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Robin Wood - brittisk filmkritiker

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den brittiske filmkritikern Robin Wood började publicera essäer om film 1960. Sedan dess har han ensam eller tillsammans med andra givit ut tretton böcker. Vid sidan av dessa har han skrivit flera hundra essäer samt medverkat i mängder med antologier och uppslagsverk. Speciellt betydelsefull har Wood varit för Alfred Hitchcocks status som den förmodligen mest omskrivne British film critic Robin Wood began to publish on film in 1960. Since then, he has written or co-written 13 books, and also published hundreds of essays and articles in books, in journals, and in different encyclopedias. At the same time, Wood has been a key figure in the development of what has become academic film studies. Wood was educated at Cambridge University, where he studied English lite

The (misconceived) distinction between internal and external validity

Researchers often aim to make correct inferences both about that which is actually studied (internal validity) and about what the results generalize to (external validity). The language of internal and external validity is not used by everyone, but many of us would agree that intuitively the distinction makes a lot of sense. Two claims are commonly made with respect to internal and external validi

Large Eddy Simulation of Complex Turbulent Flows

This thesis concerns the Large Eddy Simulation methodology and its application to predict complex turbulent flows at high Reynolds numbers, and at times also with high Mach numbers. The meaning of the word ?complex? refers both to the presence of complex flow phenomena and the, often, complex geometry of man-made devices restricting the flow. A fairly thorough evaluation study of the numerical met

Molecular dissection of the Goodpasture epitope

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den viktigaste funktionen för kroppens immunförsvar är att försvara oss mot främmande ämnen, t.ex. bakterier eller virus. Detta försvar är väldigt kraftfullt och interaktioner mellan ett par molekyler kan snabbt komma att omfatta miljontals molekyler och celler. En urspårad inflammatorisk process kan mycket snabbt komma att förstöra kroppens egen vävnad och därför finnsGoodpasture disease is a prototype autoimmune disease that is characterized by a rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, with or without lung haemorrhage, associated with autoantibodies against the glomerular basement membrane. The major antigen has previously been shown to be the non-collagenous domain of the a3 chain of type IV collagen, one of the six known a chains of type IV collagen. On aver

Genome Divergence in Progress - a population genetic analysis of the allopolyploid Arabidopsis suecica and its maternal parent A. thaliana

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den evolutionära historia hos allotetraploida växten Arabidopsis suecica och dess maternella förälder A. thaliana studerades från ett populationsgenetiskt perspektiv. Båda arterna innehåller varsitt thaliana-genom vilka är separerade från varandra, dvs inget genflöde förekommer mellan arterna. Metoder för att dra slutsattser om polyploiders evolutionära historia utvecklThe evolutionary history of the allotetraploid Arabidopsis suecica and its maternal parent Arabidopsis thaliana is analyzed in the thesis in terms of genetic variation in the natural populations of the two species. The earliest phase of the speciation event in which the genomes of A. thaliana and A. suecica are in the process of diverging was investigated using population genetic methods. Evolutio

Electrical Imaging Techniques For Environmental and Engineering Applications

The development of electrical resistivity imaging techniques has been rapid in the last decade. This applies to data acquisition as well as inverse modelling techniques, and has lead to a greatly expanded practical applicability of the method. A trend today is to move from traditionally used electrode array types towards non-conventional arrays that are more efficient for multi-electrode equipment

Communication mediated by a powered wheelchair: People with profound cognitive disabilities

The Driving to Learn project explored what people with profound cognitive disabilities could achieve from practice in a joystick-operated powered wheelchair and what facilitated their eventual achievements. Grounded theory methodology was applied for a project involving 45 children and adults with profound cognitive disabilities, 64 with milder degrees of cognitive disabilities, and 17 infants w

A 10-bit, 100-MHz CMOS linear interpolation DAC

A 10-bit, 100-MHz CMOS linear interpolation digital-to-analog converter (DAC) is presented. It includes a 16-tap voltage controlled delay line and a 10-bit binary-weighted DAC with a time-interleaved structure. The linear interpolation not only increases the attenuation of the DAC's image components, but also reduces the glitch of the binary-weighted DAC. The requirement for the analog reconstruct

Nightvision Based on a Biological Model

The colors and contrasts of the nocturnal world are just as rich as those found in the diurnal world. This chapter describes a recent biomimetic advance inspired by the visual systems of nocturnal insects. Since the underlying principles of both animal and camera vision are similar, it is natural to try to mimic the neural processes of nocturnal animals in order to construct efficient computer vis