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Studies on chondroadherin-an extracellular matrix leucine-rich repeat protein

Popular Abstract in Swedish Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: (Popularized summary in swedish) I den här avhandlingen har vi studerat bindväven i brosk. Bindväv är ett samlingsnamn för de stödjevävnader som ger form och struktur åt brosk, ben, senor, hud etc. Bindväven skyddar även inre organ från yttre påverkan. Det är bindväven som ger brosket dess speciella egenskaper och som gör att brosketThis thesis describes chondroadherin, one of the leucine-rich repeat proteins in the extracellular matrix (ECM) of cartilage. Chondroadherin defines a subgroup of its own by not having an N-terminal extension, having a different cysteine pattern and by being devoid of carbohydrate substitutions. Here we show that chondroadherin also have a different exon-intron organization and chromosomal localiz

Production Cost Case Generation by a Recursive Monte-Carlo Method in Electrical Machine Production

Electrical machine production is a multi-disciplinary area, comprising traditional mechanical processes such as sheet metal cutting, chemical processes for insulation and electrical for the working principles. In manufacturing, high throughput automation of coilwinding and sheet-cutting is combined with complex assembly, such as slotting the coils, often performed manually, but with increasing int

Pharmacoepidemiologic Studies of Diabetes Mellitus - with special reference to - Glucose Control and Prognosis of Type 2 Diabetes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Läkemedel blir allt viktigare behandlings-instrument och kunskapen ökar om läke-medels verkningsmekanismer. Även om denna kunskap kombineras med resultat från kliniska läkemedelsprövningar är detta dock inte tillräckligt för att värdera kliniska fördelar och risker med en rutinmässig läkemedels-behandling, särskilt inte om behandlingen är långvarig. För detta ändamål beThe efficacy and safety of antihyperglycaemic drugs have been evaluated in one American and one British randomized clinical trial, which have given contradictory results. The positive results of the latter may be more convincing as it included a greater number of patients and as its duration was longer. However, its conclusions may not be applicable to type 2 diabetes patients in general, as the s

Inquiry and deliberation in judicial systems : The problem of jury size

We raise the question whether there is a rigorous argument favoring one jury system over another. We provide a Bayesian model of deliberating juries that allows for computer simulation for the purpose of studying the effect of jury size and required majority on the quality of jury decision making. We introduce the idea of jury value (J-value), a kind of epistemic value which takes into account the

A Novel Methodology for the Interoperability Evaluation of An Iris Segmentation Algorithm

The performance of an iris recognition system depends greatly on how well the iris segmentation part of the system performs its task. The performance of an iris segmenta- tion algorithm can be evaluated using different criteria and methods. Some of the methods evaluate the performance of the segmentation algorithm based on the performance of the whole iris recognition system. Other methods evaluat

The utility of relative environmental suitability (RES) modelling for predicting distributions of seabirds in the North Atlantic

Understanding spatial and temporal variability in the distribution of seabirds is fundamental for the conservation and management of marine ecosystems. In the absence of large-scale systematic survey data, the application of standard habitat modelling techniques to predict the at-sea distributions of seabirds at large spatial scales has been limited. In this study, we examine the utility of relati

Erland Nordenskiöld - En antropologisk biografi

Baron Erland Nordenskiöld was born on July 19th, 1877. As a son of the great explorer Adolf Nordenskiöld he was predestined to follow the road of scientific pursuit. Moving from the field of the natural sciences to anthropology, Nordenskiöld took the chair as professor of "general and comparative ethnography" in the early 1920's. This position at the University of Gothenburg marked the beginning o

MRI evaluation and image processing in gel dosimetry. A study of selected MRI properties and image processing in 3D gel dosimetry.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Inom sjukvården används strålning för att behandla cancer. Vid strålbehandling är det viktigt att man i förväg vet precis hur strålningen ska ges till patienten för att resultatet av behandlingen skall bli bra. Ett hjälpmedel som används för detta är ett datorprogram (dosplaneringssystem) som, med utgångspunkt från patientens anatomi, beräknar hur varje enskild patient Gel dosimetry is a new dosimetry method applied in radiation therapy. Gel dosimeters consist of a radiation sensitive gel, which can integrate absorbed doses from several radiation sources or beams. The dose to the gel can be evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a procedure that is the focus of the present thesis. A robust tool for the evaluation of the nonuniformity in MRI has been dev

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Abstract in Danish LÆRING I OG AF KLINISK PRAKSIS sigter mod at forberede og styrke både de professionsbachelorstuderende indenfor sundhedsområdet, primært sygeplejestuderende, i deres møde med de kliniske uddannelsessteder og de kliniske uddannelsessteders møder med de studerende. Bogen belyser en række udfordringer, som disse møder giver, og hvilke læringsmuligheder der opstår, når den studeren

Politik i globaliseringens tid

Ordet globalisering har blivit vår tids slagord, som försöker fånga olika förändringsprocesser. På de politiska arenorna är globalisering numera ett centralt begrepp, som utmanar invanda föreställningar och suddar ut traditionella gränslinjer mellan nationell och internationell politik, mellan utrikes- och inrikespolitik och mellan säkerhetspolitik, ekonomisk politik och välfärdspolitik. Den här b

Complexity reductions in unrolled CORDIC architectures

This paper shows a novel methodology to reduce the complexity in unrolled CORDIC architectures. The methodology is based on eliminating the CORDIC stages starting from the first stage. As an example, a six stage CORDIC is used but the methodology is applicable on CORDICs with an arbitrary number of stages. The paper shows that the complexity can be reduced by 25%.