Konstens problematiska frihet
I den konstnärliga frihetens namn görs verk som i andra sammanhang skulle ses som direkt omoraliska.
I den konstnärliga frihetens namn görs verk som i andra sammanhang skulle ses som direkt omoraliska.
Background For patients with atrial fibrillation, non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants, or NOACs (dabigatran, rivaroxaban, edoxaban, and apixaban) have been proven non-inferior or superior to warfarin in preventing stroke and systemic embolism, and in risk of haemorrhage. In the pivotal NOAC studies, quality of warfarin treatment was poor with mean time in therapeutic range (TTR) 55–65%, compared wit
The Quality of Life in Hand Eczema Questionnaire (QOLHEQ) is the only instrument assessing disease-specific health-related quality of life in patients with hand eczema. It is available in eight language versions. In this study we assessed if the items of different language versions of the QOLHEQ yield comparable values across countries. An international multicenter study was conducted with partici
Background and purpose — Femoral neck fractures (FNFs) are commonly treated with some kind of arthroplasty, but evidence on whether to use hemiarthroplasty (HA) or total hip arthroplasty (THA) is lacking. HA reduces the risk of dislocation, but may lead to acetabular erosion. THA implies longer surgery and increased bleeding. THA may result in better function and health-related quality of life, bu
Factor V (FV) is a regulator of both pro- and anticoagulant pathways. It circulates as a single-chain procofactor, which is activated by thrombin or FXa to FVa that serves as cofactor for FXa in prothrombin activation. The cofactor function of FVa is regulated by activated protein C (APC) and protein S. FV can also function as an anticoagulant APC cofactor in the inhibition of FVIIIa in the membra
Recent emission legislation in the marine sector has emphasized the need to reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions as well as sulphur emissions. The fulfilment of emission legislation limits with conventional marine diesel oil (MDO) requires complex and expensive aftertreatment systems and in this framework lean burn pilot ignited dual fuel (diesel and natural gas) is revealed as one of the most s
Begreppet ekonomisystem har en sedan länge gällande och väl etablerad definition innehållande delarna: redovisning, budgetering, kalkylering samt icke-finansiella nyckeltal. Trots detta har praxis för ekonomisystem inom både företag och förvaltning stora svårigheter att leva upp till definitionens krav på samordning av de fyra delarna
Background: Quality of life in persons with dementia is, in large part, dependent on the quality of care they receive. Investigating both subjective and objective aspects of quality of care may reveal areas for improvement regarding their care, which information may ultimately enable persons with dementia to remain living in their own homes while maintaining quality of life. The aim of this study
This paper examines whether the higher wages paid by foreign-owned manufacturing plants than by domestically owned plants, typical of most countries, represents a higher price for labor. That is, does it reflect a higher price for workers of a given quality, as represented by the level of education? We then ask whether foreign-owned plants pay a higher price for labor given the characteristics of
Summary: The study investigates the effect of physical activity (PA) on a composite score for fracture risk in pre-pubertal children. Low PA in children is related to the composite score for fracture risk and the pre-pubertal years seem to be a period when PA positively affects the score. Introduction: This study evaluates if PA in children is related to clustering of risk factors for fracture. Re
Using detailed micro data form the Indonesian manufacturing sector we examine whether participation in international trade affects establishments' productivity. Establishments participating in exports or imports have relatively high levels of productivity. Furthermore, the results suggest that establishments engaged only in exports have shown comparable high productivity growth. The larger the sha