarbetarundersökningar — som kan inkludera systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete för den psykosociala arbetsmiljön?

All employers are obligated by law to work systematically with the physical, psychological and social work environment. This means that the employer must work running and preventively with any problems that might cause the employees health¬problems or result in casualties. The laws and regulations along with public recommendations regarding the psychological and sociological work environment will

Försäljningsprocesser i konsultföretag

SYFTE: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka möjligheterna kring att skapa en best practice metod för försäljningsprocesser i konsultföretag. METOD: Vi har med en abduktiv ansats genomfört en kvalitativ fallstudie på försäljningsprocesser hos sju etablerade konsultföretag på den Svenska marknaden. Vid intervju har en semistrukturerad intervjumetod använts. TEORI: Uppsatsens teorier behandlar g